Jiang Family

Currently, in a secluded room inside the Jiang family main branch, a group of people was having a secret discussion. These people belong to the first young master who was responsible for the Jiang Chao's demise.

After using the girl to lure the third young master into a trap, these people got rid of her family and then the girl. None survived. All loose ends were tied. Currently, they were all discussing their next course of action, now that the guy had died.

After the removal of Jiang Chao, the first young master still had another five fierce competitors. Of course, the main point of discussion was how to make the best use of the upcoming chaos. They all knew how much the patriarch loved that Chao. His sudden disappearance no doubt would cause some serious changes in the family.

Currently, they were waiting intently for the woman in the middle's orders. She was the first wife fo the patriarch and the main preparator behind Chao's death.

The first wife of the patriarch was a beautiful woman who looked to be not more than 20, despite being not that young. She had long luscious black hair that was tied in braids. She had narrow eyes that were shaded in purple eyeliner. Currently, she was wearing a blue robe that covered her body perfectly.

"Let's wait for the time being." Was her verdict. She didn't explain anything, just ordered them to keep their silence for the time being. She was a brilliant woman and knew what to do and when to do. It was the main reason why she had more supporters in the family that even the patriarch himself. As for her cultivation, nobody knew exactly what was her realm, but her close aides were sure that she was even powerful than the imperial protector of the Lyon Empire.

Just as the meeting was about to adjourn, a flash of blue light glowed in front of her. That light then headed for her ear and whispered something and later faded from the existence. It was a sound talisman, often used to transmit some short messages from a long distance.

After the blue light faded, the first wife's face morphed into an ugly expression. Seeing her like that, the people that surrounded her realized that something terrible had happened.

"Our spy at the front gate just informed me that they had seen Chao returning to the castle" she explained.

"What? Impossible! How can that be? Our plan was foolproof, I have also seen his bloodied corpse. How can he come back alive?" one of the men surrounding her shouted in astonishment. He was the one who was tasked with luring the wolves to where the young master searching for the flower.

"But he is alive. That's a certainty, or else they wouldn't have risked using this voice talisman." The lady calmly stated, once again she had regained her composure. Now she was suspecting some outside influence on this matter. Whatever it may, unless she sees the brat with her own eyes, she won't decide the next course of action.

After all there was also the possibility of an imposter sent by someone else. In this cultivation world, anything was possible.


After flying through the sky for some time, he finally reached the outskirts of the capital. Not wanting to attract attention, he descended down and walked inside normally. At the same time, he sorted through the memories of the Jiang Chao, to not create any suspicion among others.

Finally, after a few twists and turns, he reached the front gate of Jiang Family. Just as he was about to enter, he felt a fluctuation in the air around him. as a powerful ESPer, he was susceptible to various spectrums surrounding the environment. Although this new world had a few more frequencies compared to the earth, he was still able to read and interact with them very easily.

Just now, he felt a disturbance in some lower frequencies, so getting curious he concentrated on it. Very soon he was able to grab hold of that unique frequency that was traveling somewhere.

[Chao's sighted at front gate]

The message contained above few words. After knowing the content of the message, he followed it to its receiving location with his senses, and finally found a secluded place where a very delicate discussion was taking place.

After listening to the content of the discussion, a smile crept up on his face. He found the main culprit behind that pitiful Chao's demise. But he didn't mind it, after all, he wasn't Chao nor did he owe anything to him. Besides, he won't be staying here for long, after gathering enough knowledge about this world, he would move on to observe this wide mystical world with his own eyes.

But if they dare to mess with him during his stay, then he won't be polite. But Jiang Jie was sure that they would surely find trouble with him. That's why he reminded himself to be mentally prepared for any unexpected moves.

After all, physically they can't cause any harm to him, even if he allowed them to.

Walking through the long corridors, Jiang Jie took in the view of the ancient style buildings. This type of structures could only be found in museums in the modern world he came from. His curious eyes took in every detail of the building that was going to be his base for sometime in future.

"Younger Brother, you seem to have returned from your little tryst. How was it?" a very smooth voice came from his front, pulling out of his reverie.

Jiang Jie noticed that the owner of the voice was a 27 years old man with a very handsome face and mild temperament. From his memories, Jiang Jie remembered that this person was the second elder brother of his and named, Jiang Ru. Although his temperament was mild and somewhat friendly, his heart was as vicious as a poisonous snake.

In the past, Jiang Chao always maintained a distance from this brother of his. But to the current Jiang Jie, he wasn't even worth lifting an eye. But to keep the cover, for the time being, he decided to play the part of Jiang Chao.

"Eldest brother! How come you are in the house at this time of the day?" completely mimicking Jiang Chao's way of talking, Jiang Jie asked.

"Haha! I have heard that little brother of mine had gone to grasslands, so I hurried along to see if you are back or not. It seems you are not hurt at all, what a relief." Towards the end, the man narrowed his eyes as he inspected Jiang Jie.

He was aware of the plan regarding Jiang Chao's demise, that was orchestrated by the first lady. Although he acts low key most of the time, he still had his spies running all over the place. It can be said that there were not many things happens in the capital that escapes his ear.

So how can a move so big escape his ear? That was the reason why he hurried along to home, to see the drama unfold. But who would have thought that upon arrival he would see an alive and kicking Jiang Chao walking through the corridor without a care in the world!