Apartment Complex

When Ting brought his attention back into reality, he remembered that besides Hua Zhao who taught every course he had taken, this teacher is a complete stranger to him.

"This one greets Shifu." Ting Wo greeted him respectfully.

"No need to be polite." The man replied as he disappeared from where he was and then reappeared in front of him.

Ting got quite a scare from him. "How did he do that," Ting thought, "Is he even human?"

"How'd you do that?" Ting asked, wanting to know how he did that.

"This... sorry but, I can't answer your question." He replied then started to introduce himself "

"You can call me Di Zhang, I'm going to be your teacher for the stealth course." He informed what Ting already knew.


After 6 hours, Di Zhang taught Ting how to avoid surveillance and all the other bits and pieces to get in and then get out. Now Ting had to practise in a simulated environment in order to get the experience and slowly perfect his stealth ability.

He was put into a simulated environment and his objective was to make his way into this apartment complex and enter a specified room and steal an object. He was given the blueprint of the building for reference and creating a plan.

Ting looked at the blueprint and found the layout to be quite amusing. The layout of the building and the rooms had a type of layout suitable for sneaking around. Maybe this was a trick, maybe this simulation is not as easy as it looked. He wasn't given a guard schedule or anything yet, maybe he would receive it from his teacher later, but, for now, he probably won't get it.

Taking nearly 30 minutes Ting felt like he memorized the whole layout. He then attempted the infiltration, the building where it is was right across from the apartment complex, many guards could be seen on the complex. This was was make it so that the simulations are quick, otherwise, if he was placed on the other side of the city then he would need to take the time to travel to the apartment complex.

The travelling time will, of course, waste his course time. Even though there is no limit on the time you take to finish the course, it would instead waste time that could be spent in the real world.

Walking out of the building, Ting walked around the apartment complex to the planned entry point. His plan was to climb the fence and enter through a window that was written on the blueprint to be quite old.

Hoping that the window would be old enough that it would be easy to force open, Ting found the place he needed to go and climbed the fence surrounding the apartment complex. While making sure to avoid the camera, Ting sneaked stealthily up to the window. According to the blueprint, if he could enter through the window, he would be able to get to his destination faster.

The room with the old window was a room that was often left unattended. Thus resulting in the rusty old window. The room was pretty close to where he needed to go and steal the item from. He didn't know what he would be stealing, but, there would most likely be an indication somehow telling him what he needed to steal.

Now at the window, Ting attempted to force open the window. Trying to push open the window, he succeeded in forcing the window open. Climbing inside, he rolled to cancel his fall a little and looked around the room.

The room was an old storage room, the room was filled with items but one could tell from the rust on the items that they had been there for a long time. He didn't know why they would leave the items untouched but, Ting knew this was only a simulation so there was no point in thinking about this.

Knowing this room was used for storage he looked around for anything handy. After a few minutes of searching, he found a crowbar. Taking the crowbar he intended to use on the door of the room with the object he needed, he opened the door to the storage room a little and peeked outside for any signs of guards. His destination was on the third floor of the building and the room number was 332.

When he first read the room number, he thought it was three hundred and thirty-three. He got the chills for a bit until he noticed he read the number wrong. The stairs should be on his left and should allow him to directly ascend to the third floor.

After carefully checking for any security and finding that they weren't here he went out and ran for the door to the emergency staircase.

"Who would patrol the emergency staircase?" Ting thought, "Why would they patrol the staircase if it's used for emergencies?"

It was almost like patrolling a police station with cops littered all around the police station.

Ting quickly found no security guards and successfully reached the third floor. Looking out he found that there weren't any guards. But, he saw people walking down the hall to the elevator. The hallway was filled with paintings to the point it would give people some chills like they were watching your every move.

Quickly finding that the people entered the elevator. He will look for the room when they were gone. He looked at the room numbers above the doors of the various rooms. Finding that the number above one of the apartment rooms was 290. He knew that the room must be close to where he was at the moment.

He saw that the door had closed and he stood up and walked trying to not make any noises with his footsteps. But, what he didn't notice was the couple who entered the elevator had their eyes glued to him just before the elevator door closed.

If Ting saw this it would be giving him chills, because the looks in their eyes were like they didn't even have any vitality in them. Like they were just puppets, being controlled by some unknown force.

Ting was walking down the hallway that had a bright red carpet on the floor that spanned the entire hallway. The paintings on the wall were paintings of people looking like they were in the medieval time period, holding swords and other weaponry from that time. Quicking arriving at the door to room 332, he heard a light thump sound in the other room.

Hearing the sound he checked the door and found that it was closed, looking up Ting froze almost immediately. The number above the door was 333, the number of evil. It was such a scary coincidence, he did not want to be here anymore as he received chills going up his spine.

Quickly breaking the door with the crowbar he entered and once he entered he became stunned.

"WHAT THE HELL!" Ting nearly screamed out loud.