An Cheng who heard the scream, ran into the cave anxiously, he forgot to put on his shirt as he ran forward to only be met with a half naked girl. As the girl saw him she let out another shriek and she asked while stammering
"W..what are you doing here?!" Lucy said as she was covering up her chest and blushing up to her ears, her heart was also beating wildly.
"I was worried about you." An Cheng said while half covering up his eyes. He was curious what her body looked like, and it did not disappoint.
"Get Out!" She screamed when she saw that he looked.
"Ok, Ok, calm down, I'll get out" An Cheng said while awkwardly walking out with his eyes covered.
When Lucy was finally dressed, she went out of the cave with some faint signs of a blush. She did originally blame An Cheng but when she heard that An Cheng was worried about her, her anger decreased a lot.
"Are you alright?" An Cheng asked in a worried tone.
"I'm fine." Lucy answered.
Even though An Cheng heard that she was fine he still looked to find anything out of the ordinary. When he finally made sure that she was truly fine he said "Lets go find out what caused that earthquake, it was not a natural one."
An Cheng may not be sure of many things but that was one of them. When the earthquake happened there were faint traces of qi that appeared.
"Mnn" Lucy nodded in reply, she also felt it. She only felt it since she had experienced it before and players were able to also due to their immortal soul, that is why they could respawn, albeit at the cost of a whole cultivation realm. That is why there were no other 'NPCs' that noticed.
At the place where the earthquake happened.
There were hundreds of people there, and they seemed to be fighting over something.
"We discovered it first so it should go to us!" A woman said
"So what you discovered it first, do you have the strength to fight over it?" A man said back in reply.
Scenes like that were happening all over the place. Women in blue were fighting with men in red. If anyone else was there they would find out that these people were from the 4 mega guilds. The women were from Frozen Tundra and the men were from Raging Flames, they were mortal enemies. In every game, these two partipated in they would fight like there was no tommorow. Even if they did it for no reason.
The guild leader for Frozen Tundra was White Lotus, the beautiful woman in the back watching calmly.
The guild leader for Raging Flames was the guy screaming the loudest in the frount. Whenever his mouth open vuglarities would fly out of it like a machine gun. While he may be spitting vularities, his eyes betrayed him, there was nothing in them at all, but every once in a while there would be a flash of visiousness in them.
An Cheng who was watching from far away was confused, why were they fighting? So he asked someone who might know.
"Do you know why they are fighting?" An Cheng asked Lucy.
"They seem to be fighting over a Spirit stone mine." Lucy answered calmly.
What are Spiritstones?" An Cheng asked.
"Spiritstones are stones that hold condensed qi, it helps people cultivate faster."
"Why haven't I've heard of it before?" An Cheng was fustrated, he did his best to get the most infomation every chance he could and yet it always seems like he knew nothing.
"Spiritstones shouldn't be in the lower heavens, and I have only heard of a few mines up in the middle heavens." Lucy explained in a soft voice when she heard his frustration, as expected he calmed down a lot after hearing her answer.
"Looks like we are lucky." An Cheng said as he watched the two guilds get in a real fight. An Cheng was planning to fish in troubled waters, he had done it many times in the past and even in more dangerous situations.