The Journey Begins

"I'm sorry, but your marks aren't good enough for you to stay here." Tang Xie told him. Inside the principal's office at University of Everlasting Dreams. Ting Wo, a 19-year-old University student, was getting a briefing of why he was getting expelled.

The University of Everlasting Dreams was located in South-East Asia, in a city called Guiyang. Ting Wo was enrolled in a computer science course. He was in his second year at The University of Everlasting Dreams. His marks were below of his peers. It was January 22rd, 2010 when Ting Wo was called to Tang Xie's office to be informed about his dismissal.

Ting Wo had the lowest mark in his course. He lives alone in a single bedroom apartment barely scraping by. His family consisted of his Mother, as his father had died when Ting was only 3 years old in a car accident. In order for Ting Wo to go to University, his Mom has been working hard at a restaurant as a waiter and cashier. She had finally managed to save up enough money along with the money they got compensated from the accident for Ting to go to University. However now that Ting was getting expelled, He was in a predicament.

"What should I do? Should I tell my mom that I got expelled?" Ting thought to himself before walking to the Duan Life Bar. It was 8:35 p.m. when he got there.


12:12 a.m. on the 2nd floor of the Duan Life Bar.

Ting was really drunk as he was preparing to go to his rented apartment. As he just started to take his 3rd step he lost his footing and fell down the flight of stairs. At the bottom of the stairs on the first floor. Ting was flat on the ground. "Ugh, my head hurts..." Ting Wo had been propped up by the bartender when a voice sounded inside his head.

"System initializing..."

"System has been initialized. Analyzing User's interests..."

"Analysis complete..."

"Welcome to the Hacker System!"