Changing Grades

Ting searched for a few minutes until he found an assignment that caught his attention. The assignment was to hack into some schools' grading program to change a students score.

Ting thought if he could have hacked into his universities grading system that their professors used then he could have easily had average grades. Then he wouldn't have had been expelled from the university.

"Heh, I should have thought of this. But, to do so I would have had to pay quite a hefty sum." Ting reminisced about his expelling from Everlasting University. Ting accepted the assignment without a second thought. On the screen, it displayed some more in-depth information.


Assignment - Change Students Grades

Information: Zhao Tai needs his grades boosted to above average. His high school is called Tung Tang high school.

Status - Ongoing

Category - Personal

Reward: 250USD


"First, I need to infiltrate and gain access to their school grading program. To do so I would need a teacher's account. If not then I can try to infiltrate without it and try to get administrator rights." Ting thought of a way to complete his task.

When he finally decided which option took the lest effort and was faster to complete. He chose to just gain access to this students' teachers' account for the grading program. However since the assignments information didn't have their teachers' name included, he decided to gain access to a teachers' account from his clients' school.

"After I complete this assignment, I should get some food." Ting thought as he didn't have breakfast yet. Ting wanted to finish so that he could get some breakfast.

Ting quickly went to Tung Tangs High schools website. From the website, he saw a recent photograph posted on their front page. The picture had a teacher or an adult with some students doing a lab experiment. Apparently, they were trying to advertise their science department as better than other schools.

However, for Ting, this was a perfect opportunity. He quickly found the teachers name in the caption under the photo. He then found his school email because there was a contact us information in the captions to get more information about their science department.

He quickly sent the email with an attachment. Basically, he sent a Trojan horse. The email was as follows.


Name: Quick! Theses nudes photos were just leaked!!!!!!

- Photos attached.


And no there isn't any nudes photos of anyone. It just attached a photo which if he clicks will create a backdoor on the computer he downloaded it from. He pressed the send button and before he went to buy some food. He went to an ATM to convert the USD into yuan. After he had converted he quickly went to BurgerQueen.

The reason why he left his home was that he had to wait to see if the teacher downloads it. If he does he can quickly access their computer and use the schools grading program and change his clients' grades.


Meanwhile, Guan Duan, a science teacher was eating his breakfast inside his classroom. He usually always buy some burgers from WacDonalds and heads to school early so he can prepare his lesson plans.

While eating his WacDonalds burger, he was creating a slideshow to show his students next week in class. He heard the notification sound meaning that he received an email. He switched tabs to his email and saw a new email sent to him named . Guan Duan silently gulped, he turned his head towards his class.

His desk was at the front of the class meaning when students walk in and look right it's at the front. Therefore after confirming there was no one watching what he was doing he clicked on the email and started to download the photo. After a few minutes, the photo was finally downloaded. When the photo downloaded and was displayed on the screen Guan Duan was scared so badly that it made him jump and scream.

What he saw, of course, popped up instantly when the photo finished the download and therefore he wasn't ready to view it. The photo was of a ghoul-like-face with hollow eyes and dark background. With bits of blood in its mouth.

After he calmed down he thought that whoever sent the email was a cruel, cruel person. However he wouldn't think it came from an expelled university student, otherwise, he would go and find him and slap him for scaring him.

He quickly deleted the photo and continued working on his slideshow. However, he never thought that what he downloaded was a Trojan horse and that it installed a backdoor on his computer so whenever Ting enters this backdoor he will have full control of his computer.

However, if deleting the virus was that easy then think again. Once he downloaded the photo his computer is already vulnerable. That is the reason why to never download things like torrents because if you don't download anything besides the trusted programs then good luck to the people trying to steal your information.


When Ting came back home he was greeted by the receptionist. "How was breakfast?" Yao Chen asked with a smile on her face.

"It was great, had a nice burger. Now I'm pretty much full." Ting replied happily as he patted his belly.

"You should cut back on the junk food. There are too many carbs, and you'll turn into a pig." Yao Chen told Ting out of kindness.

"Okay, I'll do as you say. By the way, if you need any help with fixing computers you can come to me. I'll fix it for free." Ting offered because he knew her very well since he had started to live here.

"Oh. You can fix computers? That's great I just so happened to have a computer that hasn't been working for a few weeks."Yao replied. "I didn't have the time to get it looked at since I sit here all day. And since when did you learn how to fix computers?"

Ting didn't know what to say so he made it up. "Recently, I self-taught myself over the weekend. I didn't have much to do since I got expelled so I decided to fix computers as a hobby." It was not false but it wasn't true either. Since he did somewhat learn by himself. And with help from the system, he got more practical experience.

"Oh. That's great, it's nice to have something to do when you got so much free time." Yao complimented.

"All right, I need to head back and work on something. See you later." Ting said his goodbyes and he left and headed up the stairs still creating a sound with every footstep and echoing through the larger empty stairwell.

When Ting turned his computer on and checked if the teacher downloaded it or not. It left him smiling when he found that there was another computer he could access remotely from a backdoor installed on the teachers' computer.

He quickly typed in some code and entered through the backdoor that was installed. When he saw the slideshow and the mouse cursor moving he instantly knew that he was still using the computer. He stealthily typed in some code on his computer and turned the teachers' camera on and saw his face.

The teacher had blonde hair, with a few wrinkles on his forehead. He already knew what he looked like from the photograph on the schools' website but, he felt that he needed to know when the teacher leaves his computer. So he could quickly open the grading program and hack so that he gives himself admin so he could access all the classes and change them.

He knew that it was still early in the morning and classes start later so all he needed to do as to wait until he teaches and quickly changes his clients' grades.

"All right it's time to play the waiting game," Ting said out loud as he began to do some light exercises like some seats and jumping jacks and push-ups.


After an hour and so, the students finally entered the room and greeted the teacher as they head to their seats. Ting knew his chance was coming. He almost couldn't wait any longer. Then after all the students sat down and took out their binders and pencil cases. Guan Duan finally stood up and welcomed everyone and showed them what he would be teaching today.

While he was talking and teaching the students he would have never thought that his computer would be completely hijacked and used to change some students grades. If he found out he would most likely quickly shut down his computer and almost never use it again until he removes the Trojan horse or virus that was on his computer.

The reason was that if the school found out he would most likely lose his job for helping a student raise their mark with them earning it. His reputation would be at an all-time low and he would be despised by his fellow colleagues.

Ting quickly searched for the grading program and typed away trying to trick the program into thinking he was an administrator. After a few minutes of typing code, he gained admin privileges.

Of course, he would be getting rid of his traces after he completed the task and remove the admin rights. After he searched for his clients' name. He found his grades and quickly changed them from a 65 % to 83%.

After doing so he confirmed his changes and exited the program after revoking his admin rights and removing all traces of he ever been there. Then he set the computer of how it looked when the teacher left it and left the computer.

After making sure he didn't forget anything, he went the HackersHaven website and marked his assignment as completed.