Zhao Long

Day. Everything was quiet in the Fire Realm

"It looks like the day will be pretty quiet today Zhao Shui"

Zhao Yong was carrying her three-month-old sister in his lap, taking advantage of his available moment to spend with his little sister, showing the vast sea above Feather Mountain, near the location of his clan.

"When Daddy and Mommy will come back? I miss them so much ...." Zhao Yong sighs sadly.

Suddenly the weather starts to get a different hue, like the color of blood. Zhao Yong looks at the sun and sees it start to turn red. Night. In fifteen minutes everything darkened, nor could the sun transmit more light.


*Ziiiiiii ~~~*

Thunder, lightning, tornadoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, cyclones. Earth and Heaven begin to cry and cry out in fear and fear of what is to come.

"Zhao Yong! Come back right now to the clan!" His grandfather Zhao Yun scared shouts in a hurry, from three miles away

"The day of final judgment came !!!" people start screaming out of fear

Seven days and in the end to complete the seventh night.

"This is not the birth of a person with divine powers, as the old legends say, it takes a day to finish the event, but seven days and almost completing 7 nights" Zhao Yun Reflects on

When it completes the seventh night, a strong explosion with a glow that leaves everyone blind for a few minutes and made bleed the ears of all living beings in the world and with that ends up the anguish from everyone, finally the supernatural phenomenon has ended.


Some minutes later

"Grandpa, what's happened?" Zhao Yong asked

"..... .... I really don't know, but I feel like something big is about to happen"

At that very moment, five thousand miles away from the Zhao clan

"What the fuck is this? Where did I came to? Why I can't walk and everything seems to be giant?"

"That mother fucker Elder was telling the truth then, holy crap!" He thinks fearing

"I've been there for millennia ... ... I still feel all the pain .. but it's good that I didn't leave a single drop there, I was able to absorb everything ... I must teleport to other place, because of what the old man told me in the segment of memory, I was going to cause a commotion in the sky depending on which door I choose, I hope it hasn't been too exaggerated ..... "He starts trembling to remember and then sighed

After that, he teleports himself to a thousand miles away from where he was and ends up getting stuck on a branch in a tall tree and starts to curse and cry because he is only three months old by what he looks like and with that he still dosen't do anything alone because every fifteen to thirty minutes he ends up sleeping for being a baby.

An couple in their thirties to thirty-five years were traveling near the forest when they hear a cry from a baby and they went in the direction of the crying.

"Buhaaaaa buhaaaa buaahhhh ... .... .... ( Shit!! I want to get out of this fucking tree! )"

"Ownnnnn What a cuter baby! he was left here in the woods by someone who didn't want him anymore"

"Buhaaaaa Buhaaaa Buaahhhh .... .... .... .... (Cute baby your ass! )"

"He's very handsome darling, and he also appears to have great potential in the future." Zhao Ming responds to his wife

"Can we stay with him since nobody wanted him?" The wife asked

"Everything in life has a destiny, this boy's destiny was to be found by us, it's our duty to treat him as our own son because this is a gift from the heavens!" Zhao Ming responds to his wife.

She all excitedly approaches and takes the baby and hugs the baby and asks her husband what his name will be.

"His name is going to be Zhao Long because he seems to be in this forest for months and he still alive, he is a Dragon among the babies!" Zhao Ming responds

"Zhao Long, I promise to love you forever and I will always support you in your decisions, giving you advice and everything you need, I will love you forever and ever!" And don't be a lazy boy! You have to strive and cultivate a lot to be the pride of the Zhao family! "The woman tenderly kissed him and made that promise.

Zhao Ming watched the scene and his heart melted to see the woman he loves treat this baby as if it were hers and he nodded deep in his heart that he will do the same and treat him as his own son.

"I see that I'm still a baby and I can't say a word correctly .... I see that I will have even to enter in this family, I'm glad that they seem to be a very kind couple ... I haven't yet gotten used to this idiom .. very strange, is it good that the Old man let me know how to talk already because if not I would take an eternity to learn "

In that they were on their way to Feathers City, apparently they were conducting negotiations for the Clan and were already ten days late on the trip because of the strange events that occurred.

"Whoooow! is this the Feathers City? I've never seen anything in life like this! In the other world it was full of modern buildings but here ... It seems like I'm entering a holy place ... it seems like the Mount Olympus that they mention in the Greek stories .... There are also pagodas that are Japanese and Chinese style .... "He spoke in that baby voice with a surprised tone.

"Zhao Long, are you surprised ? when you know how to talk I'll bring you back to the town so I can know what you thought when you saw the city hahaha" The woman pinched his cheek and smiled.

The city was huge, it had several shops, houses, temples and schools but these schools you didn't learn how to read or write, but to fight, to kill, to learn powers and abilities, everything was different. For Zhao Long he could deduce that this city would fit five New York and it would take months to get to know all of it.

Two days after staying at a local hotel they went to a school situated in a place far from the city where they could hardly see anyone around there.

White Dragon School. The oldest school in Feathers City that was founded by True Mystic White Dragon, the greatest cultivator of all time more than five thousand years ago and today is in a state of decay, but never lost its brightness, many young people still have the desire to study in this school.

"Little Ming you really came!"

"Greetings Sect Master Mu" Zhao Ming answered and he and his wife bowed to him.

"Do not be so polite little Ming, wow what we have here? Who is this baby dragon so strong and powerful?"

Zhao Long made a proud face when Sect Master Mu called him strong

"This little cocky here is our new son Zhao Long" The woman replied

"New son, what do you mean?" Sect Master Mu asked

After that they explained everything that happened to the Sect master Mu because there was no reason to hide this from him because Zhao Ming was a former student of his school.

"Looks like you found a dragon right? Hahaha. Come in please!" Sect Master Mu replied

In this Zhao Long began to observe the children and young people who were there training and cultivating, the age group was between ten to twenty years with which he began to be motivated because his parents said that they would leave him here for three years until finish his negotiations and keep him safe.

Night, after two-and-a-half years, around three-forty-five in the morning, Zhao Long was finishing understanding what spiritual cultivation is through the memory that the old man had left for him. In this he was almost three years old and he could already speak normally but in a child's voice. He went to the schoolyard where he couldn't locate anyone and was trying to start cultivating.

"The first two levels of cultivation consist of nine levels, the first level would be Consolidated Realm, where I need to consolidate my body to be able to cultivate and the second is the Ascend Realm where you awaken your body to feel your particular type of nature, fire, water, air, earth, lightning, light, darkness, and wood .... very strange this ... I always managed to feel all the elements since when I was in another world when I was in contact with nature , but here I can not feel anything ... "He thought and sighed.

From the memories that were given to him, it was rather shallow for Zhao Long to understand what the world was like, the basic things were told to him by this memory and the other things he would have to learn on his own. But no child who is almost three years old could do what he is doing now, children would just want to play and nothing else, and at the age of six to eight they would begin to cultivate.

"I'll start at the beginning."

In this Sect Master Mu was with his presence hidden watching the little boy training his body, to begin to cultivate and to absorb the natural energy that all of the Consolidated Realm level can absorb.

"When a child is born, each child has different ways of cultivating, since it goes from Weak to Divine methods of cultivation and in this the parents have to pass this method on to them, otherwise they will never be able to take a step in cultivation and by the way when he was found there was nothing left with the boy ... very sad that. It is good that we have the immersion capsule in which the founder has created ... "

In this he approaches to Zhao Long

"Hey little Long, by the way you don't have a cultivation method, do you? What do you think of Granddaddy Mu helping you find your method?" Sect Master Mu asked

"Granddaddy Mu is it you? Of course I want, can you help me?" Zhao Long replied in his child's voice.

"Of course I can! Come on to my lap I'll take you there" Sect Master Mu replied

"This child is not normal, where did him came from, to want to start cultivating at almost three years old? If it were to be released it would cause a great commotion .." Sect Master Mu thought and sighed

In this Sect Master Mu was telling the story of the White Dragon to Zhao Long, the founder of the school and how he got this capsule. Zhao Long wasn't very close to his parents or his family in the other world in this world he was doing everything opposite, always giving the most value to them and learning everything he had to learn, but never saying that he was of another world and also he did not teleport to another place because he saw that in that place he would be safe.

Zhao Long was born in this world with some natural powers in which he could use freely, which would be the teleport where he could teleport to some specific place according to his level of power and others that he couldn't understand very well yet.

In that they arrived at the capsule.

"Zhao Long this is the capsule just get into it" Sect Master Mu spoke

The Capsule was strange it kept floating and seemed to be the capsule of Vegeta when it came in the first time on Earth in the cartoon Dragon Ball, but instead of being metal it was constituted with all the powers of nature and was transparent, you could see the person inside when it came in, adjusted according to the body of the person.

After entering Zhao Long asked

"And now what I need to do"

"Don't be Impatient" Sect Master Mu Responds

After waiting three minutes the capsule activated.


It begins to happen dimensional vibrations and the Sect Master Mu begins to be frightened, because after the vibrations the whole school begins to receive an energy with blood color and with this begins to restore the school, the damaged parts, leaving all the school in a perfect state . Because of this, the old buildings that had been destroyed by wars and years were eventually restored.


Only Sect Master Mu could witness this scene, a complete transformation happens at White Dragon School, yesterday where it was considered one of the lowest rankings of schools today can be considered again one of the top.

With this Zhao Feng is inside the capsule absorbing with his closed eyes all the information that is being transmitted to him and doesn't had no idea of the flow of the time. In this Sect Master Mu announces that they will enter period of seclusion to discuss important matters of the school and they closed the school.

"I didn't imagine that this legend was true, I thought it was just a story and not a reality that happened ....." Sect Master Mu reflected about it

In the White Dragon School a story is told to all who receive the post of Sect Masters that when the True Mystic White Dragon founded the school before that he had met a gentleman who had a black and white mantle and that ended up creating for him two areas, one that would be the capsule and the other that no one has been able to enter until today, which was considered forbidden, because whenever someone tried to enter it ended up dying. And the legend said that in that place there were unimaginable treasures.

"After so many years ... that damned old man finally fulfilled with his words ..."

A distant voice that came with the wind sounded.