Data System

'System is now unlocked'

'System is now launching; user please wait'

A young boy 10 years of age was sitting on the ground outside a village, staring into space whilst giggling to himself. It was a queer sight, anyone who saw the boy would think that he lost his mind.

Poor thing! Crazy at such a young age!


The boy above mentioned was Han, after being struck by the black lightning which resembled a black dragon, he obtained the data system. Back when he was still on Earth, he was an avid light novel fan, reading all kinds of novel.

He knew the significance of having a 'System'!

It was a chance, a chance to be strong!

Becoming strong wasn't a pipe dream for Han anymore, he truly had a chance to join the rankings of the mystical beings who dwell in this magical world.

-HAHAHAHA the gods have not abandoned me ah! I've been given a chance to become an overlord, to rule the world, the universe!

Han guffawed, nobody wanted to stay weak, everyone wanted to be strong, to control their own fates, maybe even the fate of other people! Han had a big dream, but he was still young, he had plenty of time!

As Han got lost in his wildest fantasies, a loud growl suddenly made its appearance known.

Han snapped out of his daydream, and realize the source of the grumble was actually from his stomach, he was hungry.


Han's face reddened.

Ahem, before I become an overlord, I need to get some food.

Han made his way back into the village and went to the bakery which sold the cheapest of breads.

Along his way from the bakery, he heard some interesting things being spouted by two young housewives.

-Hey Ah sao! Haven't you heard? The people from the LongHu Sect and a few other sects are coming down to recruit some younglings into their sect! I have to send my son there ah, its a once in a lifetime opportunity, who knows, maybe I can become a madam and indulge myself everyday!

The chubbier housewife proclaimed.

-You? Humph humph! Don't make me laugh, if you have such good fortune to be a madam, I would have already become the Empress of this LongHu empire!

The skinnier housewife scorned at her friend's dream that would never happen.

-HEY! Can't I at least imagine? Humph!

Both housewives began to quibble and quarrel while Han walked away.

Interesting... This might be my chance

Little Han had to take advantage of this opportunity, he was a small man with big dreams, but dreams are mere dreams if you do not put in effort to realize it, or if you don't have the capability to realize it.

Han belonged to the second category, he had no capital to start his conquest of becoming strong, he had to rely on something, someone!

But a chance came!

Now, so many bigwigs have shown themselves, it would be dumb of Han if he didn't hug this big thigh and get some benefits.

'System has finish loading, user please drip a drop of blood on the interface of the screen'

A futuristic blue screen appeared in front of Han eyes, on it were the string of words requesting him to drip his blood.


-Why would I need to drip my blood??

Han muttered. The surrounding people who heard his mutters backed off, staring warily at Han.

Hmm? Han noticed and smiled wryly, it seems like he was perceived as someone weird.

'The blood is for the user to be acknowledged and be recognized as the current host of the system'

A cold metallic voice rang out.

Han was startled by the sudden voice ringing in his ear .

'User also has no need to speak out loud, your thoughts are naturally perceived by the system'

So it seems, Han nodded his head. Ai why was he so dumb to speak out loud?

He then bit onto his finger and pricked it, dripping a drop of blood onto the interface of the system.

'Ding, user has now been recognized as current host of Data System, there are multiple functions of system, may user slowly explore the functions'

Functions huh?

Han pondered and went through his past experience of reading light novels. Hmm it seemed like a stat window was a given right?

It must be, it would be such a shit system if it does not have one.

If the system was capable of feelings, it would have scolded Han for calling it a shit system.

Humph! Shit system? you're the shit user! See if I would go on a strike or not?!

'Stat window'

Han tried calling out in his head, this is how it usually works right? yes it should be..

A transparent futuristic blue window popped out and in front of Han, displaying his abilities.

Name: Han


Level:0 (0/5)

Skills: NIL

Strength: 2 | Agility: 4 | Intelligence:10 | Wisdom: 7 | Luck: ?|


My strength is so low? And what the heck is wrong with my luck?