A force entry

A force entry

Ian Reinmaker pov:

I was finishing up the documents when I heard a ruckus outside of my study.

"And this is where you two are going to be living from now on" It was Mesze voice.

"What do you think?" Jen?

"This is your house?"


I heard other voices I have never heard before.

I decided to check it out, the Torroch women can be mischievous left on their own devices.

One time they tried to bring a lion inside and then they wanted a dancing monkey as a pet, I stoutly turned them down and told them return the animals to the dealer.

As I was lost in though I saw four people in the hallway taking a stroll, two of them I have never seen before and were on rags.

"Who might these be?" as I walked towards them and greeted the unknown persons.

"These are my new sisters and they're staying here" Mezse declared.

"Wait?...What?" I was confused of what she was saying

"What do you mean...new sisters" I was became curious of her "meaning".

"You know sisters, what are sisters dufus!" Jen tried to push me out the way.

"Wait a minute" as I tried to block her and then Mezse joined in.

As I tried to stop them I was slowly pushed out the way and then dragged along.

As it look like were taking the girls and showing them an overview of the place and I slowly became a guest of the group.

"Hey look it's Margaret and Maria" they pulled me over the direction of my sister and mother with great enthusiasm.

"New sisters that's great that means you're family to us" they wholeheartedly accepted the concept without even bothering with me.

"Wait please tell me what is happening!" I slowly pushed my way to center of the group and after a roundabout they finally told me the story of the girls.

"...What! , No!" I tried to disclaim their approach but was greatly reprimanded by the women.

"IAN THIS ARE NOT ANIMALS YOU CANT JUST RETURN THEM!" My mother tried to discipline them.

"But...we...deal with slavery too..." I tried to object.

"Look at these two girls and tell them that!" My sister pointed at the woman and they stared at me.

"You are not doing the puppy eye thing!" as I said it all the women started to puff their eyes in a pleading manner.


"Look he's not saying anything, lets go" all the woman left continuing the overview of the house and I was left there.

".....I...damn" was the only though that came to mind.

At dinner time I came to the dinner table and it was greatly expanded with another set of table and the girls were eating to their hearts content.

"No body waited for me?" I slowly sat down and started getting my share of the food.

These woman were like rabid animals at the dinner table, first come, first serve. Fighting for food was a daily struggle with the Torroch woman, they guard all the good stuff like a guardian beast.

My family has gotten use to Mesze and now they compete with her in a loving manner over food but to my distress I am always left behind.

As I look around I saw the two girls fighting over food like to rabid starving beast.

"Another two, isnt that just great!" I started competing against who got the lamb leg and the fork and knife wars started as I tried to get a piece.

I don't even know their names yet and I am being attacked in my own table! My fork was being held by one of the girls while the other one distribute food among the two.

I gave eventually gave up on the lamb leg and I decided to get the pork and was blocked by the Torroch women who guarded it like a priceless treasure so i continued my search in the dinner table.

I eyed the chicken but it was quickly snatched by my mother and sister who fought each other in a dramatically martial fashion.

The last one "the duck"....my father, me, Tanir and Timothy eyed it.

It came down to rock paper scissors of who got the different pieces of the duck, I got lucky and giot the thigh....if that's lucky.

As the night progress we were all in the living room and I finally got to know the girls what wand who they were.

"No wonder they get along I though" these girls reminded me of the Torroch women.

"How do you like your new brother-in-law girls" Margaret gently and playfully hugged the girls while my mom set up snacks in the living room.

"He looks weak" Tanya blurted out and Gwane quickly covered her mouth.

"You know he is Ian the Storm-bringer right?" Mesze walked towards me and gently placed her head onto my chest.

"You're kidding!" now it was Gwen turn to blurt out and Tanyas turn to cover her mouth.

"He may not look like it but he has brought prosperity here and other cities" my Mother walked beside the girls and hugged them too.

The girls blushed at how well they were being treated and they look at me and Thank me for letting them stay at the house.

"Don't thank him, thank me" Mesze proudly claimed

"You mean us" Jen joined in

"There is no us" Mesze started attacking Jen playfully and the girls decided to join in.

As I look at the manner in front of me I realize having more family members is not to bad.

Until objects started flying.

I forget how these woman get so serious sometimes and now there's more of them , so there was only one thing to do.

Join them.

By the end of the engagement there were mini forts made of tables and chairs all around to separate everyone.

The fun lasted though the night and as bed time came me and Mesze escorted the girls to their new bed chambers.

As we were leaving the girls thank us again wholeheartedly

"Can we keep them?" Mesze looked at me with pleading eyes.

"I guess we have new family members" I acknowledge those eyes and Mesze happily ran off to tell everyone the good news and you heard the cries of joy beyond the hall.