You come from dust and dust you will become (P.3)

"Very well, this took less than expected, I expected them to give a little more fight before surrendering but at least I already have that rebellious queen in my hands I just have to wait now" (Lucatiel)

an elf was talking to himself inside the throne room, this large room boasted very luxurious decorations where anyone's eye would observe something luxurious and expensive. a huge carpet crossed the room separating it and from the windows the first rays of the sun made this room light up slowly.

The elf on the throne was nobody but the elf emperor himself watching through the eyes of the black dragon that perched above the castle watching everything around him, the elf emperor lay totally focused on the queen who was chained to a trap while another elf was preparing a whip with thorns but at the moment that Lucatiel was about to give the order the vision of the dragon became blurred and when looking at the city a huge amount of mana began to be filtered in the city as if a huge Monster would have been attracted by the blood and death that lay in the kingdom.

Lucatiel was known very well for his great feat in combat and magic and also in making contracts, he also held 3 active contracts with 3 extremely powerful creatures the first one of them Gridolnas the black dragon the second was totally unknown as the third one towards the knowledge of the public since in most of the rebellions and struggles against elf empire. Lucatiel only required Gridolnas so that everything would end quickly.

For the first time in his life, Lucatiel doubts invaded him if Lucatiel allowed one of his contract creatures to die this would leave him very bad in the eyes of the other two beings with whom he formed another contract. Lucatiel once again observed the whole city, as did the mana aura that emerged from the city and slowly approached to where it was.


Shell finally arrived in the kingdom after a few minutes of running he began to walk past the entrance to the main street of the city. Upon entering he saw the multiples structures of different sizes and colors that were now nothing but ruins engulfed by fire and in the streets there were some piles of bodies lit on fire but in spite of seeing such a scene. Shell did not change the calm expression that he always had on his face since this scenario for him was very normal in his previous world, the only difference was that these were human and the others were infected. Seraph began to speak again notifying him of the presence that was further along the main route leading to the castle.

"Sir, I am afraid that a creature of enormous dimensions is following the main route and I am also unfit to measure its level of a threat so I suggest caution." (Seraph)

For Seraph it was extremely easy to scan an infected giant and notice weak points thanks to his body being mainly those of a human, but these were extremely mutated by the passage of time or by special circumstances that went through what Seraph was unable to scan a new creature like a dragon which left Shell totally unaware of its next opponent.

Shell finally after walking for a few minutes that became eternal managed to get to where the castle was. the structure was incredibly high showing 4 huge towers and to enter the castle there was a huge double gate and many steps to reach this gate and in the middle of the 4 towers lay the huge dragon waiting for Shell but when the dragon finally came he looked with confusion at Shell the little human and the dragon started talking without even moving his huge mouth.

"What...kind of human...are you?"(Gridolnas)

Shell raised his gun pointed towards the dragon and refused to answer which the dragon took as total disrespect. Gridolnas felt extremely insulted by the human who refused to speak to him and in a few seconds, he stretched his black wings giving a few flutters and waved to where the human was talking to him again.

"You are very disrespectful to be extremely small, it will be easy to chew on a simple and pathetic creature like y-(Gridolnas)

Gridolnas was interrupted by Shell since he had totally trusted himself and received a firm fist in the jaw, breaking several of his scales and also some of his teeth. but the most surprised was Lucatiel who was controlling the vision of the dragon Gridolnas see that he suddenly fell silent and that some of his scales and teeth fell to the floor, he began to feel doubt if Gridolnas would be able to kill the enemy that was in front of him.

The gods watched in silence as the Great Dragon Gridolnas had been knocked down by a simple human with a single attack 12 of the 13 gods were happy to see that someone closed the mouth of that cocky dragon but the god number 13 The great lord of the dragons Aleurn could not bear to see one of his kind fall so easily before a human and secretly delivered a blessing to the dragon Gridolnas.

The great lord of the dragons Aleurn he was totally sure that when Gridolnas would wake up it would be extremely easy to kill the human in front of him whit the blessing but these hopes were almost immediately crushed upon seeing the next scene.

Shell talked to him and pulled the cannon out of his inventory.

"This is a trick that I learned from a friend let me show it to you!" (Shell)

Shell approached taking his cannon with one hand and with the other opening the mouth of the dragon and when putting the cannon closed its jaw and shot the cannon flying in pieces the body of Gridolnas leaving only half of its body and at the moment that Gridolnas died Lucatiel on his throne began to scream and bleed for his ears, eyes, nose, and mouth dying a few seconds later.

The great lord of the dragons Aleurn remained silent and became slightly pale to see that despite his blessing given to Gridolnas this perished by a single attack on the part of the human the other gods were totally happy that the human killed the dragon Gridolnas, but the reality was different the human ended up with a creature that the gods were not allowed to touch since it was related to the same first Lucatiel elf but none of the gods was aware that Lucatiel had already died and that he would soon begin a civil war in the central land of the former elf empire.

The wind began to blow as shell silently observed the corpse of the black dragon in front of him and gave an order to Seraph.

"Seraph keeps the remains and processes them and separates the scales, claws, and horns as well as the skin, also disaster of the remaining intestines and removes the blood from the meat and in the process analyzes everything I have informed me that you have much space Will the dragon's body take in my inventory?"(Shell)

Seraph answered the question and also made a suggestion.

"It will only take 4% of the total space to store Sir. and if I can suggest that we go to see how it is going to Mr. Makara?"(Seraph)

Shell had no idea that the winds of change were already beginning to blow and the world was shaken to learn of the death of the first elf Lucatiel and whit no doubt the things would be more chaotic from now on.