With His Mouth, Hands And His Whole Body

Lu AnLing wasn't sure what to answer to Kang Jun's question. Everything was fine. She was fine but at the same time she felt hurt and she didn't understand why.

Kang Jun hadn't betrayed her. Nothing was confirmed. But still she didn't know what to say. So instead of speaking, Lu AnLing hugged the man's neck.

For some reason, his warmth brought sense back into her minds. The man had rushed to her side on the first flight he had gotten. This itself made Lu AnLing's heart beat faster.

"Work is all done?" Lu AnLing whispered into his neck.

Hearing this, Kang Jun patted her head.

Kang Jun: "Mmm. I'm all yours. "

Silence then swept over them as Lu AnLing clung to Kang Jun. It stayed like this for a little while, until Kang Jun spoke once more.

"What happened?"

Pulling herself away from him, Lu AnLing began to pout. It was an unconscious reaction but it quite suited the situation.

Lu AnLing: "I feel worried."

Hearing this Kang Jun frowned. Moving her fringe out of the way so he could properly look into her eyes, Kang Jun saw the tingle of worry in them. To this, his heart instantly broke.

"Why?" He asked her as he pulled her closer to him. If she was worried about something he hoped that his body heat could make her feel safe.

To his question, Lu AnLing grabbed her phone that had been laying on the bed and then she showed him the messages from the class group chat.

When she first showed him her phone, Kang Jun was confused but then seeing the pictures and reading over the messages, Kang Jun's face darkened. The man wanted to call Mr. Long and tell him to eliminate the picture off the face of the planet but right now was not the time.

Looking at Lu AnLing's face Kang Jun's expression showed sadness and weakness.

"She's just a business partner." Kang Jun said, but quickly he realized that that wasn't all Tang Bingyi was. Not wanting to omit anything important, Kang Jun continued to speak, "My parents wanted to set me up with her but she refused them. And even if she didn't, I wouldn't marry her. "

Hearing this, Lu AnLing turned her gaze away. "Is there any real woman who wouldn't want to be with you?"

Kang Jun laughed.

"I think she's more interested in you." The man said, but Lu AnLing didn't take it in. Then he took Lu AnLing by the cheek and turned her head towards him. Once she was fully turned, he gave her a soft kiss on the lips. Despite being gentle, it was deep and passionate. The girl quickly drifted into him, and then, he broke the kiss and said, "As for me, I only want you."

Kang Jun took her hand and placed it upon his chest. Lu AnLing felt the man's beating heart. "In my eyes, there is no one else in this world but you."

Lu AnLing's heart immediately skipped a beat as she felt her whole body warm up.

"Oh really?" Lu AnLing said almost breathlessly as she pushed him down. "Prove it."

There was no real way to prove his love since it depended on whether she believed him or not but that didn't matter. It was obvious that the girl wasn't insinuating that she didn't believe him. She just wanted some 'convincing'...

Looking into her eyes, Kang Jun didn't see the slightest bit of mistrust but he knew she still needed some but of 'reassuring'.

"Are you angry?" Kang Jun asked as he touched her girl's face lovingly.

Lu AnLing looked up at Kang Jun with a slight pout as she began to quickly removed his belt.

Truth be told, the woman wasn't angry. She trusted him, but she couldn't help herself but feel a bit jealous. Kang Jun was a catch. And now, with his face all over social media, it would be a just a matter of time for people to notice this and Lu AnLing didn't want anyone stealing the man away from her.

She had already been heartbroken once because someone had cheated on her, and she didn't want something of the sort happening again. She knew Kang Jun was different, though. He wouldn't cheat on her. He was a man with morals and his own kind of honour. He wouldn't put himself in a troublesome marital situation. She believed this, but with the way her emotions were fluctuating yesterday and today, she needed the man to tell her he loved her with his mouth, his hands, and his whole body.

Once Lu AnLing was done removing his pants, Kang Jun was sitting up looking down at her with feverish eyes. Seeing this, Lu AnLing pushed him down and crawled on top of him, making sure to slide her way up to his lips like a snake.

Feeling the girl brush up against him, prompted an instant reaction from Kang Jun's rod.

Slowly, Lu AnLing unbuttoned his shirt.

Kang Jun was no longer tired, now. How could he be when his wife provoked his desires!

Feeling him against her, Lu AnLing wanted to smirk but she held herself back. Instead, the girl began to slowly trace the outline of his face.

Looking into her eyes, Kang Jun was hypnotized.

How he wished to just take her now, but he couldn't. He wanted to go through all the foreplay necessary to make this an amazing first night of their honeymoon so he allowed her to take the lead.

At least that was what he wanted to do but as soon as her hand slipped down to touch his phallus, the man felt as if he was going to explode.

With one swift movement, Kang Jun pulled himself up before he lifted Lu AnLing onto him. However, he didn't put himself inside her. Instead, he decided to bring his head to her breasts and suck on her perky nipples. He sucked, bit and licked them roughly. And just when she thought that she was at her limit, Kang Jun slipped himself into her.

This caused Lu AnLing to shutter.

As she ran her nails on his back she breathlessly moaned, "no fair..."

Kang Jun couldn't help but smirked as his lips began to kiss her all the way up to her neck. Kang Jun held the side of her head. His thumb unconsciously tracing her plump lips as he continued to kiss her neck.

If this was how Lu AnLing was when she was angry then Kang Jun contemplated whether he should make her angry more often. As this thought crossed his mind, Lu AnLing bit him hard on the shoulders. Her teeth digging into him.

Despite the pain, Kang Jun felt even more turned on. The man groaned to show his feelings.

Unable to take it anymore, Kang Jun pushed Lu AnLing down, removing himself from her slightly only to ram himself back into her. Hard.

Her body curled under his pressure. She let out a low whimper and then she wrapped her arms and legs around him, begging him not to stop.

And Kang Jun wouldn't stop. At least not until they were both breathless and satisfied.