She Found Him Extremely Attractive

As Lu AnLing walked through the front gates of the institution, Kang Jun entered the French branch of the Tang Corporation.

Before entering he had been on the phone talking to Mr. Long.

Mr. Long: "Miss Tang's Secretary will be waiting for you at the front desk. She told me that Miss Tang has completely cleared her schedule for you!"

Mr. Long was proud of his abilities so he sounded far more excited than usual. Though, on the other end of the line, Kang Jun was a bit distracted. He just wanted the day to be over so he could go to Lu AnLing's side.

He was going to be the happiest man in the world when this was all done.

Mr. Long: "I sent you other documents regarding the project. They are some things your brother and Tang Luoyi had agreed upon before the project was giving to you and Miss Tang."

"Mmm," Kang Jun said before hanging up on him and going inside.

When he reached the front desk, it was just as Mr. Long had said. A young Asian woman was leaning at the front desk. She looked very calm and composed but then, when she spotted Kang Jun she smiled.

The girl bowed to the man and said, "Hello Mr. Kang."

Usually, Kang Jun would answer politely but seeing the girls face he couldn't help but stare at her.

This was the girl he and Lu AnLing had seen crying yesterday...

Not hearing the man's reply, she said his name once more.

Kang Jun broke out of his daze and said, "My apologies. I'm still slightly jet-lagged."

The girl gave a soft smile and said, "I completely understand. I'll have some coffee prepared for you once we reach Miss Tang's office."

"Thank you," Kang Jun said as he followed the girl.

She was shocked by the man's 'thank you'. She had heard that Kang Jun was always straight to business. Never any small talk or niceties. But, at the moment, that didn't seem to be true.

What had changed the man? She didn't know but, like this, she found him extremely attractive.

On their way up, Tang Bingyi's assistant kept looking girlishly Kang Jun's way but Kang Jun didn't give her the time of day. He just continued to follow her until they reached Tang Bingyi's office door.

Once there, the girl knocked.

She didn't hear anything close to a 'come in' but she did so anyway and said,

"Miss Tang, Kang Jun had arri—" her words were suddenly cut short when she saw that there were two people in the room.

"M-mr. Tang, what are you doing here?" The girl said as her face twisted.

Seeing the girl and Kang Jun right behind her, Tang Luoyi frowned and then he walked straight past her, making sure to bump shoulders with Kang Jun on his way out.

Kang Jun looked down at his shoulder and brushed Tang Luoyi's touch off of him. Then he looked back to the boy. The idiot didn't take in who Kang Jun was at all.

"Come in," Tang Bingyi said, her voice revealing slight exasperation.

Still thinking of Tang Luoyi, Kang Jun internally laughed as he stepped into the room.

"Your brother?" Kang Jun said as if he didn't know.

Tang Bingyi picked up a few files Tang Luoyi had bungled over and said, "unfortunately."

Then she looked at her assistant who stayed rooted and the door and said, "leave us."

The girl did as she was told and she closed the door behind her.

Looking at the door Kang Jun's expression didn't change.

Kang Jun: "I think your brother is sleeping with your assistant.

"I think the proper term is fucking or screwing." Tang Bingyi said without shame as she took a seat at her desk.

Unlike when Kang Jun had met her at Celestial Fox, Tang Bingyi's face was stiff and her mind was elsewhere.

Kang Jun didn't know how to answer the girl's statement so he just took a seat opposite of her.

After a small moment of silence, Tang Bingyi spoke.

"First, let me say this. Your family has contacted mine in order to set up a marriage between the both of us," Tang Bingyi said with her arms crossed. Her gaze was cold and indifferent. "However, I have no desire to marry you or anybody. So please forgive me, but I will have to decline."

Kang Jun nodded. "That's fine. They did that on their own accord, to begin with."

Kang Jun had known for a while now about the people his family wanted him to marry. They were all high-class families who were close to his own.

He understood the logic behind it but Kang Jun wasn't the type to bend to his families will.

He chose his own path unless he had no choice but to obey...

"Ah, I see... a forced marriage, how very old fashioned..." Tang Bingyi sighed feeling a bit bad for the man, but then, she thought of something.

Tang Bingyi had a good memory. It was almost photographic, unlike her brother, so it didn't take her long to remember Lu AnLing, despite only seeing her once at the Celestial Fox.

"I'm betting that you want to marry that girl from the club." Tang Bingyi said curiously before she began egging him on. "Did you ever even speak to her? You should. You like her, right? I think that would be an amazing turn of events if you began dating her!"

'Dating her? Please. I'm not that slow. I married her already,' Kang Jun's mind answered instantly but he wouldn't allow the words to leave his mouth.

Not wanting to answer her, Kang Jun ignored her question. "I came here to talk about business not girls,"

Tang Bingyi leaned forwards and gave a smile which revealed her canines, "You know as well as I do that we can do both."

Kang Jun wasn't sure how to deal with her so he just allowed her to do and say whatever she wanted.

"Here I'm known as Beatrice Tang." Tang Bingyi randomly started saying, "And you?"

"Julian Kang." Kang Jun answered quickly.

Tang Bingyi gave a small smile. "My grandmother gave me the name Beatrice, do you know why?"

Kang Jun didn't answer. He didn't know what the girl was going to answer, but as she continued to speak, he realized that he already knew the story.

The Tang's had French blood within them. Elder Tang's late wife was a woman of French aristocracy named Liane.

Liane was a headstrong and stubborn woman so she gave all of her children and grandchildren French names before they were given their native names.

Tang Bingyi: "Tang Corporations is a very family and entertainment-oriented company. We find joy in bringing people together."

"I understand," Kang Jun said.

Hearing this, Tang Bingyi's gaze sharpened. "Do you, Mr. Kang? The Kang's aren't known to be the most... familial."

Unlike the Kang's the Tang's were very straight-laced. They never did anything illegal nor did they do much business with the underworld.

Honor and respect; they had to honor their family motto.

This was all well and good but Kang Jun wasn't going to let the Infinity Project slip through his fingers like that.

Kang Jun: "Kang Corporations is not represented by my family but by the employees we have. Our corporation values our people and we treat them like family."

Tang Bingyi let out a chuckle. "I didn't expect you to be such a sweet talker."

Kang Jun shrugged.

'I'm full of surprises.' he internally sighed.