I Was Sleeping With Your Boss

At 7 am, Kang Jun was awoken by a flurry of knocks.

Lifting his head off his pillow, Kang Jun gazed at the sleeping Lu AnLing and then to Kang Mingyu who's eyes began to flutter open.

Kang Jun put his hand on the boy's head. "Sleep. I'll be back."

Walking up to the front door, he realized that the knocks weren't coming from Lu AnLing's but the one beside it. It was coming from his door.

Frowning, Kang Jun went to look for his phone. Once he had it in hand, he saw that he had a bunch of messages and calls but he completely ignored them and then he accessed an app.

Within the app, he had a clear view of his hotel room door.

There, in front of the door, he saw Mr. Long. Frowning slightly, Kang Jun checked his messages. Mr. Long's name filled more than half of his notifications.

Walking to the bathroom, Kang Jun called Mr. Long. The secretary took no time to answer.

"…" Kang Jun didn't speak first, he waited to see what Mr. Long wanted.

"President Kang, where are you?"

Kang Jun sighed. "Irrelevant. What do you want?"

"You have a meeting this morning."

"Cancel it, and reschedule it for tomorrow." Kang Jun took no time to answer.

Mr. Long wanted to specify that the meeting was important, but after what happened yesterday he believed that it would be best not to test Kang Jun.

"I'll do that, sir."

Hearing this, Kang Jun was going to hang up but then Mr.Long spoke once more.

"Uh sir, I also have your black card. Could you open the door so I can return it."

"Give it to me next time."

"I'm sorry sir, but I can't do that…"

Having this card with him all night had stressed Mr. Long out so much that he had slept with it under his pillow, fearing that someone would steal it. Waking up early in the morning, Mr. Long was so glad that they had a meeting today or else he wouldn't have had an excuse to come and get Kang Jun so early in the morning.

Kang Jun was going to question Mr.Long's answer, but considering how Lu AnLing had also given him a strange reaction when he'd given her the card, Kang Jun didn't want to waste his time understanding why.

"Fine. Give me a second." Kang Jun said before he hung up.

When he heard this, Mr. Long internally sighed.

The man tapped his foot on the floor as he waited outside patiently but Kang Jun's door didn't open. And then, when he finally heard the sound of a door opening it wasn't Kang Jun's door but Lu AnLing's. Turning to look at it, Mr. Long was shocked to see a pajama-wearing Kang Jun; complete with bed head and a groggy expression.

His eyes firmly plastered on the man, Mr. Long's heart almost stopped.

He couldn't believe his eyes.

Kang Jun had just come out of Lu AnLing's room?!

Many thoughts ran through Mr. Long's mind, and none of them were PG, but the man tried his best to control his expression.

Mr. Long held his breath.

Calmly, he handed Kang Jun the card.

Long after he had given the man his card, Mr. Long couldn't help but continue to stare at the man.

Inside the room, Lu AnLing had awoken after a long slumber. Looking to her side she saw Kang Mingyu starring at her,

"Hey honey," She said sweetly. Then she looked to where she expected to see Kang Jun. Seeing as he wasn't there, Lu AnLing's heart sank slightly.

Was yesterday a hallucination?

Just as she began to think this, she heard voices at the door.

Slowly, Lu AnLing pushed herself off the bed, put on her glasses, and then headed towards the voices with Kang Mingyu following closely behind. Once she reached the door, that was left ajar, she peered outside.

There, the first thing that caught her eye was Mr. Long.

The man's eyes bulged when he saw the girl's light pink pajama's and her messy hair that was pulled up into a bun. At her feet, suddenly a little fluff ball, that Mr. Long recognized as Kang Mingyu, appeared.

Lu AnLing picked the boy up gently, Lu AnLing cradled him in her arms.

So close together, Mr. Long could see that the girl and the boy had matching daydreaming expressions.

The look in his eyes grew complicated.

Lu AnLing: "Good morning."

Kang Jun turned to see Kang Mingyu and Lu AnLing. Turning back to look at Mr. Long, Kang Jun could tell that the man was misunderstanding something… but Kang Jun had no intentions of clearing it up.

"Yes… Good morning," Mr. Long said.

His voice was strange, and Lu AnLing noticed it. She knew he was thinking nonsense but she actually didn't know how to clarify the situation.

'I was sleeping with your boss. Though Mingyu was with us. And it wasn't sleeping, as in Rated M for mature stuff, but sleeping as in just sleeping. No funny business, no touchy touchy, though last night before you and Mingyu interrupted us there was a bit of…stuff... going on.'

Thinking about it, Lu AnLing starred off into space. Because she was staring straight at Kang Jun with dreamy eyes, Mr. Long's beliefs about how the two had spent the night had intensified. In fact, he completely ignored the fact that Kang Mingyu had also come out of the room.

Mr. Long: "Uh, sir, will you still be going to the office today?"

Mr. Long's eyes were still on Lu AnLing.


Mr. Long knew Kang Jun's answer but the devil on his shoulder forced him to ask.

"Do you want me to bring over the paperwork?"

Kang Jun looked toward Kang Mingyu and Lu AnLing.


As the two men spoke, Lu AnLing had forced herself to stop daydreaming and she had begun checking the messages on her phone. They were the same old messages, and since she felt a lot better she decided to answer them all at that moment. However, as she was answering them, another message came in.

It was from Madame Liu.

"Can he stay with you tomorrow?" Kang Jun asked Lu AnLing.

Lu AnLing: "I'm sorry, tomorrow isn't a good day, I actually have work."

Kang Mingyu was extremely disappointed, mostly after the girl had fainted yesterday, but there was nothing he could say. Work was work. Nothing could be done about it. He had learned this from Kang Jun.

Kang Jun: "Congratulations."

"I didn't do anything yet?"

Kang Jun didn't touch the girl. He just smiled. "Regardless, you'll be amazing."

Lu AnLing smiled back.

"Thank You."

A pink aura began to surround the two. Witnessing this for the second time, Mr. Long internally groaned before dismissing himself.

The group of three didn't even notice the man leave...

Kang Jun, Lu AnLing and Kang Mingyu planned to spend the day together. Although they didn't go out because Kang Jun was worried about the girls body. Instead, they played random games. When it was time to go to sleep, Kang Mingyu wanted to sleep together once again. Kang Mingyu knew he had to go to his grandfather's on Monday, so he wanted to take advantage of 'family time'.

Neither Kang Jun nor Lu AnLing argued. They just went along with the boy's desires and this time around, sleeping together felt less awkward. Actually, both Kang Jun and Lu AnLing had slept better than they'd ever had.

The next morning, everyone had somewhere they needed to be, so at 6 am, they were already awake and began their morning routine.

It didn't take long for the three to get ready, and once they did Lu AnLing accompanied the two boys downstairs, where they parted.

Kang Mingyu was reluctant to part but both Lu AnLing and Kang Jun promised that he'd be seeing her again, so he decided to be a good boy and let go of Lu AnLing's neck.

Watching them leave, Lu AnLing felt a pinch in her heart, but when she reminded herself that she wasn't going to be away from them for long she immediately made her way to the lounge.