Strength and Power II

Strength and Power II

Kasa Gerb pov:

"Waka up Kasa!"

I heard someone yelling at me, as I opened my eyes I looked around and saw that we were all huddled together.

"Kasa!" I looked toward where the voice was Taiman.

"Where are the twins I asked" and she pointed at a general direction.

"Mare was holding her sister and she was covered in blood.

In my horror I saw where the blood was coming from, It was Mia's shoulder.

"What is the meaning of this?, don't you know who we serve!" Arga was yelling at the invaders.

A soldier walked up to him and punched him in the face and Argas fell on the ground.

"Cowards" I yelled at the infuriated.

A young man heard me and walked toward the soldier, he grabbed his spear and threw it towards Argas our chief.

He then stared at me with those cold brown eyes that says you made a mistake.

I shuddered at those eyes but before I could say anything Argas picked the spear up and got into position. There was dead silence now as the young man and our chief were about to duel.

The young man also got into position, then Argas thrust-ed his spear but before anything can happen the young man grabbed his spear and trusted his own multiple times, it was so fast that I could not even see how he did it. The young man stopped and walked away and our chief fell and then blood came running out of every direction in his body.

The young man suddenly walked up towards me and threw the spear into the ground, It was the first time I felt fear in my life. As I tried to gran the spear my leg shuddered and I fell, I was staring at the spear paralyzed.

Gene Toroch:

I was impressed by how my son-in-law though these people how to keep their mouth shut, in here power was the currency and he paid more than they could handle.

"I am Gene Toroch! and that is my son-in-law Ian Reinmaker" , you have been blessed to become part of our family!" I looked around and I saw some hesitation.

"Do not worry you will soon understand, I'm sure some of you escaped and are on the way to your patron now" I grinned at them.

"For now just sit back and enjoy the show" I walked toward Ian and we started commanding our soldiers to set up a perimeter and get a camp started.

"Good job Ian" I smiled at him

"Yeah...mother" he smiled back at me.

"He just called me Mother!" I jerked back and the stared announcing what had happened.

The whole camp burst into cries of joy and celebration and the look of Ian face got softer.

Mesze walked towards us with a smile on my face and gave Ian a peck on the cheek.

"I picked a good one mom" she blushed at those words.

"CHEATER!" he sister started pointing at her

"I saw him first!" Mesze started yelling at Jen and Festingale

"No! , you stole him first!" Jen Interjected.

"NO!" Mesze also Interjected




I started laughing at the scene once sisters always sisters, I just hope the other two are not planning on trying to steal him, but are they?

"You'll see he'll see the light!" Jen pinched Mesze

"NO!" Mesze jumped and attacked her

"YES! he will!" Festingale joined in.

As I looked around I saw Ian just enjoying the show , I think I even heard him say family.

An hour later after the girls were done fighting a rider came into our tent and had a report.

Kasa Gerb pov:

I was crying and were being confronted by my friends when the whole camp turned into an uproar. the enemy suddenly started getting into formation and we were being moved.

We were moved over a hill overseeing some miles of land and we saw the Tenecantes our patron with a massive army coming this way.

"They're here! They're finally here!! we started celebrating but the odd part was the guards were mighty relax.

"You're going to pay now!" A young boy said to the guards and the guards just started laughing at him.

"What's so funny" the boy asked and the guard pointed at his army.

There was silence, not a drop could be heard as we saw how orderly the enemy was marching.

"Let the show begin" the guards took some wine nd bread to share with us.

The enemy army stopped and were holding their position all the while the Tenecantes were on the march and suddenly wagons stopped and started uncovering.

There giant looking arrow things on top of it.

"Those are called ballista and they shoot bolts,rocks and even " the guard said while pointing at it.

As the Tenecantes marched on those ballista started firing bolts and rocks, disrupting the Tenecantes lines. I suddenly felt my heart drop, the tenecantes were not even close yet then suddenly "BOOM!"

"Oh I heard of this, Incendiary rounds the lord invented" the guard smiled.

I looked in horror as I saw the field covered in fire, the Tenecantes were in a mass confusion.

The enemy cavalry started charging while the ballista kept of firing. As the cavalry got close the ballista stopped firing but no matter the Tenecantes were already broken.

A massacred ensued afterward and the cavalry spread out attacked the runner the main army pinned and surrounded the main army by spreading its flank and forming a circle.

I could not believed this was happening the Tenecantes had over three thousand warriors and they were being butchered like pigs to the slaughter, they could not even put up a fight.

After the battle only a thousand Tenecantes survived, they were also thrown with us.

Once again the tall woman and young man appeared.

"You have seen what we could do and what we will do if you resist! , join us and share the glory and wealth or die here!". Gene yelled with fervor.

To my surprised it was the Tenecantes that walked toward her and kneeled, soon afterwards we were all kneeling.

"These are not just empty words! , If you prove yourselves you will be granted wealth and glory!" The boy walked forward.

"Look at our glorious army! did it not achieve glory just now!" Ian walked towards his people and the carts where the spoils were located and started sharing it with them.

We were all shocked to see a chief sharing so much wealth.

"Now are you ready to join our family! , for glory!, for riches , for POWER!" Ian yelled




There were cries of "yes"spread throughout the camp and I was also caught and mesmerize with fervor, as I looked around my friends were doing the same thing as me.