
While Jiang Jie was talking with the girl, the three old men who had been headbanged to each other, regained their consciousness. Looking around in puzzlingly they finally noticed the man who had gone to attack the girl, he was half embedded into a nearby tree with his butt sticking out. His life and death were unknown. As for the girl called fairy Wang, she was completely laying on the ground, surrounded by a rainbow colored qi with her hand grabbed by a weirdly dressed youth.

"Hey who are you? How dare to interfere in the matters of Poison Mist sect?" the old man who had kept silent for the most of time shouted in rage. But that's all he did, he didn't dare to go and attack. That sudden burst of pain and losing consciousness after, and now looking at the half-dead brother of their's, he finally understood something. Instead of rushing in he used his background to taste the waters.

These days, true experts love to prancing around in commoner's grab, recognizing them had become a chore to some. Who knew if this young man was one of such experts? They can't risk it.

When Wang Rong heard that man's voice, all her shyness were forgotten. She hastily got up and glared at the old men. Due to her hastiness, her hand was pulled out of Jiang Jie's hand, making the later curse at these old sticks. He was just enjoying his time exploring this soft hand, and these guys just have to butt in. Jiang Jie decided to properly teach these guys a lesson on reading the mood. Can't they see this young master is picking up girls?

"You dog old men! You dare to bully me, finding me weaker? This herb is found by me, how can you stake your claim on it? Your disciples are even brazen enough to force themselves on my junior sisters. It's fortunate that I was around, so I rescued them, or else who could have foreseen what would your despicable disciples did to them?" with righteous anger, Want Rong exploded cursing the old men. In the end, Jiang Jie found her curse vocabulary only contain dog old men, shameless fella and the like.

"Lies! You are slandering our reputation!" one of the old men raged in anger and shame. To be brought out their actions in front of an expert like that, they were really ashamed. On the other hand, Jiang Jie was busy with another thing.

'Hmm! Her vocabulary is really lacking. I will teach her later how to formally curse until one burst their own bowels.' Jiang Jie wasn't interested in their internal affairs. Whether these old men seek some treasure or not, he had no interest in them. To him, such treasures hold no value. He who was seeing everything on a higher-dimension point of view, how can a mere treasure of lower dimension want his attention. Besides, even if it were a treasure of higher dimension, he would still not desire it.

All ESPer needs were his brain.

"What? What blasphemy! You damn old stick! You dare to defile defenseless young women?" since he hadn't heard the anything except the last few sentences, he instantly raged in fake anger. For added effect, he made an illusion of fire raging behind him.

"Ahem! It's actually their disciples." Wang Rong couldn't help but cough and blushingly correct him. Jiang Jie realized his mistake, but he feigned like he didn't hear her and continued to glare at the old men.

Being cursed by junior several times younger than them, the old men's anger flared even more. Throwing caution to the wind, they decided to teach the brat a lesson. One of the flew out towards him with his right fist aiming high.

"You damn junior. Don't your parents teach you how to talk with elders?" the old man appeared in front of Jiang Jie in a flash and tried to punch him, but he found himself unable to move. He was struck in that punchin pose like a statue. Try as he might, he could move even an inch. Fear gripped his heart. He was a venerated Core Formation middle stage expert, but he was rendered motionless from just a casual stare by this youngster. Just how powerful he was? What was his true cultivation?

"What my parents taught me is none of your business, but for you to attack me like that…you need punishment." Jiang Jie coldly said. The topic of his patients was a taboo for him. He who had never seen his parents and had always thought of them abandoning him had a wave of hidden anger towards them. But he never tried using his powers to find it out, he always had a shred of fear of rejection in his heart.

As he said so, his body glowed with rainbow colored energy as he gently placed his index finger and middle finger on the still man's forehead. Like in the case of Wang Rong, the rainbow energy traveled from his body and coated the old man like an aura. Then as if possessed, his eyes lost focus and his body freed from the bind. He then modestly turned around and with a loud shout charged towards the remaining two old men.

"Second brother! What happened? What did that brat do to you? Why are you attacking us? Calm down first, second brother." One of the old men shouted while trying to dodge the attacks of the man.

"Shut up you bastard! You damn scoundrel, how dare you make a cuckold out of me?" the man surrounded by rainbow light shouted in rage. The unfocused eyes of his had become large in rage and betrayal. He couldn't believe that his own brother would betray him behind his back and had an affair with one of his recently acquired concubines.

"What are you talking about? When did I make you a cuckold? Brother, come to your sense!" the old man gritted his teeth as he blocked the punch with his palm, but still forced to back away from the force. He was also a middle stage Core formation expert, but his power is lower than this second


"Hmph! Who are you trying to swindle? The fourth brother had seen it. He was the one who told me and even showed me the proof. You bastard, here I thought of you as a real brother! AAHHH!!" he shouted in rage as his body enveloped in white thunder energy, he clenched his fist and sent a furious punch at the other.

Only the first brother remained clearheaded as he stared wide-eyed at Jiang Jie, never expecting him to have such a vicious method to deal with them. He could tell that his brother wasn't brainwashed, but there was something else done to him. He couldn't understand what, but that thing had made his second brother believe that third brother had committed taboo with his treasured concubine.

On the other hand, Wang Rong also staring at the weird spectacle with wide eyes. She hadn't expected such a change. As a core formation stage herself, she was extremely perspective towards soul fluctuations. But the old man had none, this means he wasn't brainwashed, but why would he?

Exactly what this young man had done to him?

For some reason, she started to feel both fear and veneration towards this man who had saved her at her time of need.