
When An Cheng heard the announcement he was stunned. Lucy was a Celestial companion? An Cheng hurriedly checked out her stats.

Character Name: Lucy Alora

Cultivation Level: Soul Refining Stage 3 (Suppressed)

Combat Level: 1582

Physique: Undying Fire Physique

Bloodline: Phoenix Bloodline

Cultivation Technique: 9 Worlds Phoenix Scripture (Celestial)

Equipment: Death Phoenix Feather Dress (Celestial): Ignores attacks below Dao Ascension Stage

When he saw the stats he just stood there for a good minute until Lucy called out to him to find out what was wrong. All she saw was that he stood there for a minute just staring at her intently.

"Wh... Why are you staring me like that?" She said while blushing.

"Where exactly did you come from?" He was really curious where a second realm, stage 3 at the age of 10 while suppressed came from. Even when he was facing the mayor of TreeShade city, he only felt that he was stage 4 and he was probably hundreds of years old judging by his lifeforce.

Either she had amazing natural talent or had a terrifying background. An Cheng speculated that she had both.

"The Middle Heavens." Lucy said. She calmed down a bit when he asked her that, but at the same time she felt disipointed that he did not ask something else.

"Where are the Middle Heavens?" When he was wondering arond the city he also tried to get infomation about this world. Out of everything he heard about this world, he never heard of any 'Middle Heavens'.

"Its a realm, we are in the Lower Heavens right now, and the Middle Heavens is the relm above this one." Lucy explained.

"Is there a Higher Heavens?" An Cheng felt that he had to ask that question even if he thought that it was a dumb one.

Suprisingly Lucy answered seriously. "I don't know, infomation about realms are kept as secrets in the middle heavens. I only know about the relms due to overhearing my parents." Her eyes dimmed a bit as she mentioned her parents.

As An Cheng saw that she did not want to talk about that subject anymore, he asked another question he was curious about.

"Why is your cultivation suppressed?"

"I used a spell that required my lifeforce, so I dont have enough lifeforce to support my cultivation." She replied with a bit of coldness in her voice as she replayed the scenes the day before.

"So what is your full cultivation?" An Cheng was curious.

"Dao Ascension stage 4." Lucy said.

An Cheng was suprised, he went from nothing to Body Refineing stage 8 in a day due to his heaven-defying phyisque and bloodline and his experience cultivating before. But Lucy getting to the same level as the mayor at the age of ten was quite shocking.

"So how do we restore your cultivation?" He wanted her to get stronger to protect herself and himself for the time being. He may be strong in the eyes of the players but he knew that he was just an ant in the eyes of others.

"Find a flame source that can restore my lifeforce, about 5% of pheonix flames tempature."

"That is going to be quite hard." An Cheng knew how strong pheonix flames were, it was number 2 in the universe, even finding a flame that was 1% of the tempature was hard, let alone 5.

"Well, if you find it, it can raise my cultivation to Dao King directly." This girl keeps bringing him suprises, Dao King realm was the same realm as the Human Emperor.

After calming down a bit they went to find the blacksmith, first he needed a weapon, everything else could wait.

When he found the blacksmith shop he found a robust man hammering away at a piece of metal. He was really tall, about 2 meteres 20, he was also bald with a bushy beard.

"Excuse me" An Cheng said to that man.

"What do you want?" The man said without looking up. 'Another one" An Cheng thought in his head people like these were rare as diamonds an he found two in two days.

"I would like you to make a weapon."

"Sure, hand me the materials." This time he said looking up.

An Cheng handed over the silver claws.

"So your'e the one that killed that bear. Hmm... The materials are not bad, what do you want to make?" The blacksmith said.

"A long slender sword about 1.33 meters."

"You don't have enough materials, either kill a Silver Rhino King and bring back the horn to get a Heaven ranked sword or pay 10,000 gold to get a Earth ranked one." The blacksmith said.

"I'll bring back the horn. Do you have any good swords?" An Cheng figured that he could kill the Silver Rhino King but not with his bare fists.

"Over there." The blacksmith pointed at the weapon rack.

An Cheng went over and found a long sleder sword to his likeing.

[White Lighting (Half-Step Earth rank)]

"How much?" An Cheng said as he pointed to the sword.

"15,000 gold."

An Cheng decided to buy it, it was a good sword. He handed over the gold and left the shop a poor pouper.