Something Like That

It took a long time for Wang Tingting to get out of the bathroom and when she did, she was pale and weakened.

She had tried to reapply her makeup to look better but it didn't help much at all because if a person looked straight into her face it was easy to spot her discomfort.

While exiting the bathroom, Wang Tingting was careful to act strongly just in case anyone would see her. She didn't expect anyone to be out there, especially not Zhao Fei but just in case, she did so anyways.

Once outside, she glanced around and to her shock, her eyes landed squarely on Kang Liang.

The whole time that Wang Tingting had spent in the washroom, Kang Liang had waited.

Seeing him, Wang Tingting felt a sudden urge to vomit again but Wang Tingting made sure to put a hand on her mouth and held herself back.

"Are you okay?" Kang Liang asked with genuine concern.

Smiling falsely, Wang Tingting said, "I'm fine, thank you."

After saying this, Wang Tingting made an effort to leave but Kang Liang didn't allow this, he followed her for a bit.

Feeling extremely annoyed and creeped out, Wang Tingting turned to Kang Liang and said,

"Do you need something from me?"

Kang Liang shrugged. "Just making sure you get to your destination safely. I might not like Nianxi but that doesn't mean I don't like you."

Wang Tingting did not know what to say to this so all she could do was show a frown. "I'm taking a taxi home."

"I never said I was driving you." Kang Liang said as he continued to follow her out the hotel doors. But once outside, when Wang Tingting was hailing a taxi, Kang Liang said, "Are you and Zhao Fei close?"

Hearing Kang Liang mention Zhao Fei made Wang Tingting's toes curl in her shoes.

Turning to Kang Liang, she frowned but her expression was one which reminded the man more of pain than anger.

"No we aren't and for your sake, I hope you aren't either. Nothing good comes out of being near that monstrous bitch." Wang Tingting said without caring about the consequences.

There were many people outside from the reunion and they could tell what she had just said to Zhao Fei but Wang Tingting couldn't care less. She was sick a tired of being hit and sick and tired of being treated like a piece of trash.

Looking deeply into Kang Liang's eyes Wang Tingting said, "I don't know if Lu AnLing's your friend, your girlfriend, or your fuck buddy! I don't care. But if you know what's good for you and her, it's best to try to protect her. Because of today, she's being targeted and Zhao Fei doesn't let up..."

Kang Liang frowned. He saw that Wang Tingting and Zhao Fei were on bad terms but what did this have to do with Lu AnLing?

Kang Liang asked but hearing his question, Wang Tingting laughed maniacally.

Wang Tingting: "I used to bully that girl back in school because I hated her but I never ones acted fake. But Zhao Fei is different. She's such a snake or maybe the best term is, chameleon."

"You bullied her?..." Kang Liang said with shock and annoyance.

Seeing as how Kang Liang wasn't getting the point she was trying to make him understand. Wang Tingting rolled her eyes. "That's irrelevant. Believe me, don't believe me. Do whatever you want. If something happens to Lu AnLing, all I can tell you is, I told you so."

With that said, Wang Tingting went home. She had not completed the mission that Qiao Lan wanted but by how Kang Liang had acted just now and with Lu AnLing she would already deduce that they were close. Wang Tingting did not like the thought of reporting to Qiao Lan but nothing could be done, hopefully this small bit of information would satisfy the woman.

Watching as Wang Tingting's taxi left, Kang Liang frowned.

The man then turned to go back inside the hotel. He wanted to have a chat with Zhao Hao about his sister, but as he was going towards the door he saw three people who were involved in that situation with Lu AnLing.

Those people were Xiao Mian, Yang Yize and Lu Shuya.

Lu Shuya: "I'm sorry Mian..."

Xiao Mian shook her head. "You we're trying to spare my feelings and protect your sisters... it's okay. I understand. I guess you do love your sister after all..."

Hearing this, Lu Shuya froze but she didn't say a word. She didn't even allow herself to think of the words Xiao Mian had said.

Without care, Lu Shuya switched the conversation and Xiao Mian welcomed it with open arms.

Meanwhile, Yang Yize stayed quiet between the two but once the car arrived, Yang Yize stepped inside with Xiao Mian.

Lu Shuya waved goodbye to Xiao Mian and Yang Yize with a small smile on her lips. But once they disappeared her smile changed into an exasperated expression.

Touching her cheek where Xiao Mian's slap still slightly resonated Lu Shuya thought of how gently Lu AnLing had examined her face and cursed under her breath...

A melancholic warmth passed through her making Lu Shuya shake her head. She didn't want to feel this way. She didn't want to care for Lu AnLing. She wanted to hold the small bit of resentment she had for the girl because that was an easier way for her to live.

It was easier to ignore how people treated Lu AnLing. It was easier to ignore her family turmoil...

If there was one thing Lu AnLing and Lu Shuya shared, it was their innate want to flee from problems but that day, Lu Shuya had surprised even herself by putting herself between Lu AnLing and Xiao Mian and it felt good.

But her pride kept reminding her how she made a fool of herself in front of her classmates.

Lu Shuya had skipped a few grades back in high school so she was a bit younger than the rest. She always tried her best to be strong and dignified but today that all came crumbling down.

Leaning against the wall by the door of Hotel Helios, Lu Shuya dug through her purse and in her mind she prayed she would find what she was looking for.

Once she felt something that she believed to be it, she pulled it out, revealing a small pack of cigarettes.

She immediately put one in her mouth and began to dig through her purse once more for a lighter.

Realizing she didn't have one, Lu Shuya leaned back and groaned.

Seeing this, Kang Liang took out his own lighter and said, "You need a light?"

Seeing him, Lu Shuya leaned forward and allowed him to light it for her.

Inhaling the smoke, Lu Shuya felt her body instantly calm. She then examined Kang Liang and blew the smoke out.

Lu Shuya: "You're friend with my sis... ugh... AnLing?"

Kang Liang smiled and looked away. "Something like that and you?"

Lu Shuya gave a light laugh and took another drag of her cigarette before she said, "Yeah... something like that..."

Lu Shuya did not realize that she was talking to Kang Liang or, as she would know him as, Liang Ke but she felt something familiar about it.

Not wanting to think too much about it she just concentrated on her cigarette.

Wanting to stay a bit more, Kang Liang bummed a cigarette off Lu Shuya and began to smile himself.

"It was really cool what you did back there..." Kang Liang said with a smile.

Hearing this, Lu Shuya shook her head. "It was completely embarrassing."

Kang Liang laughed, "No, embarrassing is what that Gu Ning girl and her friends got. You saved Your friend, that's a commendable action. If I was you I would be proud."

Hearing this, Lu Shuya couldn't help but smile. "Thanks..."

Kang Liang was not good at many things but singing and making people feel better was one of his talents.

With him around, Lu Shuya no longer felt herself sinking in an abyss of self-hatred.

Seeing the girl lighten up, Kang Liang was satisfied and so he continued to talk to her until he received a text from Zhao Hao.

Zhao Hao: [We need to talk. Now.]