Town of Katigida

Town of Kataigída

Name: Ian Reinmaker (lv.22)

Lv.3 Mid class noble

Reputation: 50 (well known and respected around yours and certain provinces + 35 For Toroch Provinces and allies)

STR: 47 + 12

CON: 39+ 15

DEF: 43 + 27

INT: 35 + 7

CHR: 48 + 15

WIS: 33 + 7

WILL: 40 + 7

PER:37 + 9

LCK: 55 + 27

Skills: Tier 20 soldiering ,tier 15 archery , tier 12 cavalry ,tier 10 basic smiting , Good diplomacy, Good management.

Cheat ON: Bronze Skin, Scholar, Golden tongue , Manager , The calm the focus, Double ganger, Task master.

Bronze skin : heals quickly

Scholar: Learns quickly

Golden tongue: Persuasive

Manager : Management

The Calm the focus :During battles you will be calm and focus

Double ganger: Copy the object you are holding)

Molder: Transform objects (Was mold objects)

Drill master: Subordinates bonuses and buff when Training.

Equipment: medium grade noble Breast plate I, medium grade noble boots I, excellent medium noble spear I , Excellent noble sword I, Medium grade composite bow I

google : Greek word for storm (Kataigida)


Ian pov:

After the victory all of the Drakks and their allies assets and terrines were confiscated and distributed between me and the Saggs and our armies. I of course decided that the province close to me was the one to be chosen. I also have left some capable people to guard and manage our interest, the Drakks house and ports. The Drakks house have been transported into a guardhouse and the ports were closely watched and were gonna be put to good use.

We bade farewell to the Saggs and the journey on the way home was merry. As we got into our Agropolis I saw the sight of the town and it was getting bigger, my renown and generosity has became known and many populous from th outlying provinces has decided to move here. We saw rows of people trying to get in, my first order of business was planning the blue print of the town to make it more proficent for me and the people.

As I was finishing distributing the reward I called for the townsfolk and asked them to join in the celebration of our victory and the new name of the town I hence decided on "Kataigida" which means storm in my honor.

The celebration lasted for days and it was the most fun yet most horrific days of my life being drunk and dodging the three woman that is in my life for now, but mostly I failed...But failure did not stop me from trying again...and again....and again.

I also implemented the demographics of the populous trade and decided to give them employment from smith to farmers and also a market square was in the works.

As the regions we assimilate became known to everyone and that our territory expanded six times many new villages started sprouting and a tax regulation was in order.

As I was working on all these thing I heard a knock at the door of the study, It was my father and he announced to me that he will step down as head of the family and that I will be the head now but I need to find a wife within five years.

My sister and mother heard the term "wife" and came rushing in.

"WE HAVE A CANDIDATE ALREADY!" my sister yelled mischievously.

"yes! yes! indeed we do!" my mother followed suit.

"Who?" my father asked questioningly

"MESZE!" both my mother and sister yelled at the same time and I fell off my chair.

"NOOO!!!" "GET OUT!" I pointed at the door but to no avail.

I was forced to throw everyone out including my father because he found mesze a suitable candidate for me.

"OPEN THE DOOR!" A voice echoed on the other-side of the door.

"DEVIL WOMAN! NOO!" It was Mesze, as I looked around I started eyeing my sword "Maybe death is worth the price", i was deep in though when the door suddenly "broke open"

"i heard you're in love with me and you should be!" "i am very strong and can bear many children, now send a rider to my people to declare peace."

I looked at her dumbfounded "but you lost to me"

"SHUT UP! YOU GOT LUCKY!" she pointed her finger at me.

"You lost to my sister..." I pointed another fact.

"She was quite skilled" she approvingly nodded

"You're injured, how can you even" I was just in shocked.


"....what?.....I can't even..." and then she started talking about something and something else and something else.

I pretended to listen to her and when she stopped talking I responded I understand but I did not hear a word that she said. She left the study with a smile of victory in her face.

I heard my sister and mother clamoring at the entrance, "So what did he say?" they both inquired.

"He agreed to all my demands about how many children I want, what position I like it, that he will train me in combat, and also he will help my family"

This time I really fell down...when I heard what I just agreed to.

I heard laughter from the three woman that sounded like the most sinister thing I ever heard in my life.

I was so angry that I needed to vent so I want to the dungeon and vented on the Drakks, I'm sure we all felt better afterwards.

Gene toroch pov:

After the defeat everyone was downtrodden,our morale was low and I lost a daughter, we have lost almost half our forces and we did not gain anything from it since the Drakk and their allies have fallen.

Suddenly a rider approached our house with the Reinmakers colors and banner, I though that's a surprised. there was a parchement for me.

I am gonna be force to make peace I though and it would not look good for us but as I read the message "MUAHAHAHA!" I got the last laugh, my daughter is alive and secured an alliance with the Reinmakers thru marriage.

I thanked the rider and then I ran back inside my house"Ohhhh I need.. guards!, get my daughters now!".

My house went into an uproar, we are gonna get help with food,lumber, gold, and weapons from them. We read and re-read the message again and again finally believing it is authentic, No one has such horrible hand writing like my daughter and who would've have though we had a diplomat in our family. She must be a black-sheep or something because we had never been good at negotiating but she is my daughter and I love her.

The news spread throughout Rougat and a celebration ensued for five days and night. It became known as festival of the wolf from then on . Stories tell that many Torroch were drunk for days and were howling like wolves, the event spread throughout Rougat and the surrounding countryside even reaching the Reinmakers leaving Ian more dumbfounded.