

Ian Reinmaker pov:

Days later the Toroch arrived, my populous was not as hostile to them as I would have though and actually opened them with open arms.

"Why is everyone being so nice to them?" I wondered

"Well word in town is your new was to be is a Toroch and you extended an olive branch to them" My mom snickered at me.

"My big brother is such a lovable guy who would have though" My sister was giggling on the corner.

"I'm about to be your wife , so be respectful to your in-laws now" Mesze was poking me in the back.

"Why did this happen to me!, If I only listened to what she was saying!" I was slowly dying inside.

I was gonna cancel our arrangement but the rumors have gone out of hand apparently and now I have to follow thru just to save my reputation.

"Mother! Sisters!" Mesze came running to the Toroch group approaching us and waving at them.

The Toroch were not bad people but they just seem to love to fight and I think every single one of them are muscle brain idiots but you really wouldn't know until you get to know the real people. The only thing that we know about them are from the prisoners and from the battlefield.

The Toroch came over with their leader gene at head of the group.

"SON IN LAW!" she rushed me and hugged me. I felt like being hugged by a bear! "What kind of biceps are those! , Arms of steel!, Please stop shaking me!" were the thoughts going through my head.

"Mother stop! , your gonna kill my husband to be Mesze interject but as soon as she stopped her sisters rushed me then the rest of the group of toroch trying to hug me.

"Welcome, I am Ian" I introduce myself.

"Welcome what?" Gene Toroch eyed me.

"Welcome.....Family?" I could not find the words but then she suddenly started patting me in the shoulder.

"Those hands feel like bricks!, what did you do to them!" I smiled at her all the while holding my grimace.

My family also introduced themselves and I saw the horror, everyone got along very well. My father was tired, probably because of his old age and the injuries on the battlefield and left. I think it was an excuse to get away from the woman.

"he abandoned me!" I was yelling inside

I was left with the woman and the savage Toroch men.

What have I done in the past life for this to happen to me, everything was going so well.

During the current conversation, The word "celebration was brought up",I was giving my sister the signal for no but she readily agreed. The whole town heard of it and another celebration took place I was dragged all night my the these crazy women and the savage Toroch men.

As the festivities was in it's highlight I manage to sneak of into the garden finally getting a feeling of freedom until Gene Toroch showed up.

"So this is where you are" She gently smiled at me with a motherly tenderness.

"Hello Gene" I replied to her but was cut off.

"Call me mother , were about to be family" she flicked me in the head.

"Okay..mother" I wryly responded.

"She looked over to the moon "I am glad she found a reliable man, please take care of my daughter" still smiling at me but this time I felt her feeling.

She was just being sincere and a mother, even a brute of a mother is still a mother.

" Maybe this is the way she lived her whole life and the way of their people"I though.

She turned around around and as she walked away she said something to me that striked the heart "Take care of her and she will take care of you, that is our way".

"You see that son, they aren't that bad" A voice echoed in the night behind me.

"Mother?" I jumped back in surprised.

"Son , they are not like us but they are good people, we have hurt them so bad and yet they came here with a smile on their face" she walked towards me.

"Remember what she said, and also stay loyal" my mother hugged me "My son has grown up, but to me you are still that little boy", she hugged me tighter".

After those talks I went back to the celebration with renewed spirit and actually Interacted with the Toroch with sincerity of course I was dragged to a drinking contest, wrestling contest, arm wrestling contest, push up contest but it was fun. The whole night became a blur once the fun started and I heartily enjoyed it, it was also a night to be remembered.

As I was walking away from the contest to get another breather Mesze followed me.

"Ha! you lost!" She started teasing me.

"You lost too ,it was a team effort you know" I gently smiled at her.

It was the barrel race, we were paired together.

She did a pouty face to me but to my mistake her eye caught me, it was so clear and beautiful. It was like seeing her for the first time and my heart seem to stop or maybe it was time but before I knew it I started caressing her face.

"So beautiful, you make the stars bright tonight" the words just came out of nowhere.

"were inside" she grabbed my hand.

"I know" I leaned in and kissed her.

Her full and gentle lips made the moment feel like an eternity. It was so sudden but I enjoyed the moment, it felt so full and so rich, her scent hypnotized me, and chained me. I could not move at all from that spot, was it supposed to be...

"WHOOOO!!!!" we both looked at the direction of the competition and everyone was staring at us.

"YOU GO GIRL!" Her sisters, my sister and the Toroch women started celebrating.

"THAT'S MY BOY!" my mom and Gene started a bragging competition.

My father "where?how?", our guards and the Toroch men started wrestling.

I looked at her and back at them and I grabbed her hand.

"Lets go back" and I pulled her back towards the competition.

She did not resist, she nodded her head and smiled then she whispered to me "I ~ win.