Her will, my hands...

Her will, my hands...

Ian Reimaker pov:

We went down to the lowest level of the dungeon, it was dank, cold and chilly. The air was so thick you could not breath and the stench was so horrid that taking a whiff of it seems like death is better.

The prisoners started to clamor, the nobles I captured, their families and the high ranking loyalist that would not change sides.




All noises I though.


I heard screaming and I looked into one of the cell, it was Mericus the torturer and his assistant Terca. they were pouring small hot coals into someones fingernails and and watching it burn thru.

"Plea-se no mor-e" The prisoner begged and he poked her ribs with a hot pike.

"Ahhhh!....ahh..ahh..plea-s----e" she screamed and started crying, the prisoners eyes looked almost dead , her lips were chapped , she was malnourished, covered in scars and missing some fingers, her once beautiful face was half gone...it was Arist Drakk the wife of Don Drakk and beside her was her husband and her daughter and they were also no way shape or form any better than her.

"Mericus stop for a moment" I commanded

"Milord what brings you here in the depths?" he asked then humbly bowed

"My lord" Terca also bowed almost mimicking mericus.

The Irony of the situation was , these two used to be in their employment and now they are his guest.

I was planning of selling them to slavery but when the report about their dungeon came to life I decided to give them the same treatment they gave those people.

I decided to copy their dungeon, the lowest part of the dungeon was designed like their dungeon so they get to feel like they are home and I even recruited their people so they have someone they knew.

When they took over part of the city they wielded power and those who would not surrendered were killed and those who were not killed were sent to their dungeon and were treated like these, I decided to spare the two torturers and employ them for my own use because they were very efficient.

Artist Drakk has been her for six months and Don and Dona Drakk has been here for three and they were still able to feel pain, somehow the torturers manage to keep their sanity.I decided to ask them once and apparently it's a trade secret and I apparently do not want to experience how they do it.

I looked at the Isaccs and I saw no trace of emotion they did not care about what was happening in front of them, they probably saw it as just desserts.

"This is Tarin and Timothy Isacc and they are my guest, we need to ask the guest a few questions and we might need your help". I implied at the torturers.

Tanir Isacc pov:

When I saw the state of the Drakks I did not feel sorry or pity on them, they have brought this upon themselves.

There were many underhanded tactics that they have used against nobles, such as assignations, kidnapping , rape , murder , arson , poison and so on.

They readily used whatever means they can to achieve whatever goal, to them the end justifies the means and now it's being used against them.

I walked towards the Drakks "Do you remember?" I questioned Artist and she did not replied.

"Smack" I backhanded her then I walked towards the other Drakks and did the same when they would not reply.

"Timothy...go back up" I looked at my son and told him in a manner of speech I have never spoken to anybody before.

"Fath....yes father" he looked at me and promptly left.

"The guard that raped my daughter and you protected, who was it.."

"..." There was silence

"Your name is Mericis right?, can you teach me a thing or two?" I looked at the torturer.

"Lord Ian please can I have some time with them?" I looked at him.

"Go ahead" , he readily agreed and left

"I'm gonna ask again" I turned around and look, slowly taking off my gloves.

"Daughter your father will give you justice....Teacher lets begin" I looked looked at Mericus.

Ian Reinmakers pov:

As I left I heard say "Teacher lets begin" then I heard.

"It was him!"

"No it was her!"

"No it was her!".

I heard them blaming each other as I took the flight upstairs and without turning back I started hearing the screams of agony.

Me and Timothy waited for Tarin until morning and when he eventually came up he looked like a different man.

He looked more relax and free then out of the blue he grabbed his son and they both got on their knees.

"My lord Ian, we thank you for giving us justice" He looked up at me with teary eyes.

"It's fine get up" I tried to grab him and he stopped

"I swear fron today on my family will serve you loyally and faithfully" Tanir swore an oath of vassalage to me.

His son timothy was as surprised at me.

"What are you doing son!" he tighten his grip on his sons shoulder and his son swore an oath of loyalty to me.

"Please accept my lord" he begged me.

I grabbed my sword and pointed gave them the tip of my sword and they kissed it.

"From today onward we are here to serve my lord" Tanir Isaac sounded as greatful as a man can be.

We left the room and I announced it to the family, everybody was happy that I got my first vassal.

That night my father called me to the study.

"Son Ages ago when your great grandfather lived he told me something and now I must pass it on to you" He looked at me as serious as man can get.

"Getting your first vassal is like popping the you know what and at first you don't know what to do but you'll get used to it" He explained it in such a serious manner that after he left I almost smashed my face off the desk.