Something Super Bad Happened

Sitting in the car, holding onto each other, Kang Jun and Lu AnLing found their mystery thickening by the second.

Kang Jun touched Lu AnLing's cheek gently and said, "Zhao Fei is who again?"

Despite seeing the girl Lu AnLing had told her about moments earlier, Kang Jun did not remember the persons face.

Smiling, Lu AnLing said, "It was that girl who was on the floor. The one with a weird blank expression."

No matter what Lu AnLing said, Kang Jun could not remember so she gave up trying to explain it to him. "Anyway, I think her dad's name was Zhao Qin. I met him before."

Kang Jun frowned. "Where?"

"When I first came into the Lu home, my brother was still really young, like maybe 7 or something, and he would always get really sick. I used to accompany my mother to bring him to the hospital. If I'm not mistaken the doctor who took care of him was a pediatrician called Zhao Qin"

Kang Jun touched his chin as he thought. "It's the same hospital your grandmother was staying in?"

Lu AnLing nodded.

Hearing this, Kang Jun was drawn back into his mind once more.

Kang Jun: "I'll check it out. If he still works there then it shouldn't be hard finding him and getting some answers."

With that said, Lu AnLing's face turned a bit blank as she looked into the distance. Touching the ring on her right hand, she felt her stomach contract. Had this man who had taken such good care of her brother killed her child on purpose? Or was it an accident? Lu AnLing craved to know what had happened to her baby girl...

Feeling her body stiffen, Kang Jun wrapped his arms tighter around her. As soon as he did, Lu AnLing turned to look behind her, meeting Kang Jun's gaze.

Examining him she could see bags under his eyes. Lu AnLing reached to touch his face gently, making sure to lightly touch the bags under his eyes with her thumb.

Lu AnLing felt her heart break.

"I'm sorry..." she couldn't help but blurt out.

Hearing this, Kang Jun frowned. "For what?"

Lu AnLing wrapped her arms around Kang Jun and buried her face in the crook of his neck. The position was a bit uncomfortable for the man but he didn't complain. Instead, he held her warmly in his arms as she held him and waited for the girl to utter a word.

Lu AnLing: "You're working so hard and investigating every lead and I'm just doing nothing... and because of what happened today you had to come all the way here to bail me out. I'm just a burden."

Hearing this, Kang Jun frowned even more. "You're not a burden."

Lu AnLing heard no lie in Kang Jun's voice but just to make sure, she peeled herself away from him so she could stare into the man's deep dark eyes.

"Are you sure?" She asked.

Hearing this, Kang Jun sighed and then put his hands on her cheeks; holding her head straight before he put her forehead on his.

"You've spent close to six, almost seven years searching for our child and being heartbroken at every turn." Kang Jun said with a voice which contained only pain. "I don't want you to ever feel that kind of thing ever again."

Kang Jun was very straightforward in both action and words but when he spoke to Lu AnLing he tried his best to explain the origins of his actions. This wasn't important to many people but, for Lu AnLing, Kang Jun did it anyways.

With this said, Lu AnLing now understood something. This investigation was not only because Kang Jun wanted to find those responsible but because the man wanted a small semblance of closure for not only himself but for her.

When Lu AnLing was in pain, Kang Jun couldn't stand it...

His words caused tears to begin to form at the corners of her eyes which made her hold Kang Jun close to her heart. As she felt his warmth seep into her, Lu AnLing wanted to cry.

Lu AnLing had been so sad for so long that she hadn't known how to feel anything but sad and cautious anymore, but now, everything was different...

She felt that she was so lucky.


In the lounge, Kang Liang found himself waiting for Zhao Hao to get off work. He was a bit worried because of what his friend had texted him so as he sat at the bar, he restlessly tapped his hand on the table.

Coming over, Zhao Hao heard the sound first, which caused his head to hurt slightly. So when he was close, he slammed his hand down on Kang Liang's in order to stop him. Once he had, Kang Liang almost cursed but then, seeing a serious expression on Zhao Hao's face, Kang Liang didn't know what to do.

The two headed out.

While walking out, Kang Liang felt extremely uncomfortable but he stayed quiet for a while.

"Are you mad at me?" Kang Liang asked nervously.

The boy had many friends all over the country but Zhao Hao was by far his best friend.

They had met in school and they kept their friendship strong since then. Mo Ruyi had once told Kang Liang that a friendship that lasted 7 years was one that would last forever and with Zhao Hao, Kang Liang believed this to be true, though he didn't know if Zhao Hao felt the same way...

Hearing his question, Zhao Hao frowned. "Why should I be?"

Kang Liang: "Because I wasn't on your sister's side when all that... stuff happened..."

Zhao Hao looked at Kang Liang with disbelief. "My sister? No. That girl was your friend right? You can be on whoever's side you want. I don't care about that. Fei's always been a raging bitch anyway, she needs to deal with her own problems."

Kang Liang nodded hesitatingly. "Okay... then what did you want to talk to me about? You sounded like something super bad happened..."

"Because something super bad did happen!" Zhao Hao took his phone out of his pocket and showed it to Kang Liang.

Looking at it the boy frowned.

There was a board of sorts where there were pictures of people on it.

"What's this?"

Zhao Hao: "I've only seen this at certain jobs. Each board means a different thing but my friend used to work here, this board contains the list of clients the bartenders have been told to ruffy."

Kang Liang's eyes widened. Looking at the people, Kang Liang found Lu AnLing's picture, Kang Jun's picture and Kang Zhi's...

"...T-this doesn't make sense. Who would dare drug the one who owns the building...?"

Kang Liang felt a chill run through his body as he looked at the picture of Kang Zhi. Many family members had suspected that there was foul play involved in the man's death and they blamed it on Kang Jun. Kang Liang always thought that the blame was unfairly placed but he never doubted the possibility of foul play.

"Well, the thing is..." Zhao Hao shook his head and then he blew up the picture and showed it to Kang Liang once more. "These are dates showing that this was before Kang Corporations acquired Hotel Helios."

"So someone was stupid enough to want to drug both my brothers?" Kang Liang said with a frown.

For now, Kang Liang didn't mention Lu AnLing but he kept her at the back of his mind.

"I guess... you have any ideas who? The people who did this must have paid a hefty sum, considering who your family is." Zhao Hao said with his arms crossed over his chest.

Kang Liang pinched the space between his eyebrows. "Back then the family was a bit more... hectic than it is now, anyone from our family could have done it. When it comes to outside enemies, Jun didn't have many and Zhi had none. At least not that I know of..."

Thinking back, goose pimples appeared on Kang Liang's skin. Back then the Kang family was like a never-ending tempest and navigating through it was always either painful or a hassle but they were still family...

Kang Liang had always hoped that no one from the Kang family was involved in Kang Zhi's death but Kang Liang knew that there were only a few people who could make such a thing happen.

Zhao Hao nodded and then said, "What about your friend?"

"AnLing?" Kang Liang asked. Seeing Zhao Hao nod, Kang Liang scratched his head. "I didn't know her back then, so I have no idea."

Hearing this, both Kang Liang and Zhao Hao became quiet.

Kang Liang didn't know what to do at first but then he said, "Send me that picture."

Zhao Hao: "Sure, but what are you going to do?"

"I need to figure this out." Kang Liang said as he sighed.

After receiving the picture, Kang Liang sent Kang Jun a message, asking to urgently meet but sadly for Kang Liang, his number was still blocked and he still didn't know where Kang Jun lived...

He would have to investigate on his own for now, but meanwhile, he would try his best to get to Kang Jun and the best way to do that was through Lu AnLing but even that, Kang Liang wasn't sure how he would do it.