


An oppressive ringing noise buzzed in Han's head.


Han's eyes suddenly opened.

He glanced about. He did not see any of the things he had grown familiar with throughout his 19 years of life. His desk was gone, his phone was gone, while pots and stools replaced them.

The bed he was on was not his soft bed but what replaced it was a straw bed.


Han's brows started scrunching up as a wave of vertigo start to flood across his entire being, as it did, cold sweat started to slowly emit from his back.

Han clenched his teeth as he endured the increasingly sick feeling he had in his stomach.

Whoo! Whoo!

He took in several big gulps of air as the pain slowly subsided.

Slowly, memories of his past started to fill his mind as he tried to understand the sudden change in his surroundings.

He was a student from college studying electrical engineering. He was ordinary, with sub-par grades among his peers and had little to no friends due to his anti-social personality. The only solace that he had was a loving grandmother who had taken care of him since he was an infant.

But now, even she wasn't there anymore.

New memories then started being slowly recalled in his head, memories that did not belong to him.

He was currently in a 10 year old body, an orphan who had no idea of his familial relations, his name or his parents. He was picked up by an old beggar who found him by the riverside near this village who decided to raise him. Sadly, the beggar died a month ago.

Feeling depressed, he got up on his feet and started to inspect the new environment he was in.

Old cracked potteries, a rotting wooden stool, everything that was in the thatched house was either damaged or stuff that even beggars would disdain to use. These were the only belongings the beggar had left behind before he died. As he stared at the broken stuff, the melancholy in his eyes grew deeper.


His already decaying wooden door suddenly flung wide open as a fat figure slowly sauntered in. He stopped in front of Han and demanded

-Oi peasant! It is about time to pay your rent, hurry up and fork over the cash! Otherwise scram!

The man's belly trembled with each word he spoke, his chest heaving up and down laboriously, slightly panting.

Han glanced at the fat man, wondering how long it took for him to get to that size.

The man was fat, really fat. With gold jewels decorating his neck, wrists and waist, it made him look like a pig squealing and whining for its food instead.

Noticing the weird expression that was on Han's face, the fat man's face grew colder.

-Do you not have the money to pay?! SCRAM! Leave before the sun rises tomorrow or else!

Han looked around the house. It indeed did seem like he was unable to continue to stay here, he didn't want to anyways.

The day went by, Han went around the village, scouting for information that he deemed would be useful for his understanding of this new world that he was transported to. As he sat down on a big boulder near the village entrance, he sunk deep into contemplation.

This was a world where all kinds of magical beings claim as their home, where demons, devils, gods rule the world and many kinds of systems where one could cultivate their strength exist. This world is known as the Xuanyu World, and the continent he was on was known as the Western continent.

He was intrigued by this, On Earth, there were no such things as gods nor devils, people would treat you as a lunatic and lock you up if they hear you blabber about such stuff. But here on Xuanyu, the gods, demons and devil were worshiped and treated as beings to idolize, to pray to.

He felt his blood boiling. He wanted to grow stronger, to be worshiped. The urge to be one of those mystical beings grew stronger and stronger, like a relentless torrent striking deep within his soul, screaming at him.

He snapped out of his reverie and sighed, his current predicament didn't allow him to get stronger, it took all he had just to survive. He then proceeded to go back 'home', it was a tiring day, from his transmigration to his current situation, it took quite a toll on him.

As he dragged his body along, the sky suddenly darkened, thunder started to rumble and a wind gale started to rise, making the wind howl. Han looked up.

It seemed like the apocalypse was coming and the world was at its end.

What a shit way to end this day

He smiled in depreciation, he quickened his pace. Lightning started flashing, rain started to fall.

All of a sudden, a pitch black lightning, one that seem like a black dragon descending onto Earth, fell onto Han.


Han wailed in pain, as darkness slowly took over his consciousness. As Han slowly slipped into darkness' embrace, a ring sounded out.


'System Loading'