Like A Murderer

As Lu AnLing spoke with Manager Hong, Kang Jun was in the process of tying up loose ends in his investigation.

Finding out his daughter had died was heartbreaking, he would never get over it but in the end, he had to continue moving forward. So he decided that, first, he had to find out why Chong Feng had told him that Lu AnLing had had a boy and a girl rather than two girls.

To find this out, Kang Jun drove to Chong Feng's apartment.

Before leaving his home, Kang Jun sent a message to Mr. Long saying that he wasn't coming to work. There had been many reporters at the Kang Corporations Building anyway, so Mr. Long had half expected this scenario.

On his way to Chong Feng's, Kang Jun took every possible precaution so that he wouldn't get noticed. He even changed his style of clothing and wore a surgeons mask and a baseball cap. Since it was cold, he didn't look very conspicuous.

At Chong Feng's place, when his maid opened the door, Kang Jun didn't even wait to be welcomed. He just walked in and found Chong Feng laying down in the living room.

When the man first saw Kang Jun, he didn't recognize him and his heart almost stopped.

With the cold aura the man resonated, he seemed like a murdered. But just as Chong Feng was about to beg for his life, Kang Jun removed the hat and mask.

"What the hell man! I thought you were here to kill me," Chong Feng couldn't help but scream.

Chong Feng had not expected to see such a thing. He had finally gotten a break from work after being on call for the last 48 hours.

He loved kids but being around sick kids and their anxious parents drained the energy out of him sometimes.

"If you don't answer my question, you just might." Kang Jun said to him instantly. He didn't even flinch.

Hearing this, Chong Feng's face paled.

What had he done this time? Chong Feng couldn't help but wonder.

Chong Feng straightened up on his sofa and despite his heavy eye bags, he made sure to look as attentive as he could be.

"What do you need? Did something happen with that girl of yours again?" Chong Feng asked curiously, then thinking back, his face panicked, "I'm not interested in her or anything, my dad and her granny know each other and—"

Kang Jun pinched the space between his eyebrows. "I know. That's not what I came for. "

Hearing this, Chong Feng shut up and listened to whatever else Kang Jun had to say.

"You told me she had fraternal twins; a girl and a boy, is that what Doctor Su told you?"

Chong Feng thought for a second, then he said. "She didn't tell me their gender. I just assumed since, you know, Mingyu and Mei Xue are around the same age and the two of them kind of look alike..."

Then before Kang Jun could speak, Chong Feng asked, "Why? Are you trying to find her kids?"

Kang Jun nodded without explaining himself more.

Chong Feng found this shocking. He knew Kang Jun liked the girl but In his opinion, Kang Jun would truly be a man amongst men if he chose to find Lu AnLing's children which she had with another man. Mostly, if he planned on marrying her.

No man he knew, including himself, would be willing to do such a thing.

Kang Jun: "I need to speak with your father."

Chong Feng: "That might be hard. He left to travel the world."

Kang Jun furrowed his eyebrows when he heard this. "When did he leave?"

"A couple of days after we saw Miss Lu leave in your car." Chong Feng said. He didn't hide how strange the situation with his father was. Chong Feng didn't want to throw his dad under a bus but neither did he want to die so early in his life.

Kang Jun internalized what Chong Feng said, then he sent a text to Mr. Long.

Kang Jun: [Find Chong Wei's whereabouts. I'm giving you three days.]

Seeing how short the deadline was, Kang Jun knew that Mr. Long would be unhappy but he believed that the man worked best under pressure.

Meanwhile, in the Qiao Mansion, Qiao Lan was staring at a picture on her phone. Analyzing it meticulously to see if it hadn't been tampered with. The woman squeezed her phone with all her strength and felt her body pulsate with pent up rage.

Kang Jun was becoming smitten with Tang Bingyi....

Tang Bingyi?!

She had looked at the picture of Kang Jun and Tang Bingyi for days, trying to figure out what to do.

Qiao Lan wasn't afraid when she had heard that Kang Mu and Mo Ruyi were looking for possible wives for Kang Jun. No matter who they picked, Qiao Lan knew that they would be inadequate compared to her or if they were more than adequate, that she would be able to 'befriend them' and, in turn, scheme to make sure that Elder Kang liked her best, in comparison.

In the end, Qiao Lan was the granddaughter of the elders best friend, and she had been close to the Kang's since forever. In her mind, even if they found someone, she was 100 percent certain that Kang Jun would not marry.

But looking at the expressions of the pair within the picture, Qiao Lan was beginning to freak out.

Kang Nianxi And Wang Tingting were also in the room with her but neither knew what do say.

Unable to take the strange silence that had consumed the space, Kang Nianxi spoke, "It probably isn't what it looks like, Kang Jun has never been interested in women..."

Yes, Qiao Lan knew this well but Tang Bingyi was a completely different kind of woman. Qiao Lan had only had the displeasure of meeting the girl twice.

The first time, Tang Bingyi had completely ignored Qiao Lan's attempt at playing nice.

The girl had stared at Qiao Lan's hand like it was air and she said, "I'm sorry, I don't shake hands with socialites."

This was Tang Bingyi's manner. She had apparently always been like that. At least that was what Elder Qiao had said to her when she complained to him.

Seeing that his granddaughter was not accepting this as an answer, he turned to her and said, "Lan Lan, please don't fight with Tang Bingyi. Elder Tang and I have been friends for a long time. He really loved his wife and the girls in his family, just like I do. He always lets his daughter and granddaughters do as they like. If you start a fight with her, it would break our relationship. So please, don't worry about her. I'm telling you that she meant nothing by it."

The girl was still unhappy so Elder Qiao added. "I'll speak to Elder Tang about her behavior, okay?"

There was nothing Qiao Lan could say so she gave up. Though, this did help Qiao Lan on the second time she had met the girl.

The second time, Tang Bingyi had ended up apologizing.

However, this didn't matter to Qiao Lan.

Now that her grandfathers days were numbered, Elder Kang had already in the process of getting her adopted into the family. This was good because she would be a true Kang family member but, at present, Qiao Lan understood that she might be screwed if Tang Bingyi became Kang Jun's wife and so, she would do anything to stop that atrocity from happening.

She needed to come up with a plan, and fast.