Special Privileges

The next day, Lu AnLing, against her will, had made her way to the Halo Stars Entertainment building.

She was not looking forward to meeting her manager. Most of the good ones in Halo Stars had been taken by more popular artists and she knew the only ones left were the ones who drove their artists to the point of exhaustion or suicide.

Thinking about this her face darkened. At the moment, the girl had completely forgotten that her contract itself gave her special privileges, including the ability to switch her manager, or even have no manager, whenever she wanted.

Upstairs, Lu AnLing pushed the meeting room door open. Her head was down and cluttered as she said, "Hello, my name is Lu AnLing, I'm pleased to meet you."

Hearing this the woman said, "I know who you are."

Recognizing the familiar voice, Lu AnLing's head shot up to see a smiling manager Hong.

Seeing her, Lu AnLing didn't smile. Instead, she frowned and asked, "Why are you here?"

The woman mirrored the girl's frown and said, "Obviously I am your manager."

After saying this, Manager Hong proceeded to introduce herself. Thought because the two had already worked together the introduction was short.

The two took a seat on the table which was surrounded by silence. Lu AnLing was thinking of the pros and cons of her present situation.

In the pros, she knew manager Hong well. The woman was a great manager, sometimes blunt and couldn't handle if someone pushed her buttons too much, but she had brought Ning Jie to success nonetheless.

In the cons, Lu AnLing was struck with the possibility that Ning Jie will become an annoyance. But the good thing was that Ning Jie had no information on her that could hurt her career.

For a second, Lu AnLing remembered she had secrets she needed to hide from the media. At that moment, Lu AnLing's mind wandered. The girl knew that Lu Shuya's old threats were partially empty nowadays. She sometimes wondered how she could have believed the girl, to begin with. Lu Shuya thought of her pride before anything and it would ruin her if she was dragged down if Lu AnLing's secret was revealed and Lu Shuya would never allow such thing. She would keep the secret to her grave.

But this just meant that her only problem was Wang Tingting. Lu AnLing would need to find a way to deal with Wang Tingting.

Lu AnLing hadn't heard the conversation between Kang Jun, Kang Nianxi and Wang Tingting at the Starlight Event, despite it happening right in front of her. She had been too concerned with staring at Kang Jun's handsomeness, so she didn't know that Wang Tingting was her sister-in-law.

Coming back into reality Lu AnLing said, "Why do you want to be my manager?"

Manager Hong: "Well... once I found out you had sighed with us, I asked if I could be your manager because I know your capabilities. You will be a star!," Manager Hong handed Lu AnLing a list of competitions she had entered for Lu AnLing, and then she slightly frowned as she wrapped her hands around herself, "Besides... I can't keep not working forever."

Manager Hong had been waiting for Ning Jie to come and make up with her. The woman was tired of being the one who always apologized. This time, Manager Hong truly believed that Ning Jie was in the wrong so, she wouldn't apologize this time. But after weeks on weeks without contact, Manager Hong had lost a lot of hope in Ning Jie. The girl had changed so suddenly, that the woman no longer felt close to Ning Jie. It was sad... but she still believed that the Ning Jie she had known from before was still there.

Looking at the competitions Manager Hong had signed her up for, Lu AnLing's mouth tugged upwards.


Trailblazers was a competition where any singer-songwriter or a pair of singer and songwriter could participate in.

The winner not only got a ton of prize money but they also a top tier promotional team.

Tang Entertainment had almost always won the competition. There had been a few artists from Halo Stars that have won along the years but they were few and far between. Most people thought that this was because Tang Entertainment had created it, but this wasn't true. The contest was fair. Many investigations conducted had proved this.

The competition itself wasn't the biggest nor the best but Lu AnLing knew someone who was entering it also.

Folding her arms across her chest, Lu AnLing asked, "Are you using me to fight with Ning Jie?"

Manager Hong smiled. "She's using a song you helped her write. And let's be serious here, you technically wrote it for her..."

Lu AnLing wanted to laugh.

No matter what reason manager Hong had, entering the competition wasn't a bad idea. "Fine, but I don't want to be the one singing."

Manager Hong frowned. Lu AnLing had a beautiful voice. The woman was confident that with her ability to write songs and her voice she could win the competition, but she didn't argue with what Lu AnLing wanted, "I'll arrange a list of possible artists right now then."

Lu AnLing shook her head. "I know who I want to work with."

After this, Manager Hong and Lu AnLing discussed many things, including Lu AnLing's future and past.

"People already know that you used to be Ning Jie's assistant. There might be a lot of talk regarding the subject... also, I think you know how the entertainment industry is like. There will be people who want to dig into your past, so if there is anything you want to tell me, now is the time."

Lu AnLing thought about it for a moment and her lip couldn't help but tug up. Lu AnLing had one hell of a past but due to the investigation Kang Jun was conducting, she couldn't reveal that. So she recounted, to Manager Hong, her past from when she was a kid.

The story left Manager Hong with her eyes wide.

Lu AnLing: "The worse people will say about my family situation is that I'm a bastard, or that I weaseled my way into the Lu Family, but that wouldn't be correct. If necessary, I have countermeasures for that."

She actually had more than one countermeasure...

Ever since she was young, Lu AnLing's father would tell her not to believe the rumors she heard the neighbors whisper about their family, mostly those concerning her, apparently, dead mother. But, at the same time, she was told to never disprove them either.

As she was growing up, Lu AnLing never understood why that was until she was adopted into the Lu family. There, she was reunited with a person who had visited her every year on her birthday until she had reached the age of 10; Lu Xiaoling.

At first, she believed the woman to just be a friend of her father but the day she was accepted into the Lu family she found out otherwise.

That day, Lu AnLing, Grandma Lu and Lu Xiaoling visited her great-grandfather, Elder Lu. There, the old withering man was not in the mood for jokes.

Hearing that Grandma Lu and Lu Xiaoling wanted to adopt an orphaned girl, Elder Lu threw a glass of wine their way. It shattered on the floor, forming a small pool of crimson at their feet.

"I refuse." The man said as Lu AnLing stood a few steps behind, watching the exchange.

Hearing this, Grandma Lu spoke first, "You don't understand..."

The elder shut her up and said, "I do. You want to dirty the family by adopting a random child."

"She's not a random child!" Grandma Lu specified.

The old man frowned then seeing that both women didn't change their expression, Elder Lu's eyes sharpened. "Oh, so this child is a bastard?! Even worse, Lu Xiaoling, you have committed an atrocity! Look how old that girl is, she's around the same age as Shuya! How dare you commit such an adulterous act!"

The elder was fuming. Looking at him, Lu AnLing felt like he was going to have a heart attack at any moment.

Hearing this, Lu Xiaoling reached for two papers in her bag. She then walked up to the table with her head held high and slammed it down in front of the old man. Looking down he saw a marriage certificate and a paternity test.

"Yian and I were married when AnLing was born. She is a legitimate child of the Lu family." She allowed the elder to look over the documents. Seeing this, his eyes widened and he had nothing else to say.

Lu Xiaoling: "You have no reason to refuse."

That day, Lu AnLing was as shocked as anyone would be, but not only this, but she was confused. Her father never spoke well of her mother.

Her father had told her many times the woman had broken his heart and Lu AnLing knew that this was why he didn't believe in love but as she watched Lu Xiaoling's eyes glaze over as she looked at the two papers, Lu AnLing wondered what had happened between the two.