Yin Yang Sword Sect

Along the way, as Han talked more with the old man, he came to realized that the old man's name was Jian Ren and that he was actually from a branch sect of the famous LongHu Sect!

But it turns out that there were many branch sects that were under LongHu Sect, and the one that the old man belonged to was one of the weaker ones compared to the entirety of branch sects.

They were struggling to recruit some fresh bloods that can help raise the power of their sect and rise through the rankings of the branch sects.

I knew it! What a sham! This old man is exactly like his name, a despicable person!

When Han arrived at the gathering grounds, his lips twitched.

There were a few tents of various shapes and sizes that stood together, with some carriages that were parked in one corner.

There were only two to three disciples manning the stand for applications and even then, the disciples had black faces, like they were unwilling to be here.

'This! This is worse than what I have expected ah, there is nobody here at all!'

Han sneaked a peek at Old man Jian and realized that the old man was grinning shamelessly at him.

'Hai.... What bad luck.'

'I am too gullible!'

Han and Old man Jian made their way over to the stand and had one of the disciple pull out the forms for Han to fill.

-What about testing the innate talent and such?

-Hehehehe, there's no need, no need. Just quickly fill up the form and receive the token that states that you belong to the Yin Yang Sword Sect. After joining us you will be an inner disciple!

One of the fat male disciples curled his lips in disdain and exposed the old man.

-Everyone who joins will become an inner disciple, there are too little disciples in the first place, categorizing them accordingly to the usual customs is not possible.


-Hurry up and fill up the form!

The fat male disciple raged, clearly he was having none of it for that day.

After Han filled up the form, the male disciple threw a token over, on the token was just a symbol that represented a TaiJi diagram.

As Han saw saw the TaiJi symbol, he was reminded of the times back on Earth where the elderly gather in the park early in the morning to practice slow-looking movements to keep fit.

Can't be right....

Han had a headache thinking about it.

A few hours passed and yet there was not a single soul who came by to apply to join, the gathering ground for the Yin Yang Sword Sect was desolate, empty.

'Seems like my days ahead are not going to be easy ah...'

Han sobbed inwardly.

Han's group started to pack up earlier then the other Sects that were recruiting as there wasn't any point in waiting for no one and decided to head back to the Yin Yang Sword Sect.

'HAHAHA, it isn't a total failure for the recruitment this time! There is at least one seedling that our sect has managed to attain!'

As Old man Jian sneaked a glance at Han, he was delighted as he had completed the mission that the Sect Head had given him.

'Even though his talent doesn't look high at first glance, he is young, it is a redeeming factor. We can groom him and see how he fares along the way.'

Han had some expectations of this new sect he joined even though it seemed kinda shabby.

Well it can't be that bad, it is a subsidiary branch sect of the number one LongHu Sect after all...

They must be somewhat accomplished.. Right?

Time flew by in a flash, and after 4 days of travelling, Han and his entourage arrived at the Sect.

'This is the Yin Yang Sword Sect!'

Han's eyes glittered as his eyes layed upon the Yin Yang Sword Sect.