Fishing in Troubled Waters

The fight stared from a rock that was thrown out of nowhere and hit one of the people from Raging Flames. The person who got hit blamed the people from Frozen Tundra's side. Frozen Tundra's said it wasn't then and the people from Raging Flame's Side did not believe them. The fight started to get bigger and bigger until it turned into a full skirmish.

The rock that was thrown was thrown from An Cheng, how was he going to fish in troubled waters if it was not troubled?

"How to we get the Spiritstones?" An Cheng asked, he just realized that he did not know how to get the Spiritstones. If he could not collect the Spiritstones did that mean that he started a fight for no reason?

"You have to mine it with a Earth rank pickaxe or to gobble it up whole with a Celestial rank spatial ring or above." Lucy explained.

An Cheng did not have an Earth ranked pickaxe but he did have a half-step Godly item, it should be plenty enough. As he thought of that he looked towards Lucy's hairpin. Lucy understood and pulled out her hairpin albeit a little reluctantly to give it to An Cheng.

"Don't damage it, it was given to me by someone very important to me." Lucy glared at An Cheng and teased him about when he played stupid back then.

"I'm sure he doesn't mind" An Cheng attacked back. He took it and disappeared with an afterimage

An Cheng weaved in and out of the battle like a shadow, no one found out he was there, even the guild leaders, that was to be expected, An Cheng experienced many battles like this, to him this was just a warm-up.

Every now and then An Cheng would show up behind one of the Raging Flames members and slash their neck. He hit one of the members of Raging Flames not because he said a nursery rhyme and pointed at one of them but he felt that the group of Raging Flames people were bad people. And An Cheng wanted to test out his new cultivation, why else would he step into something that had nothing that had to do with him?

Character Name: Tethien

Cultivation Level: Soul Refining Stage 4

Combat Level: 1982

Physique: Heaven Suppressing Physique

Bloodline: Heaven Suppressing Bloodline

Cultivation Technique: King Suppressing

Equipment: Silver Steel Lightning Sword

An Cheng trusted his ability to judge a person's character so he killed on the battlefield freely. The immersion in this game was 100% so when you killed a person, you would feel like you actually killed them, and when you died you would feel like you actually died. Everywhere on the battlefield there were screams, blood, guts, heads, and even a bit of pee.

An Cheng made heads roll like Li Qiye.

An Cheng did that all while heading towards the Spiritstone mine. When he reached it he pulled out the Heaven Suppressing Phoenix Hairpin, and poured half of his qi into it. Suddenly the mine started to slowly warp into a stream and headed towards the hairpin.

An Cheng was finally noticed, because he was the casue of that effect. The guild leader of Raging Flames was enraged, someone managed to get the mine under his nose.

"Everyone go after him!" The guild leader yelled. He tried to get as much attention on An Cheng as possible, to steal something from under his own nose was unforgivable.

As for White Lotus she was uneffected. She just ordered her guild members to keep attacking Raging Flames members. And they were very happy to keep doing so.

When An Cheng finally got the last of the mine he dissipeared. An Cheng did not like the guild leader of Raging Flames because he sensed that he was a visious person so An Cheng decided to leave a present.

An Cheng ran towards the guild leader of Raging Flames like a shadow, the guild leader did not even notice him. An Cheng pulled out his sword and thrusted twords the special area between the legs of the guild leader and left hearing a heart-wrenching scream.


The guild leader screamed horribly. The pain hurted so much that he squated down holding his crotch crying.

White Lotus who was watching the scene let out a smile on her cold face. 'As expected from the world's number one player.'

An Cheng returned back to Lucy who was waiting for him with a simle on her face. She approved of his action very much, she hated that dispictable guy.

"My Hairpin?" Lucy asked, this was what she cared about the most at the moment.

"Here, I took 80 percent of the Spiritstones, so you have to deal with it for now." He said. Even with 20%, Lucy was very satisified, that much was comparable to 1-2 years worth of her cultivation.

"Wait here I need to drop another present." An Cheng said before leaving.

An Cheng wanted to help that beautiful and cold guild leader fight that bastard so he decided to leave behind 10% of the mine, to players this early into the game was like giving a gun to a caveman.

He dissipeared into the shadows and appeared right behind the White Lotus. He dropped the spatial ring that contained the Spiritstones and was preparing to leave until he heard a cold voice.

"Leaving like that?"