Spies, soldiers and a monster

Finally, after long hours of search without favorable results, the unit of soldiers led by Roland along with the unknown scout arrived at the place of impact the soldiers arrived a few seconds after Roland looked around completely destroyed wondering what could be what caused so much disaster until one of them approached to observe what was in the middle of the crater and spoke describing what was in the center of this.

"Sir, it's a dark-colored armor!" (Soldier)

The soldiers looked at each other wondering what he meant by that until one of them noticed the soldier who was closer to the crater, it had started to bleed through his eyes, nose, and ears and a couple of soldiers ran to try to help him until the scout in black clothes shouted at them.

"Do not approach him or you will die in the same way!" (Scout of dark clothes)

The scout came out of a tree explaining why the soldier started to bleed.

"As I said before we arrived, the mana that armor produces is extremely dense, you would die in seconds when approaching that thing your bodies can handle spells of low and medium level magic, but that thing, that thing can handle spells of an upper class, therefore, his mana is dense and constant while yours is only momentary and not prolonged and when that mana enters your body causes you to burst inside because you are unable to hold such amount of mana entering their bodies in such a short time, so keep your distance from the armor."(Dark clothes Scout)

most of the soldiers were silent watching the body of his partner lying on the ground next to the crater and one of them spoke.

"My lady, we should start with the plan now, no?" (Soldier)

When the soldier said this Roland observed the scout and exclaimed.

"Plan? What plan?" (Roland)

The black-suited scout began to remove her hood and revealed her black hair and eyes with white pupils and answered Roland's question.

"Ahh, I never thought that the great knight Roland of the 13 knights of light would be such an idiot to fall into such an obvious ambush, although I must admit that thing falling from the sky simply made my job much easier!" (Woman with black hair)

Roland immediately recognized the woman and exclaimed her name while ordering the soldiers to arrest her.

"Amarïe, I never thought of meeting you in such a place although I expected more from you when coming alone, soldiers arrest her!" (Roland)

The soldiers looked at each other for a few moments and then began to surround Roland and Amarïe and pointed their spears surrounding both while Amarïe smiled Roland shouted demanding to know what was happening until he noticed that the eyes in the visors of the helmets of the soldiers were red.

"Possessed soldiers of the empire, I did not think the empire would get that far" (Roland)

At the moment he mentioned that a huge soldier of at least 2 meters high appeared from the trees carrying a shield almost as tall as he and Amarïe exclaimed something irritating.

"Borgul! You take all your time to get there!" (Amarïe)

Borgul the huge soldier who had emerged from the forest answered him in a very calm voice.

"I do not know why you get angry, look how we are, our target came out of his cave by itself and came to us and I found a new armor! This day could not get better" (Borgul)

Amarïe answered Borgul again, being even more irritated than before.

"Okay, as you like just take the armor and take this fool to the empire, I guess if we take him alive they will pay us more than before." (Amarïe)

Borgul smiled and went down to the crater, totally excited as if it were a child receiving a new toy, but at that moment on the way down Amarïe started talking with Roland.

"In the end, we both fight and see how it ended if you had followed your brothers today you would be rich and you would be surrounded by beautiful women but look at yourself now, you will die at the hands of the emperor himself and your beloved queen maybe raped a couple of times before being beheaded publicly."(Amarïe)

Roland was about to respond when all of a sudden Borgul's body was blown to pieces in the air, throwing blood everywhere and a voice came out of the crater.


Shell began to regain consciousness while Seraph's voice began to resonate in his helmet.

"Sir, the scan has been successfully completed and no anomalies are found in the body and your physical and mental state are in optimal states." (Seraph)

before Shell could say anything the visor of his helmet ignited showing a huge subject watching him carrying a huge black shield of at least the same height as him and the voice of Seraph again heard.

"Sir, I'm afraid my radar has just detected the signal of 27 individuals, 25 of whom are armed, what actions do you want to take?" (Seraph)

At the moment Seraph spoke the huge person stretched his arm taking the arm of Shell's armor and Shell gave an order.

"Seraph, release the servos and also turn on the invisibility when I order it, nobody touches my things without my permission." (Shell)

At the time that Shell gave the order, Seraph confirmed the release of the armor and Shell threw his fist into the stomach of the person with totally unexpected and catastrophic results, the person and his body despite being great this was split in two and destroyed by a simple punch making his remains fly in all directions and his huge shield street to the ground, Shell had begun to stop detecting 26 possible threats outside the crater and spoke with a loud and clear voice.


The soldiers, like the adventurers, were totally stalked when they saw how the enormous person had flown in pieces of the crater being totally destroyed without any effort for the mysterious armor and at the same time emerging from the crater Seraph notified Shell of a new acquisition.

"Night tower shield has been acquired" (Seraph)