Learned A Dirty Trick!

(So this is a warning; there will be some content only suitable for people 18 and over! I'm sure your know what I mean...)

The day was still young when Kang Jun and Lu AnLing had finished.

The room was filled with an essence of passion, which the two basked lovingly in.

They laid in bed. Lu AnLing was in the mans' arms, her hair down and her head laying on Kang Jun's chest as she traced his toned muscles with her fingertips. This soft touch caused the man to shiver.

Kang Jun grabbed her hand.

"If you keep doing that, I'll be forced to take you again." The man said with a slight groan.

Looking down, Lu AnLing saw his rod poke at the blanket. As if she was seeing it raw in front of her eyes, Lu AnLing couldn't help but blush.

Kang Jun slipped his hand beneath the blanket and touched her stomach. Slowly he lowered his hands until it was so close to the wetness between her legs that Lu AnLing almost screamed 'darling, just touch me', but she held herself back.

"So, what would you like me to do, my lady?" Kang Jun said seductively.

Lu AnLing was close to telling Kang Jun to do her one more time, but instead, she put her hand on his shoulder and pushed herself up.

The covers slipped from her side and dropped to Kang Jun's, exposing her round breasts. "We can't."

Kang Jun wrapped his arms around her waist and pressed his lips to her side. "Why not?"

"I need to go meet Mr. Zeke tonight." Lu AnLing said as she crawled out of bed. She was completely naked as she searched for something to wear.

Hearing this, Kang Jun also pushed himself up. Seeing his exposed chest, Lu AnLing ogled him feverishly.

"You'll leave me like this and go to another man?" Kang Jun said acting jealous.

For a second, Lu AnLing didn't hear what he had said. Her eyes just ran over Kang Jun's body.

'Fuck! Did he have to be so hot!' She found herself internally screaming. She really wanted to climb on top of him and touch every part of his perfect body but she couldn't.

Suddenly, Kang Jun got out of bed and walked over to Lu AnLing. He walked up behind her and then wrapped his arms around her. Kang Jun pressed himself up against her and whispered in her ear,

"Just once. It'll be quick."

His voice took hold of her senses and threw it straight out the window but somehow, she was still able to say,

"I can't..."

Hearing this, the man placed the girl on the bed gently.

Before Lu AnLing knew what was happened Kang Jun opened her legs. The man kissed her thighs softly. At first, she concentrated on that sensation, but then she suddenly she felt fingers brush against her entrance down below. It was gentle teasing until they suddenly plunged deep within her. Feeling this, Lu AnLing moaned hard. She had been awakened from her daze by force.

Kang Jun was usually quite aloof, even with her. Yes, he spoke more than he would to others and showed her many shades of happiness but when he wanted her, he became a seducer. He would touch her and sweet talk Lu AnLing in ways which she couldn't resist him.

Seeing her react to his movements, Kang Jun asked, "So do you want to do it or do you want to leave?" The man wouldn't go all the way with her unless she said she wanted to.

Lu AnLing didn't answer at first but then his fingers stopped moving within her.

'No… please. I need more.' She wanted to say but she stopped herself.

Seeing as she wasn't answering, Kang Jun slowly began to remove his fingers. Feeling it begin to slip out, Lu AnLing felt her body shiver but she knew after this, she would be left without the pleasure.

Unsure of what to do, Lu AnLing's instincts kicked in. She reached down and stopped Kang Jun's hand.

"More…" Lu AnLing moaned.

Hearing this, Kang Jun thrust his fingers into her but this time, he thrust them deeper and faster. It was so good that the girl's mind was beginning to go blank.

"More what? What's your answer?" The man said cheekily.

Lu AnLing was losing herself at the brink of total pleasure. "I wan—ahh! To do it! Please… do—ahh, don't stop."

Lu AnLing was almost out of breath.

Once the girl had answered Kang Jun didn't stop. He gave her what she wanted but better.

Kissing her thigh, Kang Jun said, "Good girl."

With those words said, Lu AnLing felt her senses come back for a slight second. Right then, she thought,

'This was bad…Kang Jun had learned a dirty trick!'

After a full round, Kang Jun had finally finished. Though he himself had only climaxed once he had made sure Lu AnLing had felt extreme pleasure many times before.

Getting out of the bed, Kang Jun stretched his body.

Watching how he looked refreshed, the out-of-breath Lu AnLing started at him in shock.

He had been doing all the work yet he wasn't tired at all...

"Are you even mortal? You... you're too much!" Lu AnLing screamed.

She was on the bed, trying her best to stand up but the best she could do was hold on to the bed frame. Her legs shook violently beneath her and all she wanted to do was lay herself down and sleep.

"I'm sorry," Kang Jun said with a laugh.

Hearing this, Lu AnLing pouted and internally said, ' no you're not!'

Seeing her struggles, his heart broke.

Heading to her, Kang Jun said once more, "I'm sorry, I really am. I'll be less rough next time. Okay?"

Lu AnLing felt conflicted about this. She couldn't deny she had felt amazing so instead of agreeing she said, "No... I'll get used to it."

Hearing her say this, Kang Jun wanted to know more ways in which he could please her sexually. He was sure to do some research.

Thinking of all the ways he would get to have his wife, the man began to react once more.

Seeing this, Lu AnLing gave him a horrified look.

"Again? Didn't you say you were practically an asexual before you met me! I don't believe you. How can you get aroused so quickly?!"

"You're seducing me."

Lu AnLing gave him an expression as if she had been wronged. Though he didn't give her a chance to say anything. Instead, Kang Jun picked her up like a princess.

"Come on, we need to shower. Or else you'll be late." Kang Jun brought her to the bathroom.

She was so weak in her state that he helped her bathe and get dressed.

When they were both done, Kang Jun opened his suitcase and took out a beautiful light pink trench coat. He straightened it out and then he placed it on Lu AnLing's shoulders.

"It's been getting cold lately and you forgot to bring a coat, you should wear this." Kang Jun said softly.

Touching the soft coat, Lu AnLing's eyes began to sparkle.

"Jun... I love it." She said with a slight choke.

When she had looked at that picture of Tang Bingyi and Kang Jun, how could she have ever felt insecure! Kang Jun always seemed to keep her at the forefront of his mind.

At the moment, Lu AnLing felt so happy she wanted to cry. Though she stopped herself because she knew that seeing her cry might break Kang Jun's heart. Instead, Lu AnLing looked at the paternity tests and said, "Shouldn't we open them?"

Kang Jun kissed her on the forehead and said, "Tonight."