Didn't Want To Spend Nights Away From His Wife

Hearing the way the boy spoke to her husband caused the fire in Lu AnLing's belly to reappeared with a vengeance.

Unfortunately, before she had the chance to do anything, Tang Luoyi had already gone to his room.

Silently Kang Jun took the luggage and then dragged it to their room. Lu AnLing followed, just as silently, behind him until they entered the room, where she couldn't help but say,

"What a prick..."

As she spoke, Kang Jun placed the money on a small table at the corner of the room.

After he did that, the man walked over to Lu AnLing. He touched her cheek gently before he began to shower her with kisses.

"Don't worry about it. that boy doesn't know who he's messing with." Kang Jun said between kisses.

When the man broke their kiss, he lowered his head just to see Lu AnLing blush. With that, he was satisfied so he proceeded to find a new pair of clothing to sleep in.

Meanwhile, still red-faced, Lu AnLing went to go pick up the money.

"What are we going to do with this?" Lu AnLing said as she stared at the money questioningly.

Kang Jun shrugged. "Spend it."

Hearing this, Lu AnLing couldn't help but laugh. "You're going to accept his bribe?"

Kang Jun reciprocated her laugh. "If he wants to throw away his money, so be it. If he wants to believe people can be so easily bribed without knowing the status of the other, that's fine too, but money is money, so I see no reason why I shouldn't accept it."

Lu AnLing laughed at his logic. It was honest to a fault and she loved that but at the same time, the man promised some sort of revenge of sorts and she was all for it.

With that said, the two prepared for bed. When they would reawaken it would be the start of a very long few days where both husband and wife would face certain adversity.


The next morning, as soon as Kang Jun and Lu AnLing woke up they headed to the hospital to drop off their samples for the DNA test.

It would only take 1-2 days for the tests to be completed. Knowing this fact just made Kang Jun and Lu AnLing feel impatient.

"When you go the institution remember to this off." Kang Jun reminded Lu AnLing, as he handed her the second batch of samples and kissed her on the forehead.

Since Kang Jun's meeting was in the afternoon, the man had enough time to spare in order to drop Lu AnLing off at the airport. There, he explained to her what to do after getting off the place, where she was going to stay and how she was getting there.

When Kang Jun had first known that he was going to go abroad for business, he had originally planned on staying in Paris for the whole duration of the trip but considering the fact that the Recovery Centre was five hours away by train, Kang Jun, instead, decided to also book a place to stay in the town where it was situated.

If he was here with anyone else Kang Jun wouldn't have cared about the other persons problems but since he was with Lu AnLing he cared even more than she did.

He didn't want to have to spend nights away from his wife either, so he decided that he would take a small plane ride back to her every night and fly into Paris every morning he needed to work. Though the man hoped he could finish the negotiations in one day.

Just a couple of days, that was all it was. Kang Jun just needed to hold out for a small bit, then he could finally spend all his time with Lu AnLing.

Thinking of how much he would miss her, Kang Jun kissed her fondly and wrapped his arms around her waist as if he didn't want to let her go.

Suddenly they called for the passengers to board the plane.

"It's boarding time..." Lu AnLing whispered as she held onto Kang Jun just as tightly as he had held onto her.

She didn't want to let go of him either but she felt like she had to, so she did.

Once on the plane, Lu AnLing felt strange without Kang Jun by her side. It was as if she was nervous but Ly AnLing wasn't sure why. Feeling as if she was being too needy she quickly made herself comfortable in her seat and turned to look out the window as they took off.

The plane ride was around an hour and a little bit. The whole while she thought of the place she was going back to.

When she'd left the institution she didn't think she would ever go back. Sometimes she would call Madame Durand to catch up and check up on Anna but now, she was heading back... and Anna wouldn't be there...

Lu AnLing was scared to see such a familiar place. She feared that her old habits would creep up on her.


Lu AnLing arrived at the airport. There she followed all of Kang Jun's orders to a T.

Before anything, Lu AnLing dropped by the hospital to give them the samples and then she headed over to the place they would be staying.

When she first laid her eyes on the scenery of the surrounding area, Lu AnLing couldn't believe her eyes. Everything was lush and green, it was something she hadn't seen since her childhood. Ever since she had left the countryside, she had only ever lived inside cities so these types of scenes were completely foreign to the girl.

Then, she suddenly saw the place Kang Jun had booked. Looking out the window, Lu AnLing held her breath.

The place was a beautiful bed and breakfast which resembled a quaint little house. Lu AnLing was in awe of the scenery around her. Despite living in the recovery institution for two years Lu AnLing had never been allowed to go out and on the day she was finally free, with the help of Zeke's backing, she had headed straight to America to study, without a second thought.

Lu AnLing wanted to spend some time exploring the insides of the bed and breakfast but she had a plan to follow so, when she was done dropping off her luggage, she headed straight to the institute.

The whole time she was inside the bed and breakfast the driver had been waiting for her to bring her to her next destination.

Quickly, she stepped into the car. The ride to the institution wasn't long at all, but Lu AnLing had enough time to put the silver hair ornament in her hair. When she was done arranging the ornament, Lu AnLing touched her black dress.

Looking at herself in the rearview mirror, Lu AnLing didn't feel much like herself.

Once at the institute Lu AnLing looked up at the large castle-like building, which was closed off from the rest of the world by towering gates. It exuded an ominous vibe. She couldn't help but remember the day she had first laid eyes on it. She had given birth just months prior to being shipped here and her heart was in complete disarray. She was broken and she was empty.

These two feelings had mixed inside her to create a feeling that was both painful and numb.

This feeling began to emerge within her once more as she stared at the rocky walls but she wouldn't allow it to take over her.

Thinking about the things she now had to be thankful for, Lu AnLing prevailed over the darkness; immediately feeling lighter.

This helped her gain the courage to press a button on the gates.

"Hello, It's Lu An... ugh, I mean, Rose Lu, I'm here to see Madame Durand."

The French words came out beautifully from her mouth like a lone instrument in a quiet music hall.

Though speaking in French was something she hadn't done in a while so she worried about whether the woman had understood her.

The girl's worries were unneeded, though. She still sounded fluent without a trace of an accent.

Just then a loud buzz sound assaulted her ears, but Lu AnLing didn't flinch. She knew that this sound just meant, 'welcome, come on in.'.