Strength and Power III

Strength and Power III

Elise Prespi Pov:

In a tent a woman was changing capes, it was a green cape with one gray stripes.

"I am a lieutenant now!" I was dancing in my tent when Ryani and Dulun walked in.

" this a bad time?" they both gawk at me.

"WHAT?!" I stared daggers at them, they had no appreciation for my celebration.

"You were dancing like a bull that just had their balls cut off" Culum said while laughing.

"That was dancing?, I though your old injuries was acting up" Ryani joined in.

".....AHHHH!" I attacked both of them playfully.

"OKAY!OKAY! I GIVE!" I was pinching Dulun

"NOOO!!! PLEASE!!!" and I was tickling Ryani.

After the the fun I sat down on my bed, today I needed to pick sergeant to help me and a new unit to command.

"Guys....I have a favor." I smiled at them with puppy dog eyes and they both rejected me heartlessly.

"I love being in the cavalry" Ryani proudly said

"I love being safe with the archers" Dulun held himself in his imaginary protected arms.

"Alright i guess i need to find someone else". I reluctantly gave up on the two.

Ryani and dulun were also sergeants now, and have been a veteran of many battles. It seemed destined for me to fail to ask them since they would both be up for promotion sooner or later anyways but who can I choose?

Kasa Gerb pov:

The Tenecantes tribe decided to abandoned their Tribal village and joined the Reinmakers army and were bring slowly integrated into the army and so were my village.

We were called the Acemanti, we were not a peaceful tribe like many gorn out there, war was always the answer. The weak serve the strong and every harvest season we went on a warpath with the Tenecantes burning and looting, our village was very small consisted of one hundread fifty people. Life was hard but it was great, I always though when I get older I would go on a warpath but it came sooner than later.

"HEY YOU PAY ATTENTION!" Sergeant Arrus yelled at me.

Sergean Arrus was showing us how to fight, he was a gorn from the Torroch.

They have been here for a month now and were getting ready to move on to the next village we told them was west of us, the servvi. The serrvi serve the bacostan a mighty and large tribe consisting of ten thousand men but the army just laughed at the information.

"Kneeee!" some horses pulling carts stopped by us and we were told to line up.

"Grab a weapon of your preference and then separate yourselves base on your weapons, sword with sword, spear with spear and so on" sergean Arrus instructed us.

When they uncovered the wagons you can see the assortments of weapons raging from bows to axes neatly stacked and separated, another one was full of shields and chest plates. Everyone was gawking at all these items, normal people cannot afford these kinds of equipment.

"You are all considered recruits so for now you will be using bronze equipment, when you become fully integrated into the army you will get these." He pulled his sword out of his scabbard.

"This is an iron sword" he wickedly smiled at us and told one of us to grab a sword and hold it for him to hit.

Druf our head warrior decided he will volunteer.

"Just hold it" Sergent Arrus commanded.

"Smack!" The sword that druf was holding chipped badly.

"ohhhhh" everyone was dumbstruck

"you really are giving us this equipment and were gonna get issued new ones in the future?" I asked and Sergent Arrus nodded his head.

Murmurs reverberated and soon everyone it the village knew, it was shocking as the equipment they were giving us were treated as junk and it would take a lifetime for someone like us to get fully equipped like that and they were going to give us iron weapons in the future. I felt my mouth salivating but then Sergent Arrus made another announcement.

'You will also get paid with two silvers as a recruit and five afterwards" he proudly said" but only until we get back.

"What do you mean" many inquired.

"You will choose who to serve Gene or Ian in the future but for now we have a co-operation going". Sergeant Arrus laid out the facts.

"Unit salute!" Sergeant Arrus suddenly yelled as a woman started approaching us.

We all stood at attention and saluted the young well build yet slender brown hair woman, she looked no more than eighteen and we were saluting her.

I was now mesmerize by this army, free equipment , free food, good pay and most of all strong people.

"Hello everyone my name is lieutenant Elise, sergeant may I a word wit he them" she pointed at us.

We huddled together and listen to what she has to say.

"I have been task to establish my own unit, I need fifty able body people!'

She looked at us with piercing brown eyes and spoke to us with authority.

"I wanna be her" I though.

"Only spear-man!, tomorrow show up at the clearing on the north-side of the village there will be a Tiger flag with the number VI on it I will meet you there, that is all!" she saluted and we saluted.

But when she was leaving she suddenly turned around.

"Sergent Arrus! I,!"

"MA'AM YES MA'AM!" Sergent Arrus got into attention and saluted.

"Taima! , Mare! , Mia! do you see that!" I yelled out and pointed at Sergeant Arrus.

Everyone was looking at the authoritative Sergeant Arrus at attention, respecting everything that woman had said word for word.

"I wanna be her!" Taima was clenching her fist with excitement

"Us too!" the girls were looking at her departing figure

"and also me" I mumbled as I look at her with reverence, such authority, such power the young woman released.

As I looked around , the look of excitement around everybody was overwhelming.

A strong leader that is what everybody wants and no I though "that's what everybody needs".