Clan Zhao

Morning, the White Dragon School was close, and anyone could get in or out. After 3 days of the reunion of the elders they did an announcement for the public, that it's going to start to have a test for the new students with they want to get in. So, the public don't think a lot of this and forget until the results of the last test that anyone had the possibility to enter in the school, so it was a stunning thing that happen. In this time the Sect Master Mu It was teaching Zhao Long about everything he wants to know because he doesn't understand a lot of things about the context of cultivation or about this new universe that he is in now… So, its helped Zhao Long a lot asking the elder the things about cultivation and the world itself. So, at night Zhao Long was clearing his thoughts and start to see the particular skills that he has at this moment.

1-Teleportation: You can use this skill once per year until you fulfill the requirements.

2- Gravitational field: Use in your body to get strong, you can elevate the gravity in 1 – almost infinite but have requirements too, now I can just elevate until 5000.

3 – Spiritual Power: Locked until determined cultivation level.

4-Mystical eye – unknown.

Hummmmmm ~~~~~~

I believe I have to just focus what I can use right know let's forget about some skills that I can't really use in this moment. Zhao Long thought.

Gravitational field…. I can use right know but is it really good? What's going to happen to me if I always double per day? I have to start right now before dad and mom arrive, I have 3 months until they arrive…

So, with a weird feeling he turns on the gravitational field in his body and in the same instant he gets stuck in the floor.

"Fuuuuucckkkkk This shit is so powerful!!! How I turn it off!!??? "

He was unable to turn off for the holy night, so he slept with the gravitational field.


Wow its morning already! He just gets up of the floor and...

Dammm what's this... I completely forget about the gravitational field and this… how? My body already get use to this? How I turn off?

After 3h trying to turn off he did it and was surprise about it because the feeling it was totally different, he could move more easer. He was dumb about this, now he can run 2 times fester then before.

Nice!! Let's turn on again and wait until 24h to elevate de level.

After this he turn it on and goes to do what he usually does in the morning, workout and his daily tasks.

The daily tasks that he had was read many books about everything can be for medicine or region for he can understand more about the things in this word.

The period of 3 moth pass by so fast that he couldn't believe, and his parents arrive to get him back to home. He said his farewell to Master Mu and return home, but after this the Master Mu told his parents when he is 8 to bring him back to be a student and they agreed.

"Mom, how is home? Is big like the Withe Dragon School? or its smaller?" Zhao Long asked

"O boy you already talk this much? home is so beautiful you're going to like it, its peaceful. You can enjoy the time there with your brother and sister and play a lot because we have a lot of space." His mom answered.

"Brother, sister? How're they? They're nice? Strong? how old are they?" Zhao Long Asked with surprise.

"Zhao Long when we arrive you going to see by yourself, but they are really strong they can kill you with a slap of a finger" Zhao Ming play Zhao Long

"No waaaayyy they're so powerful? Really? They can fly?" Zhao Long asked with more surprise eyes

"Stop joking with little Long dear he is just 3" His mom said

After 3 days they arrived in the Clan and Zhao Yun was there to receive them.

"uuh? How is this little boy?" Zhao Yun asked in a surprise manner

So, they started to explain everything that they passthrough.

"So, this is a new member of our family, How're you little Long?" Zhao Yun asked

"I'm really hungry but I'm fine granpa" Zhao Long said

"Humm, so let's get inside you have a long trip let's eat and talk a little bit, you have a lot of people to meet too, your brothers going to be happy about you." Zhao Yun said

They get inside of the clan and it was dark already almost everyone was sleeping, so they eat and goes to bed to sleep too but when they was eating Zhao Yun was trying to know a little bit more about Zhao Long so he was trying so make him his friend.

Morning, the weather was perfect it was a spring season the birds were singing and had a lot of vitality the day. When Zhao Long woke up there was a little girl and a boy almost 7-8 years old looking to him with a big smile.

"You wake up little brother! Finally! Did you sleep well?" Zhao Yong asked with a happy smile

"Big brother Yong don't be so anxious he doesn't know how we are" Zhao Shui said

So, they supposed to be my brothers in this life… Let's make a friendship with they and see if they can be trusted. - Zhao Long Think

So after some years passed by and Zhao Long was 7 but in this time we knows everything about his clan, good things and bad thing that's what happen there, he was a good soon for his family and they always showed they love for him and he did the same for they, but when he was 6 he told his father if he can go to some place that he could cultivate about almost 2 year for he can make some improvements and his father agreed with that an let him stay in one house in the forest, because this forest don't have beasts that could kill him it was really rare that to happen. In this time when he was there, he elevates his Gravity Field by 5 times per day it was really painful he just rested when he was eating. When he gets used to his condition with the Gravity field, he always practiced martial arts with that he can improve more and more. After 1 year and half he left the house in the forest because he already arrived in his limit 5000 in the level of the Gravity field, so and the time he get used with this gravity he start to think how to cultivate the basic for he can get into the Consolidated Realm but he tried 2 moths and nothing happened so he get angry and leaved that place. After he return home, he finds out that someone was making jokes around with his sister, because he finds her crying in his bedroom and try it to asked her why she was there but she didn't answered so he go out to discover what's really happen with her.

At the park of the clan a group of kids around 7-8 was says bullshits about Zhao Shui that she was a horn and this kind of things, after this they start to show they powers how they improve because it was getting close for the application for the school so they had to be prepper. The strongest of the group was the Zhao Wu he was at the level four of the Consolidated Realm he was considered a genius in the clan. Others was level two and three of the Consolidated Realm it was normal for the people, but in this time when they were talking about Zhao Shui, Zhao Long cloud heart it because his audition it was really strong and he find how was talking about her.

"So, it's you how are saying bullshits about my little sis? Are you not afraid of death!?" Zhao Long said with an authoritarian voice because his father is the actual leader of the Clan.

Ahhnn ? - Zhao Wu get surprised by the way he was talking to him

"Look who is coming the one who says is the son of the leader of the clan but is adopted son and he is 7 and don't put a single foot in the Consolidated Realm hahahahah" Zhao Wu said laughing

Everyone starts so laugh about this and Zhao Long look to him like he was seeing a clown

"Go away Zhao Long everyone know that you don't have a father" Zhao Kuen said

"I'll give for everyone here 3 breaths of time to apologies to me and after this follow to my house to apologies to my sister, I only going to say this." Zhao Long said with a determined expression

After he said that everyone started to laugh out loud and had some elder how get shock with this sentence, he is really direct to the point.

"What you going to do to us with we don't?" Zhao Wu asked with a sarcastic smile



Are he joking around? Because he doesn't even have any level in the Consolidated Realm. I just going to teach him a lesson for this. Zhao Wu think about it


When Zhao Wu was going to punch Zhao Long, Zhao Long vanish in the spot and appeared by the said of Zhao Kuen and send him flying with one hit!

Bang!!! ~~~~~

Aaaaaaahhhhhhhh ---------

"Nice, with this strength I believe I can let them stay in the hospital for one year." Zhao Long thought about it

After hiting Zhao Kuen he run to Zhao Kuan, Zhao Gang and Zhao Chong and give them a direct hit that they couldn't see it, it was so fast for the level of this kids that it was absurd.

After he finish they off, Zhao Long faced Zhao Wu how had an shock expression. Zhao Long get a broom how was close of a shop and goes to Zhao Wu, he goes walking, he had any fear about Zhao Wu.

"What you're going to do with this broom?" Zhao Wu asked in fear

"Ahh, this? I'm going to show you who is the bitch" Zhao Long said with a sinister smile

In the other world he usually saw things that police did for the bandits, so he was going to try the same.

Zhao Long get Zhao Wu neck from behind and lifted him up and punched the broom in the ass of Zhao Wu but he didn't stop from here he did about thousands of times so Zhao Wu was screaming like hell! The elders nearby don't had time to stopped him because already it was too late and too crazy because anyone ever see this thing to happen to anyone in this world.

Bleeding, Zhao Wu was bleeding he was let in the floor with the broom in his ass. When this was happing the Clan members it was getting closer to see what was going on, so after discovering it was the son of Zhao Jian and Zhao Ming how was fighting and the result it was insane.

"Zhao Long you going to die right now!!!!!!" Zhao Jian scream angry

When the fight already started some elder already send someone to call Zhao Ming and Zhao Jian, but Zhao Jian had arrived faster than Zhao Ming.

"If you can catch me maybe you have a shot." Zhao Long Said with a smile

Zhao Jian with his full speed rush to Zhao Long But when he was almost touching his face he vanish, he teleported by the side of his father, Zhao Long learn how to use this skill when he was in reclusion cultivation but he can use once in a year so he just going to use when he was almost to die. So he teleported to his father because he sensed him coming to help him, but he was far from de clan when he get the message, when Zhao Long teleported he was in the gate of the clan so this helped a lot.

"Son who you appear here?" Zhao Ming asked in shock

"Father I'm running from Zhao Jian; he wants to kill me!!" Zhao Long rapidly said

"But what did you do to his son? they told me just you too were fighting nothing more." Zhao Ming asked

"They were talking bullshit about little sis and I couldn't handle anymore, and I teach him a lesson." Zhao Long said with sadness tone

"But why he is so angry with you that he wants to kill you?" Zhao Ming ask in a hurry

"I believe it's better you see by your own eyes" Zhao Long said in a sorry way.

5 min after they arrive where Zhao Wu was, Zhao Ming saw the psychical state of Zhao Wu and get shock by it because it was really insane.

"Zhao Long what you did to him?" Zhao Ming asked in a hurry

"I just did the necessary, now he knows who the bitch is" Zhao Long answered

Zhao Ming get a serious face with this answer and see that with someone try to do some bad thing to his family he has Zhao Long to take care of them.

"Zhao Jian going to be really pissed off, I'll try to do my best to help you with this but its better if you go tomorrow to White Dragon School with your sister." Zhao Ming said

Zhao Long agreed and see this is the best way to resolve some things, with the time, because in this world the strong it's the right and the weak is the wrong.

So tomorrow ill going back to White Dragon School, maybe there I can get some answers why I can't cultivate. Zhao Long thought about it.

Why I can't sense any power from my son, why he could do this to Zhao Wu? it's impossible right? Zhao Wu is in the 4 level of the Consolidated Realm…. This kid is so mysterious maybe he can save our clan in the future…. Zhao Ming thought with a shock in his heart.