Swords or Words.

Swords or Words.

Tanir Isaccs : Head of the Isacc Family

Leni Isacc: Wife

Timothy Isacc : First child (Male)

Bruni Isacc : Second Child (Female)

Scali : Third Child (Female / Deceased)

Pro: Decent soldiers , good diplomat , well liked by all.

con: Poor

Family based motto: vengeance not fully paid is not vengeance at all.

Emblem: Tiger

Colors: Blue and yellow

ref: https://www.outdoorhub.com/news/2017/06/08/according-researchers-tigers-vengeful-animals-earth/


Timothy Isacc pov:

Timothy Isacc and his family has stayed at their heavily fortified agropolis since the lost to the Reinmakers and watch as all the events unfold, thru it all he has seen the ris of the Reimakers in an unbelievable speed.

"Father, we should go" His son urge him on. He straddled his horse and they rode on.

They are currently on the way to the the town of Kataigida to seek an audience with the Reinmakers and as they rode over the countryside they saw a lush fertile flat lands full of wheat, the Reinmakers ancestors has been originally farmers in the low lands and the lands they left them were mostly flat with some hills and fertile and thas not including the other fertile lands thet they annexed.

There were bustling villages all around, carts full of goods and people filled the road and guards secured almost every corner stone of the province.

"Such a lush environment" his son timothy mumbled.

The Isaccs were from the north where Iron was plentiful but food was scares, it was a barren mountainous countryside and the further north you go the more iron you will find because of the mountains.

When they came out of the road surrounded by wheat there was a grand opening and the town of Kaitaigida was located. It looked more like a miniature city but with wooden walls, as they got closer they saw how thick the walls were, it was constructed buy four logs instead of one , there were towers every twenty feet, there was two gates one for entry and exit but each entry could pass two big carts thru.

"Hold, state your business" A guard stopped them after seeing that we were nobles.

"My name is Tanir Isacc the head of the Isacc house hold, please tell your lord that I am here and request an audience with him". I took a silver coin and handed it to him, but he just looked at me.

"I will not be bribe sir" The guard look at me suspiciously.

"I was once your lords enemy, I am here to make peace". Before I could throw him another piece of silver he waved me it away.

"Keep your money sir, we are well treated here, please follow me". The guard turned and directed us inside the city towards the agropolis inside the town over a hill. As we traverse inside, there were rows of houses, a market square a fort inside the city, It was bustling with life inside.

I was greatly impressed of what I am seeing, this place could surpass the city of Numes as it has become a trading hub, the Reinmakers has almost manage to monopolize the food in the entire region. It seems if you need food, you come here and trade whatever goods you have which then made every single populous in the region quite well off.

When we got to the agropolis a fortress within the city with a fort., it looked liked ours but was greatly expanded. There were battlements and watchtowers everywhere, the stone walls was twice as thick as all the other agropolis.

The guard talk to another guard and we were disarmed and was told to wait in the waiting room, we did not wait long before the doors opened up once again and the man I was waiting for came forward with a short dainty woman beside him. They seem to be arguing, then the woman started throwing stuff at him and walked away.

"...." I was speechless and I looked toward my son.


Ian Reinmaker pov:






Whoever that guest was saved me from my predicament, ever since that night all Mesze wanted to do was win at something else.

She said that she lost three times so she must win three times and she already won one , another two to go.

As I looked up I saw a gray hair and bearded older man and a brown hair young adult, It was the Isaccs.

"I wonder what they want, they dare come here after the ambush at our camp and taking my fathers arm?" I was livid when I saw them.

I was going to take care of them when the time came but I saw so busy with the new town that they were sent to the back burner.

"Lord Isacc, young master Timothy what brings you all the way here to my province?" I looked at them with suspicion.

"Lord Ian I have something to talk to you about" he sincerly smiled and bowed at me and his son followed suit.

When we got into talking I found out it was not them who sent those riders to our camp.

"But who would?....THE DRAKKS!" I realized I've been fooled for so long

After blaming them for so long I realize my short sightedness and my foolishness so far.

"Another thing Lord Ian" he grimly stared me in the eye.

I looked at him in horror, when I heard why they rebeled against the Drakks.

Apparently his child Scali was raped and murdered by one of the Drakks household guard and instead of giving them justice they protected the guard and that infuriated the Isacc.

What family would let something like this pass, I would have burned the familys private parts , cut off thier fingers and eyes and then gutted them and left them in the wood to be eaten if they did something like this to me.

"You know I have the Drakks in my prison, do you want them?" I inquired.

"Lord Ian they done you wrong too, I just want the one responsible for protecting the guard that took my beautiful child away from us". Tanir replied with a sad look in his eyes but the spirit of vengeance in his voice.