You come from dust and dust you will become (P.2)

"Burn everything and bring all those who find in the kingdom to the central square men, women, children and the elderly!" (Elivan)

In the darkness of the night and in the streets of the kingdom the voice of the leader of the religious group of the 13 faces was shouting orders to his soldiers and servants gathering all the people in the small kingdom, around 100 or so people among adults, children and old people were gathered together in the square waiting for its end while in the distance a group of elves brought dragging more people and once again the voice of Elivan was heard loud and clear.

"All of you here have lived...At the nose of the empire and of the Emperor himself and tonight you will pay for their insolence to live under the command of a queen who had no power and for that reason, you all will witness the death of your queen and then you will be next... Soldiers keep looking for more people and bring them here, you all have until the first ray of sun appear so bring them all or you too will join them and lose their heads!"(Elivan)

Elivan was totally focused on the task he had received by the emperor himself, Elivan wore a very inconspicuous armor and had two swords in his hands both with a red gloss level and also carried a trump card that he had received from the emperor, a gigantic dragon that Elivan had formed a contract...few hours left until the first sunbeam appeared and Elivan and his soldiers and servants had no idea of the approaching danger from the horizon.


The sun had not yet appeared on the horizon but the darkness was less dense with each passing moment and Shell was already up and preparing her team to start heading towards the kingdom that had been on fire at nightfall the previous day Makara was already waiting for Shell to finish preparing and speak.

"Hmm, the smoke coming from the kingdom has already calmed down and maybe everything ended there, but as your helmet said, we have to find food and honestly I have not eaten for 4 years until I was satisfied and in the process we can look for information about what happens there so we can kill three birds with one stone."(Makara)

Shell finished equipping and from his strange inventory, a strange-looking weapon the cannon was 30cm long and 10cm wide, a large energy weapon that shoots giant balls of Dark Plasma. The weapon has excess power and causes greater damage to most types of enemies and can clean a whole room of enemies in a single use. A direct hit is often an instant death. while shell explained this, Makara was simply more confused than before and exclaimed to Shell.

"What is plasma? No no, ¿who in their right mind would make such a weapon capable of killing hundreds of enemies in a single action?"(Makara)

Makara was more confused than ever before in his life. in front of him, he found himself with a weapon capable of killing hundreds of enemies with a single action which made him think what kind of human could create such a thing and also the human that dared to use it.

In great difference Shell always worked alone so using such equipment was not a concern for him since it was impossible to harm other humans who were in a team with him. but to make matters worse the weapon consumed a solid 20% of the total mana by using mana as a source of energy and Shell in its inventory had millions of projectiles of this weapon since he used this weapon with the purpose of killing the infected giant's in a quick way and avoid complications.

Shell began to walk while Makara followed him closely among the trees of the forest, hiding his camouflage and avoiding detection. Shell continued walking for 3 or 4 hours, since there was no clock and being in the middle of the forest it was impossible to find out what time it was which left Shell totally confused and Seraph went on and spoke.

"Sir, it is already the 3rd day that we are in this world and we are approaching the proximity of an unknown structure, I can send spy drones and take a map of the local areas and adjacent buildings and also investigate their inhabitants when you arrive. I will already have all the information available. "(Seraph)

Shell accented her head and confirmed the order to Seraph and a small drone took on the appearance of a bird that Shell had seen the second day after the fight with the soldiers. the appearance of this bird was the same as that of a sparrow. Its long tail had a silver color that rose to its back and its head had a blue feather. After giving a few flutters the sparrow went flying away in the sky that was already showing clarity but was still a while for the sun to come out.

Shell watched the spy sparrow move away and in its body, the armored armor was modified with less thickness removing plates and making it easier to use without restricted movements when Shell finished, he started to run at high speed leaving Makara behind for a moment until Makara reached him again and Makara yelled at Shell.

"What are all those things you have, and in the name of the dark god how your current speed increases so much in a few seconds?!"(Makara)

Makara was a creature that crawled through the terrain reaching very high speeds in short periods of time. Shell was the complete opposite of Makara used heavy equipment that restricted his movement drastically but in a few seconds, they spent excessively changing their speed of movement leaving behind Makara in the blink of an eye which surprised him.

few minutes passed while Shell and Makara moved at high speeds through the forest until The Sparrow spied on Shell's shoulder and began to report on the current state of the kingdom.

"Sir, I have detected 198 current forms of life in what would be the place of the kingdom of which 137 of them are unarmed and kneeling in the square while 1 more is in what looks like an ancient torture device being maintained and another 60 they are armed with weapons and armor of the same appearance that you faced yesterday. "(Seraph/sparrow spy)

The moment Shell heard the report, he looked at the Seraph scanner and noticed that there were 199 present presences and Shell asked Seraph what the presence was and Seraph started talking again.

"Sir, I'm afraid the presence 199 has a very dense mana field which altered my radar and sensors alike and I had to avoid scanning it, I'm afraid I can not provide more information at the moment." (Seraph/sparrow spy)

Makara spoke with a presumptuous tone and explained what inhabited the kingdom.

"Ha, today they brought such a thing to conquer this little place, I'm afraid that what your versatile little friend cannot see is a dragon and a very powerful one, from here I can feel his presence and smell his mana, this fight will be fun at least!"(Makara)

Shell took out her inventory weapon again and prepared it with projectiles instead of mana if the creature turned out to be very powerful and Shell spent her money she would have to kill herself immediately after firing the 5th projectile when she finished checking the Shell team she spoke to Makara

"We are going to enter and you take care of the other 60. I will take care of distracting him so that you can help me after you finish whit the other 60 and when you finish whit them, come to where I am and help me if I still do not kill that "Dragon" (Shell)

An unexpected battle was about to begin inside the kingdom and the gods were present to observe such an event, a human against a dragon.