
When Ting attempted to open the door. He found out that he couldn't and Ling Zhou's voice sounded again.

"Unlock The Hallway - 1000 System Credits" Ling Zhou notified.

"Unlock the hallway?" Ting repeated, he thought for a moment and figured it out. He will need system credits to expand his own pocket world.

He can only make this assumption. Whether or not he could expand his world to the size of a small city was unknown to him. He didn't know if he could change anything or everything was already pre-set and all he could do was purchase the new area without being able to customize the expansions he buys.

It was like buying a new DLC (Downloadable Content) every time Ting purchases a new area, he didn't need the expansion but it was extra content in the DLC sense.

Just like DLCs, you don't need them to play the game. In Ting's case, he didn't need it, and he could also choose not to expand anything.

But for Ting, he wanted to explore more of this world of his. He wanted to know what the limits are. Are animals able to live here? Ting kept these questions floating around inside his head. Right now Ting was really curious.

He decided to spend his hard-earned System credits over a measly hallway that he hasn't seen yet.

["Do you wish to purchase the hallway?"] Ling Zhou's voice sounded.

"Yes please, Zhou" Ting confirmed his decision in his head.

After Ting confirmed it, he didn't hear anything that indicated that anything had changed. But Ting knew that he bought an expansion to his pocket world.

Right now his pocket world only consisted of one room the size around 15 square meters. With a computer setup for hacking and sufficient lighting for long-term computer use. What he doesn't see is where the vending machine is.

Ting then attempted to open the door once again. Instead of being unable to unlock the door, he was now able to open the door.

Now walking through the door he entered the hallway. The hallway's walls were a tint of grey, the color was very gentle to his eyes.

Walking out he found out that his room was at the end of the hallway. So the moment he opened the door he was greeted by a long hall straight in front of him.

There was a window on his left but instead of seeing the sun and the environment, all he saw was black fog floating around. It was very misty and spooky.

There were a couple of doors when he looked at the hall. Doors were all on his right since he thought that if he were to expand until he could see the outside environment.

Then instead of black fog, it would be a window for him to look out of. Ting walked to the window and looked out again. Ting imagined how it might look when he expands this place until it was like he was in a city.

Wouldn't this mean he will get a city that belonged to only him? Ting felt excited he felt more motivation to expand this pocket world into a place where he could relax and perhaps he would be able to bring people here.

However, that would be highly unlikely unless he wants other people to find out that he had some logic destroying ability. Unfortunately, Ting wouldn't know if he could bring people here unless he tried.

Ting had these thoughts stuck in his head. He walked towards one of the doors and placed his hand on the golden floor doorknob.

As he already knew, he couldn't open the door, he could hear Ling Zhou's voice again prompting him the options on this room expansion.



1. Lounge - 1000 SC

2. Washroom - 500 SC

3. Bar - 1500 SC

4. Custom - Unknown


Ting was surprised that he could decide what the room could be. This was a big revelation for him. It meant that he could decide what goes where. It was like him playing a city builder game except he started from a small room inside of going straight to putting down roads.

"Ling Zhou, what is the custom option?" Ting wanted to know what exactly this custom option was.

"You customize the space that is there. An example would be putting specific items or how you want the room to be. The cost will depend on specifically what you choose to have." She explained.

"That's great I can choose whatever I want. Unfortunately, the cost might be high depending on what I want." Ting felt the need to find a way to obtain a lot more System credits.

"Ling Zhou, please tell me a way to earn System credits quickly," Ting asked his assistant. He wanted to quickly earn more System credits to expand his own world.

"There are multiple ways to earn System credits. Here are a few ways." Ling Zhou replied as a holographic screen appeared before Ting.


1. Do system missions/quests

2. Hacking into companies.

3. Having people download your software.


"These are some of the ways you can earn System credits a bit faster than other methods." Ling Zhou informed him that this was not all the ways to earn System credits.

"I think the easiest right now is the third one. Ling Zhou, please give me more info on the third option please."

"As you wish." She replied.

"For every 1000 people that download your software, you will be awarded 10 System Credits. The software could be anything besides photos it. It needs to be some software or game." She shared more information about this method of earning System credits.

"1000 Downloads for 10 System Credits?" That is literally very slow! "Wait..." Ting thought for a moment and realized if it was too high then it would be very easy to earn them. In addition to this, all he needed to do was let people download his software.

He didn't need to spend any time it was like earning money relaxing something like Bill Gates sitting at home making a ton of money per second.

Thinking about it again, he realized that shouldn't he be earning some System Credits right now. He checked his system main menu and saw that his system credits were slowly increasing.

He didn't notice this before most likely because there were only a few people downloading his mobile game.

He thought about how he was also earning money from the people buying his game. He felt excited by the fact that he was getting System credits and money at the same time.

When he was deciding on what his next move would be, he suddenly felt that there was something watching him.

He turned around and didn't find anything. "Maybe it was my imagination." Ting thought as he forgot what he was thinking about.

But unknown to him he was right as the figure disappeared into the dark black mist.