A surprise encounter

A surprise encounter

Mesze Torroch pov:

While everyone was busy expanding and improving the town, I was getting to know Ians lands.

It was a well developed lands full of farming, unlike them we were warring tribes from their history they were only force to pick up arms after their lands were invaded and the Reinmakers were became the leader of the province.

with successful military exploit and the love of the people they were raised up to become nobles.

The Reinmakers were different nobles, they always looked out for the well beimng of their people, but Ian as I found it was a different kind.

A man with ambition, that hope to raise his family from the nobles they were and are now.

"wait up Mesze!" As I walked towards the market place.

It was my sister Jen, it looks like she wanted to come with me.

"You're always so independent! , let me tag along" She grabbed my hand and started walking with me.

My family has always been close and we barley knew peace, as a child we were walked hundreds of miles when we were pushed out of our lands.

My grandfather and grandmother was still alive back then and they kept the family and the group together. Hardy people what my grandfather called us, hardy and proud.

They would tell us stories of our ancestors and of their victories and achievements.

How my great great great grandmother found the lands, how my great grandfather secured it and how grandma established our society.

That was long ago but my grandma always told me to be strong, a strong woman needs a strong foundation she can built upon she always said and I have not forgotten.

"Look cakes!" Jen pointed at the stall and mercilessly dragged me toward it.

"Look Swords!"

"Look horses!"

and other stalls.

As we made our way into the stalls.


It was a man in a wealthy outfit with bodyguards on a podium, but I have never their kind here before.

Countless people huddled around the man in a wealthy outfit, looking at the goods he brough.

"Lets look other there" I pulled Jen towards the man, I wanted to see what the ruckus was all about.

When we got there there were trays of gold and silver jewelry, different size of diamonds and glassware.

"Ohh pretty!" Jen smiled at the assortments.

We started browsing thru them and started picking some of the jewelry.

"That is a beautiful piece" a the mans associate walked toward us.

He was a short and skinny fellow with gold teeth, full in garb with jewels and expensive rings.

"How much?' we both asked the man.

For you ladies only sixty gold pieces.

It was a bit expensive but the craftsmanship of the jewelry might be worth it.

Before I could answer the man in the wealthy outfit yelled out.


As I looked up I saw dozens of people in chains being dragged toward the podium.

"Slaves?" I looked at the mans associate

"Yes we are merchants of all kind of good, from weapon to iron , from jewelry to glassware to slaves.

"These are furens, they have been channeled from across the sea, they are good workers and if provoke good fighters, we have a history of subjugating them from years, very rebellious but loyal to each other." The associate smiled at me.


I looked at the sound and it was two furens girls that looked like sisters being forcefully separated from each other, as I look at the girls claw and fight It brought a shimmer to my heart as it reminded me of my people.

*SMACK!" one of the girls was slapped down hard

"Tanya!" The other girl yelled out and attacked the man that hit her sister but as she charged her chain was pulled backwards and she came into an unwanted halt and felt down backwards.

"DO NOT DAMAGE THE GOODS!" The merchant yelled out and raised his hand to stop the bodyguards.

Once the ruckus died down, the ferns were made to stand on the podium.

The merchant started explaining their origins.

Ferns were desert borne people, that had a long history of rebellion, but were hard workers and capable fighters. Years ago they were slaves but the a rebellion manage to free some of them. They all became separated from each other and live in small groups that would be hunted down and brought back as slaves as they were troublesome people they would be channeled across the sea away from home to be broken and tamed but it was a long hardious process as they were proud people.

Believing in the righoiusness of their cause and a god that is merciful they continue to spread the word to other ferms and free them but without adequete equiptment they would often lose, many would rather die than surrender.

Apparently these ferms were only captured by arduous unending pursuit and were finally brought to heel when they collapse through exhaustion.

I looked at the ferms as their history were summarized to us, some had a complexion of fair and some brown skin with curly hairs, a bit muscular and the eyes of defiance.

"What a sad faith for a proud people" Jen mumbled

"Like ours faith before" I looked at her.

After the summarization they made the slaves strip to show they they had no defects but they were full of scars from the whip, the people walked toward them to inspected them.

"AHHH!" A man yelled out

and as I looked it was one of the sisters biting down on the mans fingers and as he buckled he was pulled down forwards and she collided her head to his nose making a bloody scene in-front of everyone.

That made me laugh, what ferocious girls these were.

we walked towards the merchant.

"How much?" I pointed at the girls

"just ten gold pieces" He smiled at me

I handed him the gold and walked to the girls,I kicked the bleeding man away from them.

"What is your name and how old are you two"I gently asked them

"What do you care?!" The girls huddle together, ready to attack.

"Take their chains off now", I asked the guard and he looked toward the merchant and complied.

They even struggled as the man tried to take their chains off and once the chain was off they attacked me.

As the girls rushed me I sidestepped and pushed one of the girls making her stumble towards her sister. They collided then I attacked, kicking the girls leg closer to me to buckle her and them swooping forward and grabbing the other sisters arm and swinging her thru my shoulder.

As one of the sister was down the other rushed me again and this time I stood firm as she attacked me with her fist, I I grabbed one of her arms and then with a tigh firm grip i slid and pulled backwards and as she stumbled forward I grabbed her head and with the opposite arm slide it toward her neck. With a firm footing i pushed forward and up twisting my hips forward and slamming downwards taking her breath away.

I picked the girl up and the other one was picked up Jen and we settled them at the foot of the podium.

"Girls what is your name and age?" I asked them.

"Tanya , age twelve"

"Gwane ,age thirteen"

Tanya was much more taller than Gwane, but Gwane had a much better firmer body than hers, both had a free flowing curly black hair and brown eyes and fair skin.

"From today onward we are your new family" I held my hand forward and with out realizing it they grabbed hold onto it.

"What would Ian think Ian?" Jen asked me

"He will just have to deal with it" and we both laughed.

"Lets check the other stalls" I pointed at closer stalls with the assortments of goods and we dragged the girls with us all over the town.


Authors note:

I was with family yesterday and did not write any and will be with family this weekend. I will try to write what I can and will post it up as soonest as possible, but I hope you all understand. Thank you for your continued support of this novel and will continue as schedule after the weekend.