You're Just Being An Idiot

As Lu AnLing stared at Kang Mingyu, Kang Liang looked to the boy and then he high fived Kang Mingyu and said, "Well done little man, you'll be a real gentleman lady killer in the future."

Hearing this, Kang Jun and Kang Mingyu rolled their eyes simultaneously.

But then Lu AnLing said, "You're not wrong."

After saying this, Lu AnLing got up form her seat. She then told Kang Mei Xue to sit at her spot and then she asked Lu Duyi, who sat beside Kang Mei Xue, to sit by Kang Liang.

Lu AnLing then walked up to Kang Mingyu and picked him up in her arms. Feeling this, Kang Mingyu was a bit confused but then, Lu AnLing said, "Let's all sit together as a family."

After saying this, she kissed Kang Mingyu on the forehead before she brought him to his seat at the end of the table.

Seeing this, Kang Liang smiled and said, "You guys have such a cute family, It's like you're releasing airborne diabetes."

"You're feeling it too? I thought I was the only one." Lu Duyi teased as he looked at his sister who rolled her eyes at the foolishness of the two boys.

Lu AnLing: "Shut up, both of you and let's eat."

"Yes, ma'am." Kang Liang and Lu Duyi replied in unison.

The dinner started well. Everyone was making light small talk and enjoying themselves, and then Lu Yuxi, who had been staring between Kang Liang and Kang Jun, suddenly spoke.

"Mr Uncle Luang, you're handsome... though not as handsome as my daddy though." Lu Yuxi said calmly as she looked at Kang Jun's face.

Hearing this, Kang Jun smiled.

Seeing this, almost the whole table was mesmerized by the soft expression which appeared on Kang Jun's face. Meanwhile, on the other end of the table, Lu Shuya held back her scoff.

"Kang Liang isn't handsome," Lu Shuya, who had been forced to sit beside Kang Liang, grumbled under he breathe.

Being the only one who had heard what Lu Shuya had said, Kang Liang turned to Lu Shuya and whispered. "I see your niece is more honest than her auntie... since you and I both know I'm handsome. You said so yourself..."

Lu Shuya wanted to punch him in the face but she couldn't do such a thing, so instead, Lu Shuya took a deep breath and then lifted her foot up slightly before she brought it down hard on Kang Liang's foot.

Feeling this, Kang Liang groaned a bit.

Hearing this, many of the people in the table turned to him. Seeing them, Kang Liang smiled and said,

"It's nothing..." Then he looked at Lu Shuya out of the corner of his eyes and then he said, "I just bit my tongue..."


At the Tang household, Tang Yian sat on the couch and listened to the songs previously submitted by the Tang Yiling, Ning Jie pair and the Mo Sheng, Lu AnLing pair. As he did this, Tang Yiling walked down the stairs.

Seeing her father, Tang Yiling smiled and then she went to wrap her arms around her dad's neck.

"Hey dad, how are you?" She said sweetly and happily.

After what had happened at the Celestial Fox, Tang Yiling felt like she was on top of the world. Even if she had gotten scolded by her grandfather, Tang Yiling didn't care because she had ammo to ruin both Lu AnLing and Tang Bingyi.

However, Tang Yiling didn't notice one thing...

Tang Yian wasn't talking to her.

Not hearing her father's reply nor seeing his usual way of being, Tang Yiling looked at the man who concentrated on the song sung by Ning Jie and written by Tang Yiling, deeply.

"Don't tell me you're still mad at me? It's been a day!" Tang Yiling grumbled.

Hearing this, Tang Yian didn't even say anything. He just kept doing as he was doing until he heard another sentence from Tang Yiling's song, and then he switched over to Lu AnLing and Mo Sheng's song.

Listening to it, Tang Yian got into it quickly. He boobed his head slightly and almost smiled as Mo Sheng hit the high notes.

Seeing this, Tang Yiling frowned and then she said, "I know you're mad at me, but you don't need to be so mean..."

"What do you mean?" Tang Yian said with a frown.

"You're just pretending to like the other teams stuff more because you're trying to get back at me!"

Hearing this, Tang Yian frowned hard and then he put his computer, where he was listening to the song, aside and turned towards Tang Yiling.

"Tang Yiling, If you know what's good for you, shut up. Stop talking. You have no idea what you're saying. If you really think that then you're just being an idiot..." Tang Yian started. His words dropping from his mouth like venom. He then stood up and turned his whole body towards the girl, who had never seen the man this angry before. "If you don't see that this girl's song is better than yours then you need to fix your ears and your ego."

Hearing this, Tang Yiling now frowned and then she said, "How is it better? If you think it's so much better, then tell me why!"

Tang Yian smiled sinisterly and then he played Lu AnLing's and Tang Yiling's songs at the same time.

"Lu AnLing's song suits the one singing it. Her lyrics are powerful and thought-provoking and if she also composed the music for it, then she also made sure to account for mood and tonal shift. Your song is, yes, one that would become popular easily, but is it good? Not really. It's formulaic. It's bland. You should be ashamed of yourself! I thought I taught you better than this." Tang Yian said.

Anyone would say that he was being hard on Tang Yiling but truthfully this was truly what he believed. Though, personally, he didn't understand why Tang Yiling's music was as such. In the back of his head, he specifically remembered teaching his daughter how to properly write and compose music but for some reason, it seemed like Tang Yiling had forgotten a great part of that...

More than that, Lu AnLing's way of writing was beautiful and despite, Tang Yian could seeing areas where she could improve, her abilities were higher than that of the usual songwriter.

Somewhere deep inside him, Tang Yian grew proud of Lu AnLing and he did not understand why. Why was he so proud of a stranger?... He tried to understand himself, but then, suddenly, his head began to pound slightly but he did not stop speaking to Tang Yiling.

Tang Yian: "Music is something I don't play around with and neither should you. If you really believe that you're better than her, go practice, or else you'll lose in Trailblazers and I won't pity you."

"Fine!" Tang Yiling said before she angrily made her way upstairs. From that day, Tang Yiling did just as her father said.

She practised and practised and practised...