Country bumpkin

There were towering trees all over the place, trees that were at least 10 storied buildings tall.

It looked imposing.

Before his eyes was a majestic gate that was at least 50 meters tall, Han felt tiny standing before it, he felt like an ant.

There was fog swirling around the entire Sect, making it look like an abode that belonged to an immortal.

Han felt exhilarated, this doesn't look bad at first glance!

Mmm! Not bad at all!

As he was busy getting awed by a simple gate building, the three male disciples that came back with him snorted in displeasure.

What is he doing? Look at that stupid expression on his face...

Have you not seen trees before?

What so impressive about the gate? Its just a gate!

Country bumpkin!

-Humph idiot.

The fat male disciple that had been showing signs of displeasure towards Han snorted in disdain.


Han glanced at him, then looked away, knowing full well that giving this kind of people attention will fuel their tendency to further their nonsense.


The fatty was enraged, how dare a commoner like you dare ignore me?!

-Aiya Zhu Wei, why are you even bothering a newcomer? You are behaving so lowly.

-Humph, trash will always be trash!

The two who commented were known as Yu Hu and He Yan, this 2 disciples were close friends and were well known in the sect for being snobbish.

- Shut up both of you!

Sensing that the atmosphere was getting quite tense, Old man Jian decided to step in.

-Now now, everyone's in the same sect, fellow disciples, there is no need to be this angry at each other.


As old man Jian brought the group further in, Han began to discover that the sect really had a lot of facilities.

A giant training ground installed with dummies.

A library which stored all the sects martial arts and cultivation secrets.

Everything that one could ask for, there surely will be.

But what was lacking in all these facilities were a tad too obvious.

There were too little people!

Even if you multiply the amount by a 1000 right now, it would not even fill 1/10 of the empty space!

Han shook his head, this sect is really in bad state...

After dismissing the 3 other disciples, old man Jian decided to pass some basic body refining techniques to Han.

-This is our sect's most commonly used body refining technique, its is known as the "Steel Bone Body"

As old man Jian handed over the scripture to Han, he did not know that Han was overwhelmed at the current moment.

This is real ah! Truly cannot believe it until you see it, cultivating powers is real!

Scenes where him being an overlord, dominating the world, calling the winds and summoning the rain flashed across his head.

Han eyes reddened in agitation.

This.. This...

Old man Jian thought that Han was excited over a mere "Steel Bone Body" and chuckled.

Ahh... Youth... What a mesmerizing phase of life.

If he had known Han's thoughts, he would have puked out blood!

You! You haven't even start cultivating ah, yet you're already dreaming of world domination!

This.. This is practically bullshit!