
At the moment of seeing the armor move by itself the soldiers, adventurers next to the assassin and the great paladin Roland were petrified with fear to see that the second strongest of the group of the "Dark Hand" had been killed in an instant, all recovered quickly when Amarïe shouted an order to his henchmen.

"Frontal formation, do not let it move, I will quickly take over the objective and we will leave without more casualties!" (Amarïe)

despite the clear order of Amarïe she felt fear for the first time in her life when she saw her partner who was practically with her since she joined the group of the "Dark Hand" and they did all the missions together, to be killed In the blink of an eye, Shell was extremely calm on his armor and gave Seraph an order.

"When I order it uses invisibility and also prepares the guided projectiles, and points at the head of the 19 people in front, ignores the others, I will personally take care of them" (Shell)

[Invisibility Ready to use] its ready sir. (Seraph)

in the right shoulder shell appeared a small cannon with 20 projectiles with red tips while a laser was aimed at the 19 heads and these shot out, a soldier could barely react by shouting an order before the projectiles destroyed the heads of the 19 objectives.

"Take Cover-"(soldier)

The 19 soldiers collapsed in the blink of an eye and Amarïe was paralyzed again as Roland and the group of adventurers, but she had already decided to kill Roland and she jumped with her daggers at Roland's neck but before this When a shield of celestial color was reached it appeared protecting it and when the blades hit the shield it quickly began to crack demonstrating the strength that the killer possessed and a voice was heard from where the adventurers were hiding.

[Sanctuary] (Sasha)

The adventurer Sasha had used the skill called [Sanctuary] which, in Shell's view, was nothing more than a simple shield of energy but which also apparently was weak in the face of physical attacks, at the moment Amarïe saw the adventurer with the robe was prepared and made a charge attack which made it go off at high speed but moments before his daggers reached Sasha the huge armor suddenly appeared on her right side causing it to end up being crushed against a tree causing his arm to twist irreversibly and surely most of his bones in her body would be broken by the speed and weight applied by the armor against the solid surface of the tree when Amarïe finally fell to the ground spit a mouthful of blood before of the inevitable end and asked to the armor.

"What..the fuck..are you?"( Amarïe)

Shell observed the murderer with pity that she had previously aimed a pair of daggers at a girl. This made Shell feel no shame or shame in killing her in such a way and before finishing with her she answered him.

"I am...Just one more soldier" (Shell)

The hand of the power armor separated and it was nailed in the tree detaching it of its own root and with all its power raised the tree by the airs but before using it to kill the assassin said a couple of words more.

"You are disgusting even to be human" (Shell)

Shell with all his strength the tree crushing the body of the assassin completely ending with her while the adventurers were simply paralyzed again just like Roland.

Shell remained silent observing what he had done literally this was the first time of shell assassinating a human and never thought that he would have to reach such an extreme but again he remembered that this was a different world and his mind remained blank for a few seconds until Seraph started talking again.

"Sir, are there only 7 living entities that you want to do?" (Seraph)

Again the cold logic of Seraph appeared and spoke to Shell to verify that they would do a continuation since the previous mission of Shell was to arrive at the planet with an equipment of recognition to establish a perimeter but since the base had been invaded and totally destroyed Shell was without a goal to meet but Shell decided to use this opportunity to relax and responded to Seraph.

"Rest, I'll take care of everything from now on by myself when I'll call you to reactivate" (Shell)

At the time of saying this Shell's helmet opened leaving it to breathe the fresh air of the new world for the second time and this time it was not being in a mortal fall, again it was the first time that Shell's skin had felt the warm rays of the sun and the second time he heard the birds singing.

Shell's voice sounded much clearer without the helmet covering his head then he proceeded to stretch without paying attention to the corpses nearby or to the people nearby until a female voice distracted him again.

"Excuse me for bothering you but.. who are you?" (Shakia)

Shakia's voice interrupted the carefree Shell while the other adventurers and Roland were scared to interrupt the creature that practically killed 20 people in a blink of an eye without any effort and to this question Shell responded respectfully.

"I'm Shell, a soldier of the entry and extermination group, it's a pleasure to meet you" (Shell)

Roland simply was speechless to see that the similar and aggressive creature a few seconds ago became a respectful and direct person which I can not prevent his own curiosity and this question without any problem.

"What is that armor and those weapons !?" (Roland)

Roland did not show much respect towards the stranger in front of him despite such similar presence a few seconds ago and to which the question was answered in a different way to what he expected.

"What manners do you have, ¿when your mother tells you good morning you say goodnight to her at the same time?" (Shell)

Despite being a soldier without basic school education Shell showed respect to everyone with whom he spoke as he had learned this from his superiors who always told him (If you want respect you must be respectful also to those who do not deserve it) This sentence was etched in Shell's mind forever since he heard this at age 15 when she went out to her first field fight where it was also the day her superior and best friend perished.

Roland showed some displeasure in his face when receiving the answer since he belonged to the order of the 13 knights of the light who were both respected and loved, in short a person born with a silver spoon who always hoped to be treated as the best way and have everything at your fingertips whether it was money, women, land or even power without equal but belonging to the group of gentlemen of light this could not get many benefits more than the land women and money so their old habit of despising the plebeians came to light at that time caused by irritation upon receiving a response that he did not expect.

"Listen to me, well, dirty plebeian. I demand that you tell me the information about those weapons and give them to my person immediately now!" (Roland)

Shell had a lot of patience but this could even end quickly and the shell lips emerged a question towards Roland.

"Do you want them?" (Shell)

Roland without hesitation shouted again with clear irritation in his voice.

"If it's just as you heard me, dirty commoner give me those weapons and you can leave without any problem and also-

The moment that Roland spoke again with the same tone a beam of energy crossed his skull leaving a hole the size of a tennis ball on his face causing it to collapse instantly from the shoulder of Shell a small cannon was visible, this cannon was hidden with the magic [Invisibility] to be able to attack by surprise anyone who wanted to escape but he could not use it until a few moments ago because it had killed all of them instantly.

Shell stretched once more turning her head to the adventurers with a warm smile on her face as if nothing had happened and I ask her.

"And what will you do from now on?" (Shell)

The adventurers looked at each other while the little ones with pointy ears had returned with a couple of bags full of different colored herbs, the bags were so full that you could see flowers coming out of almost every pocket and both said happily.

"Order list, we have many herbs so we can collect our reward to the guild" (Young man with pointed ears 1 and 2)

Shell was silent to see such a pair of carefree people in the middle of a field with many dead bodies but when they spoke they asked looking around.

"did we missed something?" (Young man with pointed ears 1 and 2)

The adventurers and Shell were totally silent when they heard that question.