Jiang Family(2)

"Big brother must be joking. I haven't gone to any tryst, I was just moving around in the capital." Jiang Jie replied with a smile. He knew how Jiang Chao interacted with everyone, which save a lot of trouble for Jiang Jie as he was also the same. After all, the only similarity this Jiang Chao had except for their face was their intellect.

It saved him a lot of trouble, as it would be bad if he had to pretend to be a foolish character. It would be really bad if that happened. Being an ESPer means that their brains were so developed that it surpassed human standards. After all, an ESPer's power originates from their mind.

Even a low tier ESPer could have an IQ beyond 400, let alone him an ultimate level ESPer. It was terrible for him to pretend as someone from low leveled back in school, the feeling was same as when we try to imitate a monkey in public.

He really hated that.

After Meeting old man Ye, he discovered that in this world, people's brain develops according to their strength. And from his deductions after going through Chao's memories, he was sure any random cultivator from this world could have an IQ beyond 200.

Jiang Jie felt that actually, this is where he should belong.

"Really! I heard the family of that flower girl unexpectedly disappeared overnight!" Second young master Jiang Ru asked with his eyes narrowed. It was a probing question, to gauge his reaction.

"Hmm! They moved out yesterday night. They moved back to their village as their business was not going well here." Jiang Jie answered smoothly but also mixed in some sad tone in between to avoid suspicion.


"What's the meaning of this big brother? Why are you suddenly so curious about this matter? Did you perhaps know something?" Jie asked with his eyes narrowed.

When Jiang Ru heard his question, he complexion paled lightly. He snorted derisively, and with a swing of his sleeves, he left Jiang Jie alone. Inside Jiang mansion, nobody could defeat Jiang Chao when it came to world play. He had counter to everything and can trap anyone with his words alone.

His brothers, they weren't afraid of his strength, but when it came to intellect, they were very wary of him. It was the reason why the first wife of his father had to make an elaborate plan so that they could kill him.

Jiang Jie gave a mocking smirk behind Ru's back and went on his way towards the place where he knew the family library was at. Knowing this world was his first and foremost priority.

The Jiang family mansion was actually divided into many parts. There are resident blocks, here everyone belonging to Jiang family had their living quarters, then came the Martial Block. Needless to say, it didn't need an explanation. This block was the largest among all the other blocks as more than thousands of disciples of Jiang Family gather here every day to train with their skills. Not only that, but there was also an arena set up here, for the disciples to challenge each other. More than thousands of disciples use this arena every day, and hence it was the busiest of all places inside the Jiang Family.

Then came the Dining block. This block was one of the important blocks as the entire food supply was kept here. All the members of the Jiang family excluding the main family have their daily meals here. They were provided with nourishing meals that contained essential herbs that would help the disciples with their cultivations.

After it came the Recreation Block, actually this block was a huge well-maintained garden with various exotic plants and flowers. In the middle of the garden, there was a huge pond that has many beautiful fishes and clams. This block was used as a form of recreation for the disciples who wanted to have some free time from all these cultivation stuff. It was also a hotspot for young couples, showing their love and affection to each other.

After that came the Library Block. It was the second biggest after Martial Block. The whole block was filled with various small houses with each of them containing books on a certain topic. History, politics, Martial skills, cultivation Methods…everything was available here. It was also one of the most guarded places of the Jiang Family.

This was all Jiang Jie gathered from Jiang Chao's memories. So navigating wasn't a problem for him. He briskly made his way through the grounds of Jiang Family compound, enjoying the scenery. It reminded him of big universities back on the earth. The design was exactly the same.

It took him nearly half an hour to reach all the way at Library Block. After showing his identification, he entered and scanned the whole area for History and Geography sections.

"Ohh! Young master Chao! This old man greets young master Chao." Just as he was about to enter the geography section, an aged voice reached his ear. Looking back he found it came from a scholarly looking old man with a long beard. His eyes held unimaginable wisdom. He was Jiang Lei, a cultivator who lost his cultivation due to some enemy plot during the period of the previous patriarch.

Actually, the plot was set up for the patriarch himself, but unfortunately, this old man was visiting him that day and hence became an unknowing target. Although the patriarch was also affected, it was not to the extent of this Lei's condition where he lost his cultivation.

As an upright man, the previous patriarch couldn't bear the guilt and hence gave him the position of head librarian in the Jiang Family. The position of head librarian was a very high position, comparable to a core elder's status.

Jiang Lei always admired this third young master of the family. Although his cultivation was not to the mark, nobody can defeat him when it came to intellectuality and strategies. There were many times when he and this young master had secretly helped the empire to form strategies that could help them defeat some troublesome enemies. Except for the current patriarch, nobody knew about this secret.

Although in the family nobody belittle this young man, they also held no respect for him.

"This youngster has seen Elder Lei." Jiang Jie respectfully said, while cursing inside his heart. He really couldn't bear to be polite to anyone.

Endure! Endure! He kept reminding himself as he maintained a smile.

"HAha! No need to be polite to me. So what's the reason for you to be here? Got another task?" of course the task the old man asking about was the task given by the empire.

"No. I just wanted to know more about the world we live in, so I thought I should study some books."

"Heh! Really? Well, I have just the thing for you. Come with me." saying so, the old man entered the building with JJ following close behind.

After entering the place, JJ saw massive racks, with size as big as a two-storeyed building, filled to the brim with books. All type of books, some books are similar with just different authors. Although there were also big racks back on earth, none of them were as big as this one. Besides in the modern era, rarely anyone would buy a physical book. They would instead study the e-books available on the internet.