Savages and Butchers...but Victors II !!!

Savages and Butchers...but Victors II !!!

Pespidile Jurken : leadet of the Jurken Confereracy

Yelan Jurken: Wife

Baylon Jurken : First child (Male)

Gresdile Jurken : Second child (Female)

The Jurken confederacy was built thirty years ago by Pespidile Jurken, he defeated vilage after village then asking them to swear loyalty to him. The Jurken has build the Gruz city which is the trade center and capital for their province. They are known to be great warriors but cautious, after years of peace now Invaders from the south has come. People said they are a mix of Gorn and Greda, the first time in history two people of different race and creed came together to conquer.


Gresdile Jurken Pov:

"Father we must crush the invaders!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

The Jurken Confederacy was located next to the Borocans village, we were bigger than them but they were easily crushed.

Panic has spread through the land about the massacre that ensued in and after the battle. Many villages were fleeing towards us to seek shelter and those who cannot were badly beaten and subjugated by the invaders.

"HOLD YOUR TONGUES!" My father the chief of the Pespidile yelled.

We were holding a meeting, some wanted to rally forth and the rest wanted to stay in the city.

Our lands were located near the Borocans but we were more developed, we actually had an acropolis and a thriving city.

The surrounding area was forest but that did not stop the invaders last time, what if they burn the forest and us with it.

"My lord! we cannot stay in the city! we must rally forth! if not we can face certain doom!" One of our vassals were on their knees, the effect of the butchery of the Borocans and other villages have taken hold, or I say fear has taken hold of the city.

"Father I agree with him!' I jumped up and took a knee beside the vassal

There were mass commotions in the room and it took awhile for it to settle down.

*Sight* "We will rally forth but not to fight the enemy, we will just delay them." My father stood up and raised his hand.


'Scorch earth!, what a perfect plan my lord" The vassal got stood up and the rest clamored for war and me also.

"Who will lead the army?!" A man yelled out

"I will!" I stood up and stood by my father and he nodded.

"Everyone agreed with the plan and task at hand?" My Father raised his hand to quieten the crowd.

"YES!" everybody responded systematically

"Serbe sha, that is your name right?" The vassal looked at me and bowed.

"Yes , my lady!" He eagerly said.

I thanked him for his support for rallying forth against the enemy and offered with the position if sub commander which he early took.

After the meeting I returned back to my room where my lazy older brother Baylon was waiting.

"How was the meeting" he jokingly asked.

"You were supposed to be there, father expected you to be there.

"No I am good, so what was the verdict?" He anxiously asked.

I gave him the details of the plan and what was required of him, as someone who loves to stay away from danger I gave him the rear guard position to keep my brother safe.

As I got to the room I undressed and put a more comfortable clothes on and looked through the window day dreaming of expectations to come but little did I know that the enemy was also in a discussion of what to do with us.

Mesze Torroch pov:

We were all in my mothers tent brainstorming of a plan to counter the enemy.

"We can only fight a large force like that to a stalemate" Ian was talking to my mother.

"We can beat them! , I sent some people over there and they are in a dizzy!" My mother retorted back.

"How are we gonna deal with a scorch earth?" Ian asked my mother

"..." my mother could not reply

"How about we meet them in the field and trap them?" Tanir Isacc brought up a proposition but was shut down by Ian.

"Trapping them can only work so many times and they are three times as large as us". Ian shook his head.

"I have a plan but I need all the cavalry you can muster" I interject at their arguments.

I looked at everyone, "Trust me everyone" and then I looked at Ian.

"Have faith husband I will not fail you" He looked at me suspiciously

"Scorch earth work both ways it just depends how you apply yours to theirs" I grinned at everyone then I told them my plan.

"You are a genius Mesze!" Ian jumped at me and hugged me

"MMmmm, because shes my daughter" my mom laughed

"LIES!" Jen and Festigale started poking my mother

"WHAT?!" she jump backwards

"Not because hes your daughter, its because she's smarter than you!" Both my sisters started picking at my mother

"..." Tanir and Timothy always look so lost at situations like these I wonder why?

Everyone has been showing improvement and winning merits in battle, I have to but I did not want to be left behind by my husband and my mother.

I though about the plan over and over again and I have faith it will work , I will show everyone it not just my mother and Ian that can create miracles.

Later that day all cavalry were sent out with a task at hand and as I watched them scatter in and toward the country side began to to imagine my grand victory.

Ryabi Terni Pov:

We were sent out to the deepest parts of the Jurken Confederacy, our goal was not to fight the enemy buy bypass them.

Two days later we saw the enemy marching east ward towards us and we ran and hid to the woods.

"Shees there are so many of them" Annor said

"Yeah" I'm glad were cavalry and we could get away from them Zennir joined in.

"Okay you two shut up" Lieutenant Almac whispered loudly but only loud enough for us to hear it and then she looked at me and asked how many did we count.

"About sixteen thousand" I responded

The enemy had twice our forces but we were not worried.

Four hours later when we were sure the enemy past us by we rode westward toward the enmy capital and and three weeks later we were close enough we turned around.

"You all brought enough provisions right? , if not you're all gonna be eating your horse and walking back" lieutenant Almac joked.

we all nodded our heads, we have prepared enough supplies for the return trip.

Okay we begin our attack backwards, lets go.

We attacked every village, burned every food, poison every water all the while leaving as much people alive then we attacked the enemy supply lines leaving none alive.

Gresdile Jurken pov:

The enemy has been fighting us and we have been destroying everything all the while we retreated only stopping long enough to destroy whatever they can use.

It was easier than I though the enemy has not dedicated it's army fully and were on a slow-march.

'ENEMY RAID" Someone yelled, It was from behind?

"My brother I though! what has happened to him!" I rode as fast as I could and I saw burning wreckage of our supply-line and when I got to my brothers unit it was decimated.

"You're finally here" My brother Baylon joked but we have a problem

He took me out the clearing and what I saw brought me to my knees, hundreds of fire illuminated the night sky. It was the villages and fields, and the he told me that many of our supplies were burned.

"Counter scorch, we were tricked" I felt ill to my stomach that means the march home will be horrific or there might not even be a march home.


"ENEMY ATTACK!"echoed throughout the camp and throughout the night, they finally mobilized while we had our attention focused on the rear.

The enemy retreated and attacked , repeating the same thing throughout the night as morning came we were exhausted as we began our retreat we saw the desolate landscape in-front of us.