The Future

The Future

Ian Reinmaker pov:

As we got back into town, piles of work were unloaded into my desk.

The night before energize me and I dove into my work with fervor, roads were widen, the market square was extended, mines were expanded and new temples for the greda and gorns were being built.

The outline of the city was slowly coming into shape as a fortress city, trade became prosperous so did the population, more massive influx of people came and settled down on my lands, everyday new villages were being built and new farmlands reclaimed.

Iron became cheap with the trade with the Torroch came and both benefited from it.

The road to the Torroch were greatly improved as more and more traders from both sides became more friendly.

The military was also had a constant influx of recruits, town watches and road guards were establish to keep the populace safe and a militia was formed to be reserves.

The militia would train three times a week and were paid half the amount of regular soldiers until they were called into active soldiers.

The standing army was ten thousand with four thousand reserves.

We also expanded our influence within the city of Numes with the expansion of the ports and more ship being built day by day.

"Finally I am done!" I finished the last of the paperwork before the door suddenly burst open and my mother and sister piled my desk with paperwork all over again.

"NO!" I yelled at them

"No wonder father did not want to rule, I expanded beyond imagination and one man cannot manage this all." I gently sighed inwards.

"We have more when you're done" I father peeked at the door and I stared dagger at the old man.

"Sister, mom help me!" I Grabbed on to their legs while were leaving.

"NO!" my mother kicked me and ran away but I had a death grip on my sister so she couldn't

"I have been abandoned!" My sister dramatically tried to reach out to my mother.

"I will miss you fair daughter" as my mother left and a sinister laughed echoed in the hallway.

"You love me sister?" I held on to her leg

"NO!" As she struggled and crawled.

"Hey what...." Mesze showed up by the doorway and stared at us.

"You have guest here." It was Tanir and Timothy Isacc with Jen torroch by his arm.


"CLOSE THE DOOR QUICK!" I quickly commanded and Margaret last hope dissipated with the closing of the door.

While blocking the door I talked to to them.


"My lord you called for us?" Tanir Isacc destroyed the eerie silence.

"Yes" I explained to him that I was forming a council to manage some daily affairs of the city, council of commerce, council of agriculture, forming guilds for skilled workers and so on and I needed their help.

"I don't want to help" Jen interjected

"I'll tell you mother on you" I sinister smiled at her

"You wouldn't dare!" She yelled out

"SAY I WONT!, SAY IT! Muahahaha!" I probably look like an insane madman.

"Dear I am his vassal , if the lord ask we must obey" Timothy gently placed his hand on her shoulder.

"YOU ARE TAKING HIS SIDE!" She dramatically cried

"Don't relive her Timothy, look" Mesze started tickling Jen and she madly screamed and laughed.


"Do not worry once this place has settled I am thinking of expanding your agropolis into a town too" I smiled and proposed an Idea to them.

"Really?! , Thank you my lord" Tanir became motivated as they would have their own town to manage.

"Yes once this area is settled we are going to connect your agropolis with ours thru trade, commerce and other means." I laid out my plan of expanding both cities and making them more prosperous.

"Your town is going to look like this someday and you will need other people to manage some of it too, so look at this as a lesson" I prayed that they would believe me and be sucked in by my charisma.

I held Margaret as everyone left and those days she helped me day and night.

Days later a degree was place in the town center about available positions in the administration of the province.

Many people came and were interviewed by us, their place of administration were built on their respected occupation.

Council of Commerce on the market square, Council of agriculture by the Commerce to make it easier on the farmers to find, a guild on every other occupation (blacksmith, tanner, forester, stone mason, prostitute....etc).

The building of aqueducts were also being made, water from the river pumped by windmills and with the agreement with the Torroch, surveyors were sent into the mountains to look for water to be gravity fed towards the town. Wells were greatly invested on as more and more people came , there was a well and an inn every couples of miles on the road as it also improved information gathering.

As news of our achievement spread the influx of people fastened.

I was looking at the gates within my agropolis, the town was bustling with life and activity.

"Look at what we achieved today sister" with bags over my eyes I spoke.

My sister and Jen grunted at me and Tanir and Timothy Isacc werelaying on the floor.

As we moaned and groaned about the pain of our endeavors a knock came from the door.

It was Mesze with food, snacks and drinks.

"You all mush be tired" she walked towards us.

"Sister-in-law!I was used and abused and he did it! punish him for me!" Margaret cried in her arms.

"No I didn't" I said it with the straightest face I could.

"How about this, I'll take you out tomorrow Margaret just you and me" I walked toward the crying Margaret and rubbed her head

"Promise?" She looked at me with teary eyes.

"I Promise" I looked at her and kissed her on the forehead.

"Remember you promised her, If not I will make you pay" Mesze shook her fist and I laughed.

Mesze laid out the food and snacks at the table and we all sat there as the sun fell watching the hustle and bustle of the town.