


The city of Rougat is located in the northern section of the regions, Inhabited mostly by mountains but there are some flatland but little of it, it is rich in minerals metal deposits . The city is located between two mountains the Arche and Dedorni with a river connected to the side of the city. When you look into the outlying surrounding you can see the slope of big rocks as big as houses or small rocks as small as carts crisscrossing each other.

Most of the inhabitants nowadays are northern folks called the gorn like the Torroch but don't be fooled there is still alot of local populous called the greda like the Reinmakers around.

The Torroch are of gallic decent but they were chased out of neighboring tribes, where power is law the losers have to either die or find another place to live.

Close by the river connected to the seas it also has it own trading harbor but not much goes into it because they were so far into region, most merchants didn't want become entrapped inside the river where they could be attacked.

The region like all other regions are still mostly in chaos where battle ranges from regular to irregular occurrence such as assassinations and subterfuge or cultural , ideal or religious differences.


Festingale pov:

There was chaos within the city, the other ruling family has heard of our losses and made a move while we were gone. When we got back we rallied our men and dove straight to battle.

"Bastard! Die!" I screamed at the man thrusting his spear towards me, I parried it to the side and rushed then strike but he blocked it.

The man smiled at me , he was Eodios Carver a greda bastard who wish all my people dead. The man has held a grudge against us because we took part of the city in my mother younger days and they could not drive us away but our recent defeats has weaken us.

"Little girl, I am gonna gut you" he snicked at me.

The battle has spread throughout the city and we were losing ground.

"No I will not lose another home!" I rushed at him again but he thrust his spear and pushed me back once again.

"You will all die today!" he rushed me crisscrossing while thrusting, I finally saw my opening when he criss crossed to my left.

I rushed him and I hit his shield with the butt of my sword while grabbing and pulling his spear the same time making him lose his balance btu as my sword recoild i could not swing it so I decided to kick jim on the side of lead knee.

"Crack!!! AHHH!!! he screamed and fell down.

As he fell down I manage to steady myself and swing my sword down, This is a Gallic sword , It is longer than the gredas swords.

I put my weight in it and swung it over and over again as he blocked it with his shield as his shield gave wave I gave the final swing all my weight and strength "Splat... Ahhh---hhhh". As I smashed him in the head he made a gurgling sound like a baby as he died.

I was covered in sweat but there was no time to rest , I looked around for my mother and sister. They manage to form a shield on the other-side of me and were pushing the enimies to their deaths as they did not have the numbers or the ferocity to continue the fight.

"AKKKHKHHKHKH!" I Screamed a war cry and soon after you hear it all over the city "the Toroch war-cry". The enemies started falling back inside one of thir temples, we surrounded it and for now the battle was over.

"Mother, sister are you both fine?" I asked worriedly

They were in the thicker of things and were covered by lacerations everywhere.

My mother Gene raised her sword and the people celebrated our victory calling her name over and over again.

"Festigale you survive " Jen said in a joking manner

"You know even with all these cuts, I still look prettier than you " she smiled at me.

"LIAR!" I pointed at her

"Ladies if you were both pretty you would be the one getting married" My mother unwelcomely chimed in.

"LIAR!" me and my sister Jen pointed at my mother.

"Okay in all seriousness, what should we do with all those people inside the temple?" My mother wrinkled her brows and was in deep though.

"Everyone gather some logs, we will smoke them out and if they don't wanna come out they will burn" She smiled sweetly at those words.

We gathered the logs and we sent a messenger in saying that we will wait until morning for their surrender and If they do not come out they will all burn to death.

We have finally secured the city, we are now the sole rulers of it but at what cost? We lost one thousand of our three thousand people that was a hughe price to pay.

"We're gonna have to wait for other traveling gorns to replace our ranks, we have thinned" I wryly smiled

"No need Festigale" my mother said in confidence.

"What do you mean mother?" I asked inquisitively

Jen answered for her "We have a trusted brother in law now".

"Garrac! Macri!" my mom called out into the crowed and two big broad men showed with their axes.

"You need something from us Chief?" they both answered the same time.

My mother grabbed a parchment and started writing something on it and handed it to the two.

"You two are my most trusted commanders, deliver this to Ian Reinmaker"

Garrac and Marci both saluted and left.

"What was in the letter mother " I asked

"Were going north to get more people" She answered, she had gleam in her eye that I never seen before.

Ian Reinmaker pov:

As the sun rose I was in the garden practicing with my Margaret and Mesze when a guard ran towards me and told me there was a two gorn waiting for me with a message from the Toroch.

Of course Mesze heard and decided to follow along and even invite my sister. These two has become like sisters they do everything together nowadays with my mother, the only reason I was practicing with them was they beat me into the garden.

I saw two big giant gorn standing in the doorway and as I approached them Mesze pushed me out of the way.

"WELCOME TO MY HOUSE!" Mesze yelled at the top of her lung while laughing.

"..." I did not even know what to say to that and as I looked around all the guards were smiling at her.

"You all know were not married yet right?, how is she loved by everyone!" I asked myself that question over and over again.

"We have a message for you my lord" they both responded.

I swear these two are not brothers but they seem so alike, I grabbed the parchment and opened it. I was in distress over the some of the content and confused over some.

"What happened to my mother and sisters? , Trouble? , hey let me read" She non stopped bothered me.

I told her the contents and I asked the gorns to stay for the night but they said they have to go but they needed a reply.

I did not know what to say but Mesze answered them with confidence and conviction.

"Yes we will be there and for the supplies it will be delivered"

I looked at her , surprisingly she could be serious in certain times and then I though of that night and I almost blushed in front of everyone.

"Ian please darling"

I looked at Mesze and she was doing the puppy eye thing....

"Alright but I need to talk to them about the specifics, the food and weapons shall be delivered but she cannot borrow my army, I will command." I answered her in serious manner.

"Do you know where we are going?" I asked questioningly asked Mesze.

"North" She smiled at me , and with a gleam in her eyes I have never seen before.