He Couldn't Help Himself (2)

Kang Jun looked completely composed but his wrinkled suit and the way the man was trying his best to control his breathing piqued Mr. Long's interest. What 'activities' had the man and the woman been doing?

Peering inside, Mr. Long saw that Lu AnLing still laid in bed.

"The miss didn't wake up?"

Kang Jun nodded. "She's awake."

Kang Mingyu who stood by the man's legs was so angry that he was about to shove both of them out of the way but once he heard that Lu AnLing was awake, he maneuvered himself around them and then found his way onto Lu AnLing's bed.

Lu AnLing had small sweat particles on her forehead and her face was flushed. Seeing this, Kang Mingyu frowned.

"Honey!" Lu AnLing called as she wrapped her arms around the boy. "I'm so sorry I scared you. Auntie's okay now."

Coaxing the boy, Lu AnLing held Kang Mingyu warmly. To the boy, her arms were like a warm blanket wrapping him in a protective barrier. Listening to the sound of her heartbeat, his own heart calmed and he sighed a sigh of relief.

She was fine. He was so glad.

Watching the two embrace, Kang Jun couldn't help feeling glad.

"Where are Mei Xue, Doctor Chong, and Rong Xin."

"Doctor Chong had an emergency at the hospital and Rong Xin took Mei Xue home."

Kang Jun stood in silence before he spoke again. "Was Mei Xue okay?"

"Yes, the little miss ate well and then went home without complaint." Looking at Kang Jun's unsatisfied face, Mr. Long sighed. "Though… I think she was disappointed that she didn't get to spend some time with you."

"Did she say that?"


But she didn't need to.

Catching onto what was going on, Kang Jun turned away from the man and then looked at Lu AnLing and Kang Mingyu before he nodded. He had messed up. For a long time now he had been so focused on Kang Mingyu, and then on Lu AnLing, that he had totally forgotten about the girl.

Even if she wasn't being treated badly, Kang Mei Xue always had the same expression. Kang Jun was never sure what the expression signified, but today, seeing her face change when she had come with him, Kang Jun realized what the expression was.

It was loneliness.

Feeling guild rise up from the pits of his stomach, the man sighed.

Soon, he'd have to make it up to Kang Mei Xue.

Kang Jun: "Thank you for today. You're dismissed, but before you leave, contact Rong Xin and tell him to head home."

Hearing this, Mr. Long nodded and then he said his goodbyes to everyone in the room. He was still shocked about his bosses politeness, but he believed that this wouldn't be the last thing that Kang Jun would do that would surprise him so, he saved his shock for something truly unbelievable.

After Mr. Long had gone, the room had stayed the same.

Taking one last look at Lu AnLing and Kang Mingyu, Kang Jun began to feel like the third wheel but he didn't really mind. After how he had monopolized the girl while the little boy had been gone, Kang Jun considered them even.

Without saying goodbye, Kang Jun made his way to the door but he was suddenly stopped when he felt something tugging on his leg. Turning around, Kang Jun saw a red-eyed, Kang Mingyu grabbing onto his pants.

Kang Jun wanted to speak, but the boy began speaking before the man could even open his mouth.


Hearing this, Lu AnLing and Kang Jun's eyes squinted slightly.

"Stay here?" Kang Jun asked.

"I want to be together."

Kang Jun understood the boy, but as he gazed at the single bed, Kang Jun couldn't help but frown.

"How about we all go to my room instead."

Lu AnLing: "…"

Thinking back to what had happened the last time they'd all slept in Kang Jun's room, Lu AnLing began to blush.

She wanted to reject that idea but they had no other options. It was the only way she could make it up to Kang Mingyu and calm his heart.

"No." The boy almost screamed. His eyes became redder and redder. He then pointed to the bed where Lu AnLing laid and then he spoke again, "I want to be together."

The words didn't change but what they meant had changed in the minds of both Lu AnLing and Kang Jun.

By being together, the boy meant that he wanted to be with both Kang Jun and Lu AnLing on the same bed. For the whole night...

For a moment, Kang Jun and Lu AnLing stayed quiet.

They both didn't think it was a good idea; both having their own reasons for believing such a thing, but when they looked at Kang Mingyu's face, they couldn't even think of uttering the word 'no'.

Kang Jun was unsure whether Kang Mingyu understood the concept of death, but the boy surely understood the concepts of 'missing' well.

There had been times when Kang Jun would not see the boy for months on end, and when he would come back, the boy would cling to him for weeks. Right now, Kang Mingyu's eyes reminded Kang Jun of those times.

Somewhere deep inside the boy, he believed that if Lu AnLing and Kang Jun were out of his sights, he might never see them again and despite the fact that this was pretty ridiculous, the two weren't giving him a reason to feel safe.

Lu AnLing had fainted that day and it had caused great distress to the boy's heart, but now, to the boy's eyes, even Kang Jun looked like he was close to doing the same. Unlike how he looked like when they'd last crossed paths, the man now looked extremely pale.

Kang Jun's stresses and lack of sleep had begun to physically catch up to him.

Looking the boy in the eyes, Kang Jun felt his heart tighten. He still wasn't sure what to say, but then, when he turned to look at Lu AnLing apologetically, he knew he had already made up his mind.

Kang Jun sighed. "Alright."

Quickly, the three got ready for bed. As she watched as both the man and the boy left the room to go change, Lu AnLing felt her heart beat in her throat.

She couldn't believe what was happening, but she quickly calmed herself down before she went to change her own clothes.

When she was done, Lu AnLing climbed into bed and began to think. Twisting her ring around her finger, the girl waited for the pair.

Once they came in, Lu AnLing's heart practically stopped.

She couldn't believe her eyes…

Kang Jun and Kang Mingyu wore matching outfits. It made the man and boy looked like a father-son pair.

She wasn't sure who had bought that for them but she had to admit that it was a feast for her eyes. Lu AnLing wanted to squeal. She was still nervous, but the cuteness overload began to take over. Though this feeling quickly dissipated and turned back to nervousness when Kang Jun approached.

"Get in," Kang Jun said as he lifted Kang Mingyu onto the bed.

The boy went to snuggle up near Lu AnLing.

"I'm turning off the lights." Kang Jun said.

When he was done, the tall man crawled into bed, and Lu AnLing watched him intently. Her heartbeat getting louder and louder.

Despite it being dark, Lu AnLing could see Kang Jun clearly.

Wet droplets fell from his hair onto his face, and his shirt, slightly wet, showing an outline of the man's muscles. When the man leaned to get on to the bed, the collar dropped slightly, revealing the top of his chest.

Lu AnLing swallowed hard.

She began to want to see what was underneath.

Tonight she was going to find it hard to sleep. Thank god it was dark, or else she feared that Kang Mingyu and Kang Jun would see the lustful face she was making.

Once Kang Jun was in bed, the three positioned themselves comfortably on the bed.

Surrounded by the two people, Kang Mingyu felt his heart well up with emotions he couldn't understand. He had never experienced such happiness before. But at the same time, it was somewhat bittersweet.

He wished it could be like this every day, but he knew he was asking for too much. Sooner rather than later, Kang Mingyu knew that he would be forced back to the Kang family old house and that he would be away from the two people he loved the most.

"I love you…" Kang Mingyu whispered before he dozed off.

Hearing this, Kang Jun and Lu AnLing each reached out one of their arms. They wrapped Kang Mingyu in their warmth. The happiness that grew within them almost drove Lu AnLing to tears, while Kang Jun felt his lip form a soft smile.

"I love you." They whispered in unison.

Hearing the other say it, both their hearts skipped a beat. It was like they'd said it to each other.

I love you…

Their voice lingered in one another's ears.

Feeling their arms slightly touching, the hearts of both Kang Jun and Lu AnLing began to beat uncontrollably. They were like two high schoolers experiencing love for the first time, though this feeling was only allowed to grow and be nurtured because neither of them was sure about how to start or stop whatever relationship they were creating.

No matter what had happened in their pasts, at that moment, both adults weren't sure how to love and be loved. So Lu AnLing hid behind her fear, while Kang Jun acted on instinct.

But in the end, they couldn't help themselves from falling in love.