First day in the new world

Shell opened his eyes slowly when he heard the singing of the birds that for him was totally strange and new the peace and tranquility that she felt leaving him in a trance while watching the blue sky until seraph began to speak interrupting his trance.

"Lord, I have finally awakened" (Seraph)

Seraph was always attentive to his creator waiting for orders while Shell returned to observe the blue sky that once again was totally new to him and gave an order to Seraph.

"Seraph scan me and give me a diagnosis of my health and mental state, also check the state of my body for broken bones or trauma from the impact on some part of my body and when you finish notifying me of the results." (Shell)

Seraph spoke again to Shell.

"Sir, you must remain totally still during the scan and you also need to be sedated to be able to carry out an analysis of your brain and internal organs, this could take 2 hours to finish the scan and complete revision." (Seraph)

Shell was surprised to hear what he said Seraph had not spent a day in a new world and had already fallen unconscious more times than in his entire life as an active soldier on the battlefield on earth, but even so in the end Shell simply He had to accept being sedated again to carry out the scan on his body.

"Okay, start the scanner and proceed with the sedative." (Shell)

A few seconds after the order Shell began to feel that his eyelids were heavy and again he was unconscious.


In the same place where Shell fell from the sky appeared two small children accompanied by 4 people carrying weapons, each of them carrying a different weapon and 2 of them wearing a suit of armor between pieces of leather and metal while another of them wore a suit of metal armor. along with a shield and a mace and the last person wore a white tunic and a cane with a precious jewel in the superior end of this one the two small children of an apparent 7 years of age with pointing ears pointed their fingers at the destroyed area of the forest watching the trees uprooted and the floor totally shattered by the impact and in the very center of this an armor of a dark tonality the two children told each other their ideas at that moment.

"Hey, that armor can worth something?" (Little boy 1)

After the first child spoke the second child commented on his idea and his anxiety to see such an intact piece in such a destroyed area.

"¿Is it a joke what you are asking, right? ¿do you think that one of us will approach that thing and what if it is awake? I would sincerely prefer to leave now and avoid a problem besides our assignment is to look for herbs for the village, not find a mysterious armor in a huge crater."(little boy 2)

When the second spoke the other armed people expressed their ideas as well.

"I think we could do our job of escorting them and at the same time leaving Shakia around here and guarding the armor, believe it or not, I'd prefer to be informed if that thing starts to move." (Young boy whit leather armor 1)

then the adult man carrying the mace and the shield expressed his idea.

"He is right, I do not want to be taken by surprise by a walking armor that wants to kill us, on the other hand look well as it is, if we receive just one attack of that thing the most likely thing is that it kills us instantaneously I would prefer not to risk myself, I vote that to leave Shakia here. "(heavy Armed Adult )

Suddenly the little girl spoke with the tunic and the cane expressing her dissatisfaction with the idea.

"I feel that it is a bad idea Rhakia represents our eyes and ears without her we will be less able to prevent an ambush of the creatures of the forest."(Young girl in tunic)

Finally, the young woman wearing leather armor with bow and arrows spoke what she thought.

"I sincerely think that you give me too much credit, I remind you that you as a sorcerer have [magical sense] and you can detect the creatures of the forest from more distance than me, Sasha."(Shakia)

The young woman in the tunic hung her head, covering her face with her cane and spoke.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple, that armor releases an excessive amount of mana and this leaves me completely unfit to use [magical sense]."(Sasha)

One of the little ones with pointed ears suddenly spoke, interrupting the comments of all those who were nearby and pointed towards the armor watching real soldiers arrive on horseback with troops who came on foot.

At that moment the young man with pointed ears gave them an order.

"Silence and duck, they are soldiers, what do they do here?"(Young man with pointed ears 1)

When he asked the question, Shakia answered the question almost correctly.

"Young Lórien, I'm assuming they're here because of that strange armor and if what Sasha said is true that armor is possibly alive since it emits mana so it's better to stay here without getting intruded in this situation." (Shakia)

The second young man with pointy ears spoke to the young man in leather armor to ask what would be next.

"Mr. Arsenio, what do we do now?" (Young man with pointy ears 2)

Hearing the question, Young Arsenio shook his head and answered.

"Right now moving is a very bad option, if the soldiers detect us they will think that we are spies and that we are working and gathering information and we will be arrested and if we try to flee, those who are on horseback will reach us immediately so the only option that we have left is to be here and wait for them to leave. "(Arsenio)

Sasha expressed his idea and his sudden fear.

"Are you suggesting that we stay here while those idiots touch that thing? What do you think will happen if that armor wakes up and starts killing everyone?" (Sasha)

Everyone suddenly fell silent and watched from a distance as the soldiers urged the armor with no idea of what would happen.


After several hours of being mounted on horseback wandering through the forest in search of the object that fell from the sky, General Roland expressed his displeasure to the soldier who was next to him.

"It's almost midday and we have not reached the place where the mysterious object fell, do the Scouts have any idea how much is missing?"(Roland)

When Roland asked this, a woman stood on the branch of a tree, she wore a completely dark leather armor with a bow and arrows on her back and a pair of daggers hung on her waist, her head was completely covered except for her Eyes with a dark hood and notice to General Roland.

"Sir, we have already arrived behind those trees is the mysterious object that fell from the sky, I advise caution that object emits very concentrated mana and can be very toxic if it stays close long." (Woman scout)