Savages and Butchers....but VICTORS I !!!

Savages and Butchers...but Victors I !!!

Ian Reinmaker pov:

It has been a month when we occupied this village, the gorn were slowly integrating into the army and now we were seven thousand strong.

Most of the people here were only level four or five but after their training they improved to level eight. Their progress was going smoothly to bad the enemy was on the way here.

There have been reports of a gathering that the Sevvi and Bacsotan had been mustering to the west of here, rumors has it that they think were easy picking coming from the south and all.

"Lord Ian!" Tanir Isacc called me from behind behind.

Tanir as always were with his son Timothy.

"Hello there" I returned the greeting and they saluted me before we shook hands.

"Word is the Savvi and the Bacostan are on a war path here, the Acemanti have sent their people around to spread the word that we are wealthy" Timothy smiled at those words.

"More prey for the predators my friends that is all" I smiled at the two.

"Hahaha, of course Lord Ian , of course" Tanir jokingly said.

"Is the trap prepared for our guest?" I asked the two.

"Yes they are marching thru the forest as we anticipated , trying to stop us from forming a formation" Tanir laughed at the Bacostan plan.

Seven thousand strong, they were stronger than the Tenecantes but they will fall all the same.

"Call the commanders and officers for a meeting!" My serious tone of voice put the two at attention.

"At once my lord" They both left to gather the people in charge.

Kasa gerb pov:

We have been training with Lieutenant Elise for only two weeks but we were trained by Sergeant Arrus for a month so we had some training.

"Everyone today we are gonna be reserves, Lord Ian will not throw away you life needlessly but nevertheless prepare yourself for the worst as battles can be unpredictable" Lieutenant Elise dictated these word to us.

A hundred people joined her unit as she became respected after the Arrus incident two weeks ago, many worshiped her as a strong leader who will lead them to glory and riches and I for one was one of those people.

"GLORY TO ELISE!"Someone suddenly yelled

"GLORY TO THE LIEUTENANT! Somebody joined in

"GLORY TO THE ARMY!" Fervor spread through the camp

The war path was set in motion and only death would stop us.




Gene Torroch pov:

We began our march in the morning and the first thing we did was surround the forest that was the pathway of the enemy, scouts were sent to scourge the area for any clues.

"Mother we are ready" Jen said excitedly

"Are we really going to do this?, it doesnt seem fun at all" Festingale sulked

"what is the best way of getting allies?" I pointed at the necessities of the plan.

"To make examples" Mesze answered everybody question

"That's right we need to make an example of some for others to join us" I smiled at the horizon, with my blood boiling and my eyes transfixed on the forest in front of us.

"TROO!" a horn blue inside the forest, it was our scout warning us the enemy was on the way.

Not long after the enemy showed up, ten thousand strong and were at the ready.

"Shields were banging on the enemies side" I laughed at the goading that they did.

"Forward march!" I commanded

We were the center while Ian and the Isaccs supported our flanks, Ian said he has a surprise for us.

"As we got closer the ballista that was firing at the enemy suddenly change their target and fired Incidenary at the forest behind the enemy the whole forest burst into flames, the smell of oil suddenly became thick.

"So that was his plan" I laughed at the horror of the enemy.

all the while the other ballista fired incendiary , bolt and rocks at the enemy creating chaos.

The Bacostans back were backed against a raging inferno and before they could charge we formed a wedge formation on a slow-march as we got closer.

The enemy charge hoping to break us but as i learned from Ian a mass charge will no do anything to an organized unit.

The first enemy wave tried to break thru out likes but we were supported by many archers the mass just became a death trap for those who were in it.

We pressed forward slaughtering our enemy all the while pushing them back, they tried to escape thrue the sides but cavalry stopped them until the infantry could replace and hold the ground.

Soon after we heard the cries of burning men at the back.




Cries of agony, pain ,dissolution , anger , confusion enveloped the enemy.

After half of the enemy were dead we stopped , not for a breather but for them to surrender.

"I am Gene Torroch, surrender or die!" I yelled at the enemy ranks

"They looked around but no answer came.

"FINE! FORWARD!" I rode back into the ranks and we continued our slaughter the field was strewn with broken corpses and dead men. We had reserves in the back to take care of the dying, by putting them into eternal rest.

As we marched forward the heat from the forest started to engulf us two but the Bacostan and Sevvi had the worst of it, many were being burned alive.

Suddenly they started throwing their weapons down, there were to few of them now, only about three thousand left the stench of death was not unnerving but the stench of the death was.

Once the battle was over I looked at the battered and broken enemies, they were so exhausted by the battle and also fear.

Around three quarters of the enemy died and to make an example of not surrendering when I asked I took a thousand of them and put them all to death.

I made the enemies watch as we did , the price of not answering me the first time was this.

"You come here!" I called one of the prisoners

"You are free to go, spread what he what done here and the price of standing before us, GO!" I released him and he ran

The rest were struck with fear, I gave them the choice to join us or become slaves.

They all choose the latter.