Heaven Ranked Cultivaion Method

There were 8 Heaven Ranked Cultivation methods for him to pick from,

Black Tortoise Cultivation Method

Ice Lotus Cultivation Method

Nubela Sealing Cultivation Method

Yellow Springs Cultivation Method

5 Elements Cultivation Method

Thunder Rune Cultivation Method

Flowing Water Cultivation Method

King Suppressing Cultivation Method

The Black Tortoise Cultivation Method is a defensive one, so it did not suit his personality, Ice Lotus was more suited for women, Nebula Sealing was one that he did not think much of. Yellow Springs focuses on bloodshed to cultivate, 5 elements use all five elements and one has to have an affinity with all 5, which he had that had gone along with his Heaven Suppressing Physique. Thunder Rune was one that needed one to be hit by lightning to cultivate, he was not a masochist. Flowing Water focuses on a gentle personality which is one he did not have. The last was King Suppressing Cultivation Method which was the one he was most suited for as it goes along with his Heaven Suppressing Physique.

When he took out the King Suppressing Cultivation Method, the old man lifted his brow and a mysterious glint flashed through his eyes but he quickly removed it.

After he picked up the book a notification popped up.

"Would you like to reveal your name on the Cultivation Method Leardboards?"

He was suprised for a moment before quickly replyling no, he was not someone that liked to be famous. Even if he still hid his name people would still look for him, who wouldnt want a talent?

[WorldWide Announcement Player XXXX has gained a Heaven Cultivation Method]


[WorldWide Announcement Player XXXX has gained a Heaven Cultivation Method]


[WorldWide Announcement Player XXXX has gained a Heaven Cultivation Method]

All the worlds guilds including the top four MEGA Guilds Frozen Tundra, Death Knights, Shadow Blades, and Raging Flames people were suprised but they quickly calmed down, they knew going into the game that there were coiling dragons and crouchhing tigers. They still called all their resources to find that expert that got a Heaven ranked Cultivation Method on the first day. As for the normal players they were outraged, it was only the first day, they were still trying to find quests and basic stuff and here he was with a Heaven ranked Cultivation Method.

After the announcement he went out to find the value of the silver claws, the fur of that bear was worth a Heaven ranked Cultivation Method, mabe the claws are worth something as well? He wandered through the streets casually as he was in no hurry, he wanted to get stronger but not at a cost... when he finally found a apprasier he walked for half an hour. The appraisal building looked somewhat like a pawnshop, when he went in he found a middle aged schoarly man looking at a piece of metal.

"Excuse me sir I would like to aprise an item of mine." An Chen said politly.

"Sure show me it" The man said not even looking up.

An Chen did not get angry as he knew that some people forget themselves in work and not pay attention to much else. He got out the bear claws and when the man recived them he stopped in his tracks. He widdened his eyes and anxiously asked An Chen.

"Where did you get these?!"

"I killed a bear in the forest to the west" An Chen replied calmly, he did not get why that man was so anxious to him, the bear was an ordinary monster to hunt.

"Do you know what that bear is??"

"No?" He answered back this time a little wierdly, why was that man making a big deal out of that bear?

"That bear has been a problem for us for 53 years and you said you killed it??"

"Do I get something for killing it?"

"Wait here for now I need to tell the mayor about this!" The middle aged man said quickly as he rushed out the door leaving behind the confused An Cheng.