I will walk you home!

"Okay, now these old men would busy for a while. Young lady, can I have the honor of knowing your name?" Jiang Jie adorned a courteous persona and respectfully said like what he had seen in all those ancient themed dramas.

"Ah! I am sorry for not introducing myself sooner. My self is Wang Rong, a true disciple of Blue Winter sect. I sincerely thank you for protecting me." Wnag Rong blushed prettily and introduced herself. She also didn't forget to add her status to make the man impress with him even more. In a sect, a true disciple holds absolute power below the sect leader and core elders. For her to become a true disciple at such a young age, it speaks volumes about her cultivation talent. Of course, it had nothing to do with Jiang Jie, and neither he knew what a cultivation talent is.

Smiling lightly, he clapped his hands and said "Wow! Junior sister Rong, you are talented. For you to become a true disciple at such an age, I truly shocked!" of course although he didn't know what a cultivation talent, he had still all the memories of old monster Ye. From his memories, he was able to conclude that a true disciple is a very lofty rank in a sect. As for sect, they are like organizations that work openly. It was like a gathering of these superpowered people, they would be provided with an atmosphere to grow even stronger while accomplishing several missions in the secular world. This thing was exactly similar to a certain organization back on Earth.

"Hehe! Thank you!" Wang Rong blushed bright red as she shyly looked down, not daring to look at his face. From ancient times, beauties would always fall for heroes, and many of them would always have a dream of being a damsel in distress, rescued by a handsome prince. Wang Rong's situation just now fit perfectly to those fantasies, making the girl even more shy. She also had such fantasies once.

"So! What will you do? where is this Blue Winter Sect?" Jiang Jie asked. He didn't know where she lives, for him to chase girls, he first had to know where she lives after all. He knew she wouldn't stay with him since she was being pursued like this, there must be something important going on with her sect. But Jiang Jie also planned to leave this place, so he thought of going to her sect after he amasses enough knowledge. In fact, it would have been better if he follows her now, but remembering her and the old men's conversation when they were pursuing her, he realized this girl's sect might have faced some calamity. If he follows her now, he might be pulled into some useless fights that he had no interest to get himself involved with.

The only reason he came to this world was to enjoy the fantasy atmosphere, chase after girls and fight powerful cultivators. For that to happen, he first needs to know everything in an unbiased point of view. He also had some work to do back in Jiang mansion.

"Blue Winter sect is to the north from here, absolutely 500 miles. Its located near Winter County of Crysta Kingdom." Wang Rong happily supplied the address. She thought this expert was asking because he wanted to go with her.

"Oh! I see, then, beautiful lady; let's go. It's already this late. It's absolutely wrong for a girl to go back alone. I will be going with you." Jiang Jie treated this as a stroll. Like he was sending his girlfriend back home when she had come over. Anyone who heard this will have his ears cleaned because here was someone who was treating the road back to sect like a normal stroll. Even Wang Rong couldn't believe him. It's absolutely crazy.

Although she said the road was on a straight line, there were many perils in the way. Danger zones, wild beasts, occasional robbers, natural disaster, anything can happen within this 500 mile, how can someone treat it as nothing? Besides, this young man might only be at peak stage Golden core cultivator, how can he treat it so casually. The reverence in her heart diminished as a trace of ridicule appeared in her eyes. She immediately pegged Jiang Jie to be a boastful individual who was unaware of the immensity of heaven and earth.

Not knowing that he had already offended the pretty woman, Jiang Jie continued to smile. In the background, the three old men also continued their life and death fight, with one attacking and two defending. Looking at them, Wang Rong felt her heart lighten a little bit. These old men were a little too shameless just a few hours ago, chasing her all the way to here. As it stands she was unaware if they reached sect unharmed or not, she was afraid that shameless fella would attack them on the way. She knew her fellow brothers and sisters were all powerful cultivators, but currently, Blue Winter Sect's situation was a little tricky, making the confidence of the disciples all-time low.

With such low confidence, they couldn't even bring out their 50% let alone fight at 100%, as such she was very afraid of them being bullied. A few also had never left the sect and dealt with such a cruel situation, as such it was all the more dangerous for them. Shaking her head to clear all the distracting thoughts, she looked at the smiling young man whose cultivation she couldn't tell. Although she thought he was a boastful man, still, it was clear that he was powerful and also had saved her in time. So she decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. At most, she would have another companion walking with her. There was no harm in that, using her status, she could even provide him with a place inside her sect for a few days.

"Okay! Let's go." She nodded her head. the things she had with her was very important. Life and death of her sect depend upon this single treasure. So she couldn't waste any more time. As much as she wanted to talk and get to know this man better, she was simply hardpressed on time. Using her Qi, she slowly started to fly but was stopped when her hand was grabbed by Jiang Jie.

"Wha-what are you doing?" it was so sudden that she wasn't prepared enough for it, making her falter and fall directly to the waiting arms of Jiang Jie. With a face brighter than apples, she shyly looked down, and with a hint of anger and helplessness she asked: "What are you doing?"

"Junior sister Rong, didn't I told you that I would walk you home? How could I go back in my words? Now hold on tight!" with one mighty leap, seven colored light surrounded him as he barreled towards the direction of the sect. His speed soon crossed Mach 5, and it showed no sign of slowing.

To Wang Rong, this comes with a huge shock. The speed Jiang Jie was traveling with couldn't possible unless one reached Nascent soul stage. She knew it because the body of a Core formation stage wasn't powerful enough to handle the air pressure when they travel at this speed. Even the magic beast of same cultivation wouldn't dare to travel at this speed, and their bodies were many times stronger than humans.

Seeing this, Wang Rong could only reassess this young man in her heart. She was no longer sure of his cultivation base, the earlier conjecture of him being a late stage Core formation expert was ruthlessly smashed and thrown out of the window.