She Was About To Get Herself Scolded

The family dinner ended quietly and at the end, Lu AnLing smiled softly and said, "It was nice to be able to meet like this, I never thought that this would ever happen..."

Hearing this, Xu Shen and Lu Duyi agreed calmly. They, better than anyone, understood how she felt and they had also craved for something of the sort and now, their hopes had been actualized.

Meanwhile, Lu Xiaoling and Lu Shuya had felt a bit bad. They had hurt Lu AnLing in the past. All because of what? Their pride? Their own feelings? They no longer knew but it was now obvious that they had made a mistake. Seeing Kang Mei Xue and Lu Yuxi smile to each other as they stood beside Kang Jun and Lu AnLing, a part of Lu Xiaoling and Lu Shuya, felt immense happiness because unlike their own family, they could see the limitless happiness this family could have.

Looking Lu AnLing in the eyes, Lu Shuya sighed, and then she gulped.

Lu Shuya knew she needed to apologize...

The whole time, Lu AnLing had not mentioned all the bad that Lu Shuya had done, or allowed others to do, to Lu AnLing. The girl didn't see much point in ruining the image of Lu Shuya in the eyes of their family. Kang Jun knew, of course, because Lu AnLing had told him everything about her past but, none of the others.

Lu Shuya only assumed that Kang Jun didn't know, however, and so slightly fearful, it was a bit hard for Lu Shuya to speak but she still managed to do so.

"AnLing, I'm sorry..." Lu Shuya started in a low voice. "Back then, I was stupidly jealous, and I let that, and my pride get the best of me. I shouldn't have allowed what had happened..."

Hearing her sincerity, Lu AnLung nodded and sighed.

"I know you cared about me in your own way, but, to tell you the truth, you were seriously annoying. I would have punched you if you weren't my sister." Lu AnLing said half-truthfully, half-jokingly. Putting that aside, Lu AnLing remembered something, "But listen up, if you really feel bad, can I ask you a favour?"

Lu Shuya nodded.

"Tell me your contacts from Hotel Helios, I want to know who drugged Jun." Lu AnLing said calmly.

During their time together, the family had gotten to know how Kang Jun and Lu AnLing had gotten together, they were curious, after all, but there were still a couple of mysteries left to solve...

Back then, Lu AnLing knew that Lu Shuya was underaged, so she wasn't allowed to drink but she had found her avenues in Hotel Helios.

Frankly, it shouldn't have been hard. Back then, the hotel had low to no standards but no one would have expected the second young miss of the Lu family to frequent such places.

Understanding the situation completely, Xu Shen and Lu Xiaoling cocked their heads and frowned slightly.

"Contacts at Hotel Helios? How could Shuya possibly have that?" Xu Shen said without questioning in his voice. It sounded more mocking than anything else and this was because Lu AnLing had said it, so Xu Shen already knew that it was true but now, he wanted Lu Shuya to come clean.

Even Kang Liang couldn't help but anticipate the answer. He knew Lu Shuya had been too calm and at home at the bar!

Feeling like she was about to get herself scolded, Lu Shuya contemplated her choices but since she didn't have any, she had no choice but to speak.

"Uhhhh..." Lu Shuya looked towards Lu Xiaoling and Xu Shen who both eyed her like a hawk. "... I kept in contact with the guy from Back then, he doesn't talk to anyone he doesn't know anymore though. Something happened to him I guess. I'll ask him."

Hearing this, Kang Liang frowned.

"So what, are you just going to show up at this GUY's house and just ask HIM everything?" Kang Liang said accentuating certain words in order to make Lu Shuya understand the possible danger she could encounter.

He was worried about her. But there was something more... Kang Liang noticed this but he was quick to ignore his own feelings.

Ater Kang Liang had spoken, even Xu Shen said a few words, hoping that his daughter would understand that this was a bad idea.

Thought, even if Kang Liang and Xu Shen did this, Lu Shuya didn't take notice of their worries and so she shrugged and said, "Yeah, It's no big deal. I know where he lives and he's always been kind to me. Always low on money... but other than that, he's cool."

"Helping a minor get alcohol isn't cool, it's a crime." Lu Xiaoling interjected.

Hearing her mother speak, Lu Shuya nodded but then she said, "Everyone does things they aren't proud of."

When she said this, the whole aura of the room changed and everyone noticed it too.

A bit dumbstruck by Lu Shuya's dense-ness, Kang Liang was going to say something else. Though he didn't know what to say. He was a bit annoyed at how strongly Lu Shuya defended the man she was talking about! Thought what was worse was that he didn't want to acknowledge why.

Looking at Lu Shuya who stayed quiet, as if waiting for someone to insult the man again so she could defend him, Kang Liang opened his mouth but before he could speak, Lu AnLing pointed at Kang Liang and said,

"Take him with you."

Lu Shuya's face twisted. "Why?"

"I know you trust this man, but neither I nor mom nor dad know anything about him, so it would be safer if you meet him with someone we trust. And I trust Kang Liang."

Lu Shuya was about to argue but, hearing this, Xu Shen nodded and then he said,

"I trust him too." After saying this, Xu Shen walked over to Kang Liang and took his hand into his own hands and said, "Protect my daughter."

Feeling as if Xu Shen had just given his daughter away to Kang Liang, Lu AnLing was close to bursting out in laughter. But frankly, she wasn't the only one. Even Lu Duyi had noticed the tone his father had put so he face-palmed.

Meanwhile, Lu Shuya was massaging her temples with annoyance, while Kang Liang was left speechless.

Lu AnLing wanted to laugh but she held it in. That was, until Lu Yuxi, Kang Mei Xue and Kang Mingyu began to speak.

"Auntie, are you getting married??!" Lu Yuxi said with no shame at all. After this, Kang Mingyu chimed in.

"Uncle Liang is all grown up." Kang Mingyu said in a grown-up tone.

And then, last but not least, Kang Mei Xue smiled and said, "Congratulations!"

Hearing this, Lu AnLing couldn't hold her laughter anymore as Lu Shuya's face turned beet red.

"Dad... y-you idiot!" Lu Shuya screamed before she stormed out of Kang Jun's house.