Returning Home

A few weeks passed since he came to Yardrat and nothing really significant happened in that time. He didn't have any high boosts in power like when he did meet Guru on Namek but he wasn't even here for that in the first place.

Darc knew it would now be back to training hard to accomplish something further in his progress. What he could do right now is concentrate his focus on trying out his few new abilities or try to unlock his meridians further.

Remembering what was written on that board made him notice that his meridians somehow enhanced his overall power. He had a hunch that would be somehow the case but now it was confirmed for him.

But only so little was opened? That was kinda depressing for him. He already had put about 2-3 years of training into that and the boost from Guru recently did a lot in refining the meridians as well.

So it meant that its gonna take a lot of effort to open them up later on. And the more he achieved the longer it would take. Like an endless spiral.

So he decided to give his abilities a try first and later go with his refining. Besides he had to learn instant transmission and had no real time diverting his attention to anything else.

After he talked with the Yardratian people he asked them if they had any options to leave this planet.

The Yardratian thought about giving him a spaceship but one Yardratian noticed that Darc had ki in his body and could learn the instant transmission. That would effectively not waste a spaceship on an offworlder.

Darc, of course, showed his interest in the technique and asked them what it was all about and that he really would like to try it out.

The Yardratian thought about it and agreed to part with their technique. They showed him how to utilize ki in a much greater sense to lock onto other familiar auras and travel within an instant to that destination.

Darc at first was amazed at how much this technique required in amounts of ki. He barely managed to fulfill that bare minimum to feel Earth or better to say feel Kami. His ki sense also wasn't that good. What made it a little bit worse.

But it seems his Affinity that he wished for helped him a lot in learning the technique. The instant transmission was basically putting him into a temporary own dimension where time was completely ignored. That is how it can teleport someone instantly. Well instantly in regard as fast as the instant transmission goes.

He tried it out a few times and teleported near Nail for fun and jiggle and returned back to Yardrat pretty immediately. Namek was closer to Yardrat and he wasn't that proficient in this technique yet. So he chose to troll a little and get familiar with the technique.

Nail, on the other hand, got really confused. He always immediately felt Darc´s energy and looked around to see where he was but his signature always disappeared shortly after.

When Darc looked at his watch, he saw that only two days remained until school was gonna start again. He sighed in annoyance. At least he finished what he was after but now its back to a boring life.

Darc said his farewells to all the Yardratian he met. He actually found out that Yardratian had more than just one base color of skin. There were even a few with blue or green skin. It opened up his understanding that there is more to things than what he knew. Some of them even had pretty powerful auras. At least the ones that showed him the technique had at least the amount of power he had if not even more. That made him determine that he has still to keep training.

As a farewell gift, he got a set of Yardratian clothes. He accepted it and put them aside for now.

After everything was done, he closed his eyes to concentrate on Kami´s location. He even put his index and middle finger on his forehead just like Goku to focus better. After locking on to it he started the transmission. Effectively vanishing from Yardrat.


The lookout was quiet as always and Kami was looking at Earth right now. He seemed in thought.

Suddenly Kami noticed something and turned his head.

And there he stood. Darc was finally back. Kami widened his eyes. He saw him but the change he went through made him flabbergasted. What happened to this child? Why does he emit such a strong power after just a months time?

"Hey there Kami. Long time no see.", he grinned and greeted him with one hand waving to him.

"You....can use kaikai? Also, what is with that energy you are emitting.", Kami wondered about why he felt someone using kaikai so suddenly. People using similar techniques can still feel each other using them.

"Nah, this technique is called instant transmission. Your kaikai is only usable by deities and such and its way more proficient than my move.", Darc answered and started grinning. "Well, I just got stronger that is all. Ah, I should also say hi from the grand elder on Namek."

When Kami heard his last words he opened his mouth slightly. Right, he nearly forgot about that. This kid only gives him one surprise after another.

"Why did you know about my ancestry and my home planet?", Kami became suspicious.

"Easy, remember when you gave me the Dragonball? I read your mind when I touched your hand. I also know your Namekian tongue now", Darc said in Namekian and placed a finger against his temple.

Kami was shocked to hear him talk like that. Did he read his mind? Why didn't he notice anything when he did that? Come to notice he couldn't read this boy´s thought at all. Kami sighed after a short moment of silence. He didn't bother going after that topic any longer.

"So, boy. What are you going to do now after coming back?", Kami asked.

"Well, I am still a kid and need to go to school and all that. Gotta go back home before my mother starts getting angry. She probably already is worried that I was gone for so long.", Darc said to him while placing his hands behind his head and thinking about it.

Kami didn't know what to say to that. In such moments the boy seemed so carefree but he knew better now not to think like that. This kid had a lot on its mind.

"Then you better hurry, right?", nodded Kami and knew he would leave pretty soon.

Darc nodded as well "Yeah, we will see each other again sometime later, Kami." Then he dashed off and jumped down the platform. Kami only sighed and looked at his small frame.

While falling some distance he started to shout "Dark Flying Nimbus!" and a dark cloud came flying and caught his fall.

"Hey, buddy. Been a while, huh. Okay, let's go back to my hometown." He patted it and pointed into a direction. With that, the Nimbus started flying off in the said direction.


Arriving in front of Kerno town Darc looked down at it and smiled. He kinda missed this town a little.

"Alright, I will go alone from this point onward. See you later, buddy.", he said and jumped down from the could.

Landing on the ground he looked around if anyone saw him. Not seeing anyone he took out his bicycle and mounted it.

He was gonna ride the bike for this short distance. He actually wanted to keep it a secret that he could fly for now. When the time comes he would tell his parents and the villagers so they don't go into a panic.

Coming back to his home he unmounted his bicycle and stared at the door. He sighed, opened it and went inside.

"I am back home~!", he shouted out into the house.

One could hear something falling inside a room. It was the gallery. Darc smiled and he saw how the door to the gallery opened and his mother came out. She had a few little tears in her eyes and dashed to him, hugging him dearly.

"My baby is back!", Kibini said and sniffed a little.

"Mom, you are suffocating me.", Darc said after seeing her being so emotional.

Kibini let go and eyed him up. She looked for any injuries or other things like that. Good thing he was nowhere hurt. Then her gaze became firm and she started to get angry. She grabbed his ear and started to complain while stretching and twisting his hear.

"You mischievous child of mine! Do you know how worried I was!? I thought you would only be gone for half the time at most but you actually used all the time up from your holidays!", she shouted angrily but soon after smiled gently.

"Welcome home, sweetie." She kissed his forehead and let go of his ear.

And at that moment Darc´s stomach started grumbling. Darc blushed like a tomato. He didn't think that would happen now when he came back and at this emotional moment at that. Did his belly miss the cooking so much that it started revolting the instant he was home?

"Looks like while adventuring you forgot to eat properly. Being all hungry like that. I will prepare you something right now. Just wait a little bit more.", Kibini said while laughing a little.

"Thanks, mom", he answered back.

After the dinner was ready both took their places at the table and started eating. Kibini looked really happy seeing Darc eating. Darc on the other hand kinda felt embarrassed and a little bit uncomfortable.

"Mom, could you not stare at me so much?", he asked her.

"Nope, I am gonna do that a lot for now. Actually, was your adventure fruitful? What did you wish for yourself?", asked Kibini and denied his request.

"Yep, I got them all. The dragon was huge and looked really majestic. I wished for health. That's the most important thing for a martial artist after all.", Darc said with a grin. That was a lie but his mother wouldn't know better.

"Is that so? As long as you are happy about your wish then everything is good.", remarked Kibini with a bright smile.

Darc looked at her and stayed silent for a moment. Then he started continuing to eat.

He accomplished everything he wanted for now. Now he had to continue his life and try to train himself while not forgetting things like school and all.

It's gonna be hard to juggle both things but there aren't many dangers he has to take care off for now. He should really enjoy his life a little bit. It's short after all.

He smiled. He started to love this world more and more.

"Oh, and sweetie? Please go take a bath.", said Kibini out of the blue.

Darc nearly choked on the food that he had inside his mouth when he heard her words.

´Please don't ruin that last thought of mine, mother! But come to think of it I probably reek a little...A bath sounds nice.´