Getting Ideas

HackersHaven -> HackersNetwork


Ting went online and searched how to create a startup company. What he found was that he needed to go in person and have the required documents to create his company. He would be giving these documents to the government, or the civil servants.

After a few hours, he finished writing up the necessary documents that he needed. He found the address given for his area and left his apartment complex. From the busy streets he hailed a taxi and gave the driver an address.

After about 30 minutes or so he arrived at the building that the website gave him to create an company. Ting Wo saw that it was a relatively new building as everything inside was also very neat and clean. Carpet covered the floor and the place had an air of a office.

Many security guards were on duty as this building was a part of the government services. The lobby was pretty open there were many youths and older men could be seen sitting down and talking to each other.

Most likely about their business related content. The building was lit up well and had a decent vibe to it.

Ting didn't know where to go so he could only ask something passing by. When he thought about asking he found a middle aged lady, so he decide he would ask her.

"Excuse me, I'm here to register a company. Do you know where I do that is?"

"Oh you're also starting a company? I've seen many young youths create companies. Unfortunately, they weren't successful." The lady said. "But, nearly every new company starts out the same. You need to work hard in order to be successful. To register a company you need to see that woman over there."

"Good luck lad." She said as she walked to the exit.

"Thanks!" Ting Wo thanked her and walked towards the marble counter. Apparently this is where you register a company. He had to wait in line as there was about 6 people waiting in line with papers in hand. The same went for Ting, as he held the documents for registering his company.

After what felt like 30 minutes it was finally Ting's turn.

"You're registering a company?" The woman said. On her suit was a name tag that told him her name was Dai Chung.

"Yes, here is the documents I need to register the company.

"Alright, It won't take too long." She said.

After 10 minutes she finished inputting the information to the computer. She kept the documents and said "We'll keep a copy of theses." She put them into a photo copier to the side and had it print out a copy of the papers. After it was done she handed back the original to Ting and said you're good to go.

Ting went out of the building and realized that he needed a product for his company. His company will be about games for the time being and he thought about expanding it into the anti virus software area. However, that will be for the future as he now needs to think of what to do now.

Ting Wo hailed a taxi and told the driver his apartments address. As he was in the taxi he thought about what he needed to do next. As he thought about it he arrived to his apartment. As Ting walked up the stairs he suddenly had an idea.

"Let's see if there is a game design course!" Ting called up his system when he entered his apartment room. He entered the learning dimension and walked up to the interface on the table. He searched up a game design course and found one.


Course: Game Design [Beginner]


At the end of the course you will be able to design games.

Cost: 700 System Credits


He found a game design course, however it was just the beginner course. He found that in order to enroll into the Intermediate course he needed the prerequisite Game Design Beginner Course. And the same also goes for the advanced course. For the advanced he needed the intermediate.

"How much will it all cost." Ting's heart ached when he thought about all the System Credits he needed to learn the courses.

Ting went to check if there were any system missions related to taking the game design course so he would at least earn something back.

Unfortunately for Ting he couldn't find any missions for taking the game design course. Ting checked his schedule to find if there was anything that he needed to attend and found that there wasn't. Ting slightly bit his lower lip and pressed the enroll button on the interface to enroll into the course.

["700 System Credits have been deducted from your balance."]

["You have successfully enrolled into the Beginner Game Design course."]


["You have successfully completed the beginner game design course."]

"If only it was this easy to learn during university." Ting sighed as he thought of how easy it was to learn in the learning dimensions.

After a week of his course, he had learned the basics of game design. It was quite the experience for Ting because it was his first time finding out how hard it was to design a well thought out game.

Ting now needed to find out what kind of game he wanted to create. He thought about how expensive it would cost if he wanted to create a MMORPG game because he could buy the bits and pieces he needed from his system shop. In his system shop was more sophisticated and more advanced parts.

Theses parts were more powerful than what everyone had on earth. However for Ting it costed a heft amount of System Credits. Ting was eager to know what upgrading the Hacker System will give him. However upgrading the system would obviously come at a later time. Right now, Ting needed to find out what would be a good game for consumers.

Ting thought about it for a good hour, but, couldn't get any ideas. Therefore he went online and researched the trends of the gaming industry. He found that it was leaning more towards the virtual reality devices. However, earth wasn't advanced enough to get fully immersive virtual reality devices as of yet.

For Ting, he couldn't enter the virtual reality sector yet. However, he knew that he could introduce it with help of his system. So until then, he decided the game would be a single player mobile game. As Ting was researching mobiles games, an light bulb suddenly appeared over his head. Ting had an idea, how about a game where you play as a King and you decide the fates of the people from your kingdom.

The game is played by how long you last. You needed to make good decisions and if you choose the bad situations. Some event will take place and you will lose some citizens. Ting thought that it was a pretty neat idea. So he decided to program it, because he had already learned how to create GUI's he didn't need to take the course again.

Ting started coding and creating the game. He created the events and buttons and a account login. Ting bought a server from the system shop. The server will be holding the data for the game. The server will store the users accounts. This game would take up a lot of time. Therefore he put his computer into his storage space and traveled to the learning dimension. He took out his computer and put it on a spare desk for him to work on the game.

But, before he started he called his mom. Ting told her that he was doing fine, and avoided telling her that he got expelled from his university. If he told her right now without anything to comfort her, she might break down into tears. Therefore, he waited for until he had a better position to tell her. He decided to tell his mom just before he releases his game into the mobile market. He would allow his mom to play it, and let her try to find any bugs.

After finishing the call, he decided to get to work.