Tournament I

Tournament I

Joseph Entnener pov:

As I look at the map I saw our influence in the city were waning, the new rulers of the other block of the city the Reinmakers have slowly expanded their territory.

"My my aren't we in a predicament" My sister Joana pointed at the profit margin we were getting.

"The land rout as well as the sea are being monopolize by the Reinmakers and the Saggs have made tremendous gains my making an alliance with the Reinmakers" I hastily said

"What are we do do then brother?, father has given us a task to fix our deficit, we are slowly losing money" My sister began to inquire about a solution.

"I can't think of a plan how about you sister?" I looked at her for she always had a plan in mind.

"I'll think of something" as she hurriedly left the building.

Ian Reinmaker pov:

The house has become maddening as more females joined the household, they have basically taken over the house and I was only call the study as my own.

"Bang! , Crash!" I jumped off my feat and ran towards the hall

"I hope they aren't fighting again!" as I rush towards the garden and what I saw was two women throwing objects at each other.

"My man is better than yours!" Mesze yelled as she threw a pot at her Jen

"No he is not!, my man is better than yours because he is better looking!" As Jen threw her own pot at Mesze.

"Girls whose man is better!" as they both froze and look at Gwene and Tanya.

"IAN!" Gwane responded

"Timothy" Tanya responded

"....." I had almost had enough of these woman constantly destroying everything but then a messenger arrived before I could do anything.

"TOURNAMENT!" The girls blurted out

"Yeah a tournament, the city of Numes haven't have a holiday in a long time, it's to bring people together.

"I will win the Tournament for you dear!" Mesze quickly declared

"If I don't win it first!" Jen followed suit.

"We're joining too!" the Gwane and Tanya declared.

I was thankful, maybe this will be good for the woman to relieve some excess energy that they always have.

Joan Entnener pov:

After the invitation has been sent out, I quickly organized the banquet and tournament. I was hoping to reel in the Reinmakers in the tournament, maybe as the tournament goes on I will have a chance for a word or two with Lord Ian.

I told Joseph my plan and he agreed with it but I already went ahead before I consulted with him.

"Will this really work?" Joseph looked at me questioning.

"Yes, who doesn't enjoy some good old festivities?" I comforted him of my plan.

Now I just need the right people to get close to Ian , I called some of my closest associate and we began planning how to follow up with the catch.

Ian Reinmaker pov:

We arrived at the city of Numes and it was bustling with activity, as we were invited we head into a reception tent where food , wine and beautiful women were about.

Meze grabbed hold of me, like a tiger protecting her young and Jen did the same to Timothy.

"We're not going to do anything dear" I tried to explain to the women but they would have none of it. They shadowed our every movements, even making Gwane and Tanya look after us sometimes.


".....Lord Ian"

We sat walked in silence as the women followed us.

We arrived at the front of the reception we signed up for the tournament and were given a time and place to be but until then we were free to roam around.

"Lord Ian my friend!" It was Taner saggs and he walked towards us making merry.

"Hello Taner how have you been?" I shook his hand

"I heard of the great exploit you and the Torroch did up north" He congratulated us and he tried to pull me to the side but Mesze followed us like a fox to a chicken.


"Are you bringing my men to be entertained by those women?..." Mesze looked at us with burning eyes of a tiger and we shook at the though.

"Relax dear we're just having a talk , please go enjoy yourself." I hurriedly ushered her back to the group and she did but unwillingly.

"The Entnener? , arent they one of the rulers of the city?" I inquired as I got the gist of the tournament.

"I think they want to impress you to make a deal, but who knows" Taner Saggs explained the situation.

Apparently we were making waves in the city as we were slowly expanding, cheaper oil, cheaper food, good weapons...etc

"Well hello there"

As we were talking a short yet pretty woman like Mesze walked towards us.

"I am Joan Entnener nice to make your acquaintance" she bowed to me and Taner.

I thank her for the invitation and we had some pleasantries but before she left she slightly brushed beside me leaving a note in my hands.

I also excused myself from tanner as the horn for the first round of the tournament blew.

As I walked away I found an empty corner and read the message.

"Lord Ian, we hope to negotiate with you about the ports and the land trading routes, please meet us in the reception hall after the first tournament - Joana Entnener".

"There you are!" The Mesze grabbed me

"Tournament is about to begin, you're going to watch your fiance win for you right?" Mesze dragged me towards to field outside and all I could do was nod my head over and over again.

I looked at Mesze and she was brimming with energy waiting or wanting to show off to me and it made me wanted to kiss her and I gave her a quick peck to the cheek and then neck, she looked at me smiling even more now.

"I'll root for you dear" I held her hand and we walked together towards the field.


Authors note:

I have been under the weather for the last couple of days but will continue to write the novel as I am getting better, thank you for your patience also I am starting college soon so the three chapters a week will be implemented starting of now, thank you.